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Version 1.7 feedback

Yes, that is the current implementation. Your suggestion to rebuild the list from scratch by looping all the cities in the game and looking for all these buildings would solve this problem. I suppose that completing a landing stage building is infrequent enough that building the list from scratch would not hurt the runtime too much; I will try that out. There is a middle approach involving detecting the destruction of a contract building and re-adding its UR to the list as available; but there is no onBuildingDestroyed callback, and faking it seems risky.

If each of the contract buildings has a different building class (I don't see how they couldn't), you don't have to loop over all the cities in python, just all the players. The CyPlayer class has a getBuildingClassCount method.
I tried out 1.7, and wow. It has really improved.

Thanks. :)

A minor thing, but Irulan shouldn't be charismatic. In the books it says she is rather quiet and boring.

You're probably right. It's so easy to get good-looking and charismatic confused, but they are definitely different things. ;)

Ix has too 'techy' music. Perhaps something more Industrial and less electronic. Its not until Heretics that it is revealed Ix is building thinking machines IIRC.

Well, we have to take some liberties to keep the mod interesting and playable, so the Ix theme is war machines and vehicles. We can't have all the Houses just being aristocratic...

I don't know if you need a theme for the Harkonnenns, but perhaps them staining the enviroment would work. My rational for that is in the Great Revolt books, Giedi Prime is decribed as being a verdant paradise, but by the time of the House books, Geidi Prime is decribed as a land of oil streaked sky and polution. So perhaps they get more benefit out of resources but eventualy those resources dissapear (with a popup letting you know in advanced) forcing you to go on the offensive to get more resources. It seems to fit the Harkonnen idea of 'use it then lose it.'

I think this is quite interesting. The Harkonnens could use some more rounding out as a faction. I have recently finished Children of Dune and it does mention that peak spice production on Arrakis was under the Harkonnens. It might be good to capture this 'suck the planet dry', exploitative streak. Having blackened polluted terrain might be visually interesting, but I wonder whether the game would stay interesting for the Harkonnen player if there terrain gradually degrades. Perhaps greater spice productivity at some other expense (more unhappy population or Fremen revolts?) could be part of their unique abilities?
Charismatic is the least useful of all the traits in this game, at least when played by me (not warlike till late). There are enough happiness resources around and the culture dial is always available; and XP for winning battles doesn't really factor in until late anyway.
Maybe the Harkonnens can get a coin bonus when working spice (since they have no economic strength other than the Baron's Organized trait). I'm waiting until the new patch is out, since slaves are now automatically killed when they are captured. :(
"Suck the planet dry" is interesting, and polluting terrain is interesting. For Hark, we currently have slaves, the Inkvine Regiment, the Devastator tank, and the Slave Pit for whipping. Previous suggestions include an artillery unit, a traitor unit, a splash effect missile, and a barracks which gives +mil prod instead of experience. We also discussed adding a "sacrifice" button to the slave, but I am uncertain how to make the AI trade this off effectively.

An easy way to model pollution is with city unhealth. Perhaps a UB factory with higher output and higher unhealth? Maybe a mine variant, which gives hammers but reduces water output in adjacent plots? (I don't think there is a direct way to do "unique improvements", but a UU worker with one extra build mission would probably work.) Having some kind of grey cloud around the mine would be cool.
We also discussed adding a "sacrifice" button to the slave, but I am uncertain how to make the AI trade this off effectively.

One of the interesting-sounding features of the White Lies Black Ops Mod (which I haven't actually tried yet) are hostages:
Hostages, which may be taken when attacking a city or pillaging certain improvements. Hostages can be publicly executed (driving up war weariness in the target civ), sold back or put to work in work camps.

I'm interested to know how in particular the execution->war weariness and work camp options work. These sound like they could add theme to the Harkonnen. ooggbboo has released the source code for the WLBO mod in this post which might be worth looking at.

Cool! It is amazing how much stuff is out there on civfanatics that I never came across before. I found the v 3.17 thread also. There is not much hard information on the forum about how all the stuff works, so it would be hard to pick apart. But, I will put this on my list of things to try.
The "shadow diplomacy" and Diplomat unit missions might be interesting too.
End Turn: Game locks up/hangs at waiting for other civilizations and never advances to the next turn

Civ version
Dune Wars version 1.7.1


  • Sable AD-13471.CivBeyondSwordSave
    436.9 KB · Views: 69
Thanks for letting us know. I can reproduce this, and I am not sure what is wrong. Do you get hangs on multiple games, or is this the only time you have had the problem? The only thing different I notice about your game is that it has two Bene Gesserit civs. However, I don't have any reason to think this is the cause.
I had a weird problem playing as Ix, that i didn't find reported.
I think it might have to do with the option to allow you to make multiple units per turn if your production allows it.
In my capitol i had alt+queued Hardened Blades + Vult Throps, i could produce one every 1-2 turns with my hammers, and had a rally point to another city. Then suddenly one turn instead of the usual throp getting to the city, a huge stack of about 3 throps and 3 swords got there. Troops that i DIDN'T have. Then every turn after that, instead of making the normal troops, any and all troops i alt+queued on my capitol were being cloned like that, making a giant army out of thin air and moving it to the rally point.

