• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Version 2.7 bug reports and feedback

2.71 runs fine for me. I tried the extracivs addon and am now crashing while loading the mod. "intialize renderer failed" Seems to be some sort of graphics problem.


Don't use the extra civs addon, if by that you mean the megapack mot the extra leaderheads. The megapack is machine resource hungry. Alternately some people have found that if they remove some civs gfrom the megapack that RoM will work again. This solution tends to a unique for each PC though.
I am only one who gets random bluescreen with some wonder, when wonder is ready and the video should come the bluescreen comes. And when load and try again wonder and video show fine. Seems complete random. Anyidea? I think its my computer, because i have got similar in some other mods too, but not in vanilla.
I get a CTD with 2.71 at exactly the same year. I only have joo's mod.

sys.path = ['..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\email', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\encodings', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\build', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\colourchooser', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\editor', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\floatcanvas', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\masked', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\mixins', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\lib\\ogl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\af', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ca', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\cs', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\da', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\de', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\el', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\es', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\eu', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fi', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fr', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hi', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hu', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\id', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\it', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ja', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\lv', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nb', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pt_