- Fixed crashes from failed assertions
Fixed a crash when a City-State tries to evaluate the diplomatic implications of creating a dig site for an artifact
Fixed two crashes involving vassal taxes
- Fixed masters receiving negative taxes if a vassal's income goes into the red
- Fixed some issues with the backstabber flag in Diplomacy AI
- Fixed an issue that's been bothering me for 5.5 years: AI not disbanding diplomatic units if there are no City-States in the game
(Also City-States will now disband them too if they have them somehow)
- When vassals refuse a demand from another civ because of their master's protection, they now have unique text for this
It now also awards a diplomatic bonus to the master for protecting them, scaling with how strong the demander is relative to the vassal
This bonus cannot make the value exceed 50% of maximum vassal protection bonus
AI will now avoid making demands of vassals if they think the vassal will refuse due to the master's protection, but their estimate has some deliberate inaccuracy to allow it to still happen (no cheating)
- Made further tweaks to the "league alignment" calculation in World Congress AI, mainly for vassals
Each mutual friend, mutual DP or denounced enemy now adds 1 to alignment (maxing out at 2 to 4 depending on WorkWithWillingness)
Each DoF with an enemy, DP with an enemy or denounced friend now subtracts 1 from alignment (maxing out at 2 to 4 depending on WorkAgainstWillingness)
Vassals now don't care about their master's religion or ideology
DoF bonus for *capitulated* vassals with their master is now +1 (not +1 to +3) and doesn't apply if untrustworthy
DP bonus now doesn't apply if untrustworthy
Vassals will now apply an extra penalty to alignment (-2) if you stole from them, if you denounced them, or if you declared war on them while they were your vassal previously
If any of these extra penalties apply, or if you're untrustworthy, voluntary vassals will now treat the master (for their treatment assessment factor) as if they were capitulated
Protecting a vassal now adds 1 to alignment if it's at least 20% of the max bonus, and +2 if it's over 50%
Not protecting a vassal now subtracts 1 from alignment if it's at least 20% of the max penalty, and -2 if it's over 50% (this also counts as an extra penalty for bad treatment)
Content vassals that have a positive opinion modifier for good treatment now add an extra +1 to alignment with their master
Mistreated voluntary vassals now have a -2 penalty to alignment (was 0)
Unhappy voluntary vassals now have a -4 penalty to alignment (was -2)
Enslaved voluntary vassals now have a -6 penalty to alignment (was -4)
Mistreated capitulated vassals now have a -3 penalty to alignment (was -2)
Unhappy capitulated vassals now have a -5 penalty to alignment (was -3)
Enslaved capitulated vassals now have a -7 penalty to alignment (was -5)
The aim here is to make how much a vassal likes you primarily reflective of how you're treating them
- The diplomacy bonus for creating a Trade Route is now equivalent to the bonus for giving the same amount of GPT to the AI
Culture and Science are valued as giving 4 GPT in Ancient, 3 GPT in Classical, 2 GPT in Medieval and 1 GPT thereafter