I took a quick look... I have a bunch to say.
So the first thing I noticed is that Merlot has 13 Units next to Nabaxica and Mavericks have 3 units 2 tiles away for a total of 16 units in striking range of the city.
We have 17 defenders, so even assuming that they attacked and won EVERY battle (impossible), they would still not take the city. Also, with a full strength Elephant and 3 full strength Xbows (one with City Defense II) I think they would have to be very foolish to attack the city. If they do great, but I think they will just try to camp outside it in the jungle, and retreat with their Mav stack, or try to invade Anjennida. Either way, I think Nabaxica is safe from capture for at least the next couple of turns as long as all the defenders stay put.
Our Great Person comes out in 3 turns. Right now it is 64% for a Spy so there is at least a decent chance that it will be an engineer
. What Wonder will we get if it is the engineer? EDIT{deleted}... Ill just put this in the Wonder Woman Thread
We WILL have triple promoted mounted, infantry AND naval units after we settle the 2 GGs.
If we get another GG from Merlots attacking us at Nabaxica, and settle it in Otreta too, we will have QUATRO promoted mounted units with this setup
That is even better news. We could also build a couple stables to preserve the mounted promotions even after we switch out of Theocracy, but I wouldnt want stables until after the libraries are built, we probably need the
points from scientists more than the promotions. On the other hand, we are building Elephants, so maybe stables would be useful...
... I guess as long as we are in Theocracy, stables can wait.
Will we switch to Vassalage when we get Feudalism? Would it be beneficial/ worth it? I think so, but maybe we should discuss.
Depending on what Merlots do the next turn, and how close they will be to teching feudalism, so we can get the known-civ-have-this-tech bonus from Merlots and Mavericks or we can just steal from them. We dont need too much money for upgrades now, so we can start teching if we so desire.
Merlot is teching Compass and Mavs are teching Engineering, which leads me to believe that they do not intend to use the Engineer to bulb Engineering... why waste beakers teching towards it if you are going to bulb it? Both enemy civs seem to be stockpiling gold anyway as their tech times are both in the hundreds of turns.
If their culture pops, we just gift them our settler, they found the city and then gift us the city.
Good point. I did not think of that.
Please, comment on my notes about number and location of cities on Martathon.
IIRC I raised the question about whether everyone was OK with 2metra deciding the city locations on Marthaton and I think everyone said yes. I think I also asked if folks were OK with the settlement locations in the Anjennida settlement agreement that Sirius was pushing and everyone said yes.
Technically we are supposed to poll city locations, but I just figured that with only a few participants it might just be a little redoundant. Anyway... I guess I could just post a quick poll on both questions now just to make it official, since you have mentioned it a few times. A poll might be fun
... We havent done one of those in quite a while
MHI is crawling with Maces and Merlot seems to be building Maces in all their cities. Most of their defenders on MHI are Maces. For this reason, I think we should go back to building Xbows. Right now, 2 Galleon full of Xbows could probably capture the dungeoun. I think we should still finish the Elephants we are building for sure, but I think the bulk of the invasion force should be catapults and Xbows.
Last but not least... I would really, really, really like to build a Caravel next in SilCon Valley when the Xbow finishes. The mission of this Caravel would be to patrol back and forth in the deep ocean off our Northwest Coast. Why?
Because now that all the ETTT has Galleons, we should be on the lookout for a suprise
move from one of our allies.
If any of them invaded DI now, we would be elimminated with almost no resistance what so ever. The ice-encased design of the Map means that the highest probablility of a suprise naval invasion would come from the Northwest, most likely Sirius, as the only othe way would be to sail all the way around Merlot's land. The way it would probably happen, is we would see Galleons congregating Northwest of us, just outside our view.
That is why a Caravel is perfect... Caravels are non-threatening, because they can carry no units, and are easily explained as an exploring unit, perhaps we are looking for channels through the ice or islands with resources...
All we have to do is make sure that if we spot a Sirius Galleon, for example, that we withdraw our Caravel, so that they dont know that we saw it. That way we can be prepared for the sneak attack without them even knowing we are ready. I know this is cloak and dagger talk, but I think the small investment of one sentry caravel to patrol the Northwest Sea is a good investment to prevent the possibility of catastrophic suprise invasion.