Unit Request Thread

Did you use Load String Database to load the .gsd file and resave the .gr2 file before exporting to .nb2? You'll need to do that otherwise the bones names won't be in place. You can check the resaved .gr2 in Granny Viewer and .nb2 for bones names to see if everything is OK.

Also .na2 (Animation) import only works with Blender 2.49.

No, I haven't done that, I was following your tutorial of 2016, and didn't see this specific action. I will try it out and see what happens.

For the Berserker Model from Denmark, I assume I need to load denmarkmodels_stringdatabase.gsd from the resource folder through the Nexus Buddy?

EDIT: Still nothing happening, even though I loaded the String Database in Nexuy Buddy and resaved the .gr2 files.
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EDIT: Still nothing happening, even though I loaded the String Database in Nexuy Buddy and resaved the .gr2 files.

Does your .nb2 file have bone names at the bottom?
Do you mean in Blender?

Here is the resaved .gr2, exported .nb2 and .blend file for Blender 2.49. Hopefully this will help you work out which step went wrong for you.



Thanks for the resaved and extracted Berserker model, Deliverator!

So I tried following Civitar's 3D Converting Tutorial for making the Great Saiyaman OBJ Model Civ 5 compatible, but the armature isn't working with the mesh despite having bone weighted them, and the texture is all black when trying to view it in the UV/Image Editor.
What went wrong? Sorry for being such a helpless noob in this mess :crazyeye::confused:
So I tried following Civitar's 3D Converting Tutorial for making the Great Saiyaman OBJ Model Civ 5 compatible, but the armature isn't working with the mesh despite having bone weighted them, and the texture is all black when trying to view it in the UV/Image Editor.
What went wrong? Sorry for being such a helpless noob in this mess :crazyeye::confused:

The Materials and Texture won't be hooked up automatically. You'll have to do that yourself if you want it to display in Blender. The UV coordinates are imported by the script so it's quick to do.

For later Blender but same process applies to Blender 2.49:
Hi! I've been told to ask mods that involve models here.

I play with an excellent mod called Ethnic Units, but I find the lack of ethnic replacements for regular musketman a bit sad... there are some UU are some like Oromo (Ethiopia), but that's not the point. Thus, I'd like to respectfully request for a small mod in this regard. Bit since asking unique muskets for every civ would be abusing you good will, I limit my request to the following units:

- Mediterranean musketman: a Roman themed model, to be applied for Rome, Byzantium, Greece and maybe Carthage and Egypt. Inspirational images in the spoiler:

Spoiler :

- Mesoamerican musketman: an Aztec themed model, to be applied for Aztecs, Incas and Mayans (I know this in not accurate, but...)

Spoiler :
Almost 01 hour searching the internet and this is the only image I could find... to exactly what I hoped for...

- Eastern musketman: a Chinese model, to be applied for China, Korea, Mongolia, Siam and maybe Indonesia.

Spoiler :

Japan would need an exclusive model... thought who makes musketman with them, if the have kick ass samurai? Unless Japanese pikes (and only Japanese!) changed to upgrade into muskets...

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Just to be sure, if all else fails, I'd really love the Roman Musketman, even if only for Rome.
I wonder if it would be terribly difficult to put a gatling gun on top of an elephant?
Spoiler :


Humankind gave Siam a Gatling Elephant, I wonder if something could be added for civ 5?
I wonder if it would be terribly difficult to put a gatling gun on top of an elephant?
Spoiler :


Humankind gave Siam a Gatling Elephant, I wonder if something could be added for civ 5?

The longstanding discourse has been that putting a gun on top of an elephant model just isn't possible, because animation reasons or smth such. Since I believe the Siam mod which was held up over the idea for the best part of 5 years has been released, you'll either find a model there or my vague memory will be confirmed.

Also part of this discussion is the point that said guns atop said elephants were never fired while atop said elephants, so any such elephant-mounted guns are merely for transport or spectacle and have not been used in history.
Requesting the following units, if anyone is able to do so, maybe in the future I'll try to import them myself but don't have time for it right now:

The Japanese Musketman from here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/resources/new-japaneses-units.12856/

Japanese warship, bune, atakebune, but I don't have models to draw from for this.
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