There are up to nine opinion modifiers that can be triggered by your World Congress votes.
1. They liked / disliked our proposal to the World Congress.
Based on your most recent proposal that the AI cared about (desire is
not NEUTRAL). A positive modifier will remove any previous negative modifier and vice versa. The AI will not consider proposals that were made while they were dead.
If the proposal is to sanction the AI, the maximum penalty
(-60) is applied. If the proposal is to repeal sanctions against the AI, the maximum bonus
(+60) is applied.
Otherwise, the AI will score the proposal based on how much it helps or harms its own interests - you can see the values for this by mousing over the proposal with Transparent Diplomacy enabled - and apply the appropriate bonus or penalty.
- Worse than -2500: OVERWHELMING DISLIKE (-60)
- -1001 to -2500: STRONG DISLIKE (-45)
- -251 to -1000: DISLIKE (-30)
- -51 to -250: WEAK DISLIKE (-15)
- Between -50 and 50: NEUTRAL (skip)
- 51 to 250: WEAK LIKE (+15)
- 251 to 1000: LIKE (+30)
- 1001 to 2500: STRONG LIKE (+45)
- Better than 2500: OVERWHELMING LIKE (+60)
The modifier's weight is increased by 34% if the AI's default Primary or Secondary Victory Pursuit is Diplomatic Victory, or if their UA grants them bonuses to diplomacy. It lasts for 50 turns from the turn it was proposed, with the duration modified by up to +/- 50% based on the AI's WorkWithWillingness flavor - if positive - or WorkAgainstWillingness flavor - if negative.
2. We [previously] passed / foiled their proposal to the World Congress.
This one is based on what % of the votes that contributed to the outcome were yours. Any traded votes for the opposite outcome are subtracted. However, the AI will also remember what you did in previous votes (with some time decay), so if you are solely responsible for their previous proposal failing, and then put one vote in favor of their new proposal, you may still have a penalty.
If you vote against a proposal and it passes regardless or vice versa, you won't receive an additional bonus or penalty here, but the voting history modifier will still apply.
"Support Value" ranges between -100 and +100. Each time you help pass or foil one of the AI's proposals, the % of the votes that were yours will be added (if you passed it) or subtracted (if you foiled it) to this value.
If Support Value is positive, you get +10 to start. For each 1 Support Value, you get +1 to Opinion, maxing out at an additional +50 (for 50 Support Value or more). If it is negative, you get -10 to start, and -1 to Opinion for each -1 Support Value (maxing out at -50).
The modifier's weight is increased by 67% if the AI's default Primary or Secondary Victory Pursuit is Diplomatic Victory, or if their UA grants them bonuses to diplomacy.
Where this modifier gets complicated is with regards to duration. Whenever the current value is updated, it will be adjusted for time decay before the update occurs. The modifier lasts for 50 turns after the turn the proposal passes or fails, +/- up to 50% based on WorkWithWillingness or WorkAgainstWillingness.
However, the AI also keeps track of the turn on which you last foiled or last supported their proposal, whichever is more recent. If your most recent action is supporting them, but Support Value is negative, the decay of the negative value will be sped up if the AI's Forgiveness is above 5. Likewise, if your most recent action is opposing them, but Support Value is positive, the decay of the positive value will be sped up if the AI's Neediness is above 5.
3. We helped them become / remain the host of the World Congress.
This functions similarly to supporting the AI's proposals. You get +20 to start, and up to +50 extra based on how many votes in favor of them were from you, with each 1% of the vote giving you +1 Opinion, maxing out at 50.
The modifier's weight is increased by 50% if the AI's default Primary or Secondary Victory Pursuit is Diplomatic Victory, or if their UA grants them bonuses to diplomacy. It lasts for 50 turns from the turn they become the host, with the duration modified by up to +/- 50% based on the AI's WorkWithWillingness flavor.
4. We [tried to place / placed] sanctions on them in the World Congress.
This penalty is applied to the proposer of sanctions against a civ when they make the proposal. At voting time, it is also applied to everyone who voted in favor of the sanctions, and (unless they changed their mind and voted against) the proposer.
One vote in favor is required to apply the penalty, unless you're the proposer in which case one vote against is required to prevent it from being applied again. Traded votes for the opposite outcome are subtracted, as usual.
The modifier is
-50. It is doubled if the AI's default Primary or Secondary Victory Pursuit is Diplomatic Victory, or if their UA grants them bonuses to diplomacy. It is halved if the player has
never succeeded in sanctioning the AI. These two multipliers stack with each other.
The modifier lasts 50 turns (refreshed every time the penalty is applied again). The duration is modified by up to +/- 50% based on the AI's Meanness (if the player has
ever succeeded in sanctioning the AI) or WorkAgainstWillingness if it was unsuccessful.
If the sanction proposal is successful, a permanent diplo penalty marker is applied with this AI to everyone who voted in favor (and the proposer, unless they voted against). This significantly harms relations with that AI. Only capitulation and resurrection remove this penalty, and only for the master's/liberator's team.
All of these penalties are applied in the exact same way if you vote against a repeal proposal aiming to remove the sanctions. Successfully foiling the repeal proposal also applies the permanent penalty.
5. We [tried to free / freed] them from sanctions in the World Congress.
This functions identically to proposals and votes on placing sanctions, with the following exceptions:
- The modifier is a +50 bonus instead of a penalty.
- It is not applied to anyone who has the permanent diplo penalty for sanctioning the AI.
- The duration is modified by up to +/- 50% based on the AI's Loyalty (if the player has ever succeeded in repealing sanctions against the AI) or WorkWithWillingness if it was unsuccessful.
- A permanent diplo bonus is applied when successfully repealing sanctions, which significantly improves relations with that AI. This bonus is not applied to anyone who has the permanent diplo penalty, and (as of 4.17.6) anyone who receives the permanent penalty has the permanent bonus removed.
- If you propose to enact sanctions against the AI, and then vote against it, you won't receive a diplo bonus - you just won't get an additional penalty, or the permanent penalty (as of 4.17.6).
6. Your votes supported / opposed their civ's interests in the World Congress.
This one is the most complicated, and also the most impactful. Every vote is considered regardless of whether or not the proposal passes or fails, and there is no time decay for this modifier. Traded votes for the opposite outcome are subtracted, as usual.
The first factor is Desire Multiplier. This is
+400 for a proposal to repeal sanctions against the AI, and
-400 for a proposal to pass sanctions against the AI. Otherwise, it is determined based on the AI's scoring of the proposal in favor of their own interests.
- Worse than -2500: OVERWHELMING DISLIKE (-400)
- -1001 to -2500: STRONG DISLIKE (-300)
- -251 to -1000: DISLIKE (-200)
- -51 to -250: WEAK DISLIKE (-100)
- Between -50 and 50: NEUTRAL (0)
- 51 to 250: WEAK LIKE (+100)
- 251 to 1000: LIKE (+200)
- 1001 to 2500: STRONG LIKE (+300)
- Better than 2500: OVERWHELMING LIKE (+400)
Exception: If the AI is the proposer and their desire multiplier for their own proposal is negative (the AI has changed their mind, or they proposed something but didn't like any options), Desire Multiplier is set to 0, so no bonus or penalty will be awarded to anyone regardless of how they voted.
The second factor is Percentage of Player Votes (what % of your votes you dedicated to that outcome). If you have only a single vote and dedicate it to helping a favorable proposal pass, that's viewed significantly more favorably than if you have 20 and only dedicate one.
The third factor is Percentage of Outcome Votes (what % of the Aye or Nay votes - whichever outcome you voted more for - were yours). If you were 10 out of 14 Nay votes, that's viewed as a lot more significant than if you only contributed 2 out of 30 Nay votes.
Change to Voting History Score = (Percentage of Player Votes + (2 * Percentage of Outcome Votes)) * Desire Multiplier / 100. The maximum change to score from a single vote is +/- 1200, although a lower value is much more likely.
The Voting History Score is capped between -2400 and 2400. For every 40 Voting History Score, you get +1 to Opinion if positive, or -1 to Opinion if negative, maxing out at +/- 60. The modifier's weight is doubled if the AI's default Primary or Secondary Victory Pursuit is Diplomatic Victory, or if their UA grants them bonuses to diplomacy.
If the Voting History Score is negative, it is reset to 0 upon capitulation or liberation (only for the master's/liberator's team).