After 5 or so turns the game either hangs or get's stuck at waiting for other civs after i press end turn.

Also the stuck at waiting for other civs problem happened twice with me, with both 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 patches


  • Rekiem Ix - modver1.7.1 weird bug.CivBeyondSwordSave
    493.9 KB · Views: 75
Then suddenly one turn instead of the usual throp getting to the city, a huge stack of about 3 throps and 3 swords got there.

That is very weird. In your custom game options screen, there are a number of options, you have to scroll down to see all of them. The multiple production option is near the bottom. Is it turned on or off? When you switch from one mod to another sometimes unexpected options get turned on. I cannot think of any reason for this behavior, unless multiple production has some kind of huge bug which happens even when it is turned off. I am not sure how to remove this from the code. But on the multiple production modcomp thread, there is no mention of any such problem.

Also the stuck at waiting for other civs problem happened twice with me, with both 1.7.0 and 1.7.1 patches

Thanks for letting us know. This is disappointing. I am able to run a full set of Pick Your Leader games, 9 games of 9 civs each, a full 500 turns with no hang. I will try to investigate what is wrong.
That is very weird. In your custom game options screen, there are a number of options, you have to scroll down to see all of them. The multiple production option is near the bottom. Is it turned on or off? When you switch from one mod to another sometimes unexpected options get turned on. I cannot think of any reason for this behavior, unless multiple production has some kind of huge bug which happens even when it is turned off. I am not sure how to remove this from the code. But on the multiple production modcomp thread, there is no mention of any such problem.

Thanks for letting us know. This is disappointing. I am able to run a full set of Pick Your Leader games, 9 games of 9 civs each, a full 500 turns with no hang. I will try to investigate what is wrong.

I ran the game directly from desktop into dune wars via mod=\Dune Wars
And the option for multiple units you asked is on, but i really don't have enough hammers to make SIX units a turn in that city, you can check it on the attached file if you want.

At least on my computer, starting from the save i provided, i have 74 hammers for the turn, a vult costs 75, so it'll take 2 turns to make it... i pass 2 turns, then instead of having one vult made, i get 3 vults and 3 hardened blades, wich were the next unit on infinite loop queue.

To be fair, it's just a guess that the problem is due to that option. But it's the first thing that comes to mind since it is responsible for making more than one unit per turn. I didn't have the time to test 1.7.1 without it yet to see if it happens too... i'll try running another game today with it off.
As i recall now, the first time it happened on the game, i had on infinite loop 2 vultures and 1 master guard, to make them on 2:1 proportion.
I tried playing a game as Duke Leto and the game crashed on me.

Welcome to civfanatics! What stage did the game crash at? Were you able to start a game or did it crash during the "init xml" stage? If the game crashed after you clicked "next turn", do you have a save game from shortly before the crash? This will help us to reproduce and fix the crash.
I'm having CTD troubles with Fremen when trying to do Annex city mission on Tawalil Pass from Leto on the attached save.

Version 1.7.1


  • fremem tawalil pass annex.CivBeyondSwordSave
    1,023.9 KB · Views: 61
Re: harkonnens.
Agree they need a bit more something.

I am still strongly inclined to remove the Inkvine Trooper. Superior strength heavy infantry do not make sense as a Harkonnen theme to me; they should be quantity not quality.

I've also mentioned in past that we could re-adapt the old Atreides Draft mechanic for Harkonnen; conscripted green recruit units (maybe they should start with a -10% strength "conscript" promotion?) feel very in flavor.

I like the artillery, cruise missile and traitor unit ideas.

How about a build that gives +gold and +unhealth? That might be a good way to model environmental exploitation for economy gain. Where is it written that only hammer boosters should cause unhealth?
"Extractive industry" or something?

I'm having CTD troubles with Fremen when trying to do Annex city mission
Annex City should be a purely Reverend Mother spy mission. This should not be available to any other units, and Reverend Mothers should not be available to any non-BG faction.
Well i was able to build reverend mothers after i traded the resource with Bene Ger... so you guys will have to look into that.
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