Units can move over mountains trait?


Oct 8, 2017
            <Where TerrainType="TERRAIN_GRASS_MOUNTAIN" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_FEB_CARTHAGE"/>
            <Set MovementCost="5" Impassable="0" DefenseModifier="3" />
            <Where TerrainType="TERRAIN_PLAINS_MOUNTAIN" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_FEB_CARTHAGE"/>
            <Set MovementCost="5" Impassable="0" DefenseModifier="3" />
            <Where TerrainType="TERRAIN_DESERT_MOUNTAIN" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_FEB_CARTHAGE"/>
            <Set MovementCost="5" Impassable="0" DefenseModifier="3" />
            <Where TerrainType="TERRAIN_TUNDRA_MOUNTAIN" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_FEB_CARTHAGE"/>
            <Set MovementCost="5" Impassable="0" DefenseModifier="3" />
            <Where TerrainType="TERRAIN_SNOW_MOUNTAIN" CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_FEB_CARTHAGE"/>
            <Set MovementCost="5" Impassable="0" DefenseModifier="3" />

Looked at the "Passable Mountains" mod, so credits to the creators!
Anyways, it does work without the CivilizationType, but even if it would work, everyone could do it! (i think)

So my question is how to make only one civilization able to move on mountains.

Thanks in advance!
Table Terrains has no column called CivilizationType, so you cannot just jam it in there and expect it to work. The only way you'd be able to accomplish this is probably via a unit ability that is given to a specific leader's or civilization's units via a Trait that Leader or Civilization has. But I'm not sure there's a modifier-type that allows units to cross impassable terrain.

and yes, when using Donald's Passable Mountains mod, every player can enter mountain tiles because the mountain tiles themselves are no longer set to be impassable.
Table Terrains has no column called CivilizationType, so you cannot just jam it in there and expect it to work. The only way you'd be able to accomplish this is probably via a unit ability that is given to a specific leader's or civilization's units via a Trait that Leader or Civilization has. But I'm not sure there's a modifier-type that allows units to cross impassable terrain.

and yes, when using Donald's Passable Mountains mod, every player can enter mountain tiles because the mountain tiles themselves are no longer set to be impassable.
Thank you for the response.
Leugi's Jose de San Martin has an LUA allowing Mounted Units to move through Mountains. I'm not sure it works but you could take a look.
From the Cartography effect:


You'll have to test the specifics, but I'd assume that's the only way to do it.
From the Cartography effect:


You'll have to test the specifics, but I'd assume that's the only way to do it.
oOOh. Thank you. Looks like I can use this to other things too!
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