Detective Agent
Did you use Load String Database to load the .gsd file and resave the .gr2 file before exporting to .nb2? You'll need to do that otherwise the bones names won't be in place. You can check the resaved .gr2 in Granny Viewer and .nb2 for bones names to see if everything is OK.
Also .na2 (Animation) import only works with Blender 2.49.
No, I haven't done that, I was following your tutorial of 2016, and didn't see this specific action. I will try it out and see what happens.
For the Berserker Model from Denmark, I assume I need to load denmarkmodels_stringdatabase.gsd from the resource folder through the Nexus Buddy?
EDIT: Still nothing happening, even though I loaded the String Database in Nexuy Buddy and resaved the .gr2 files.
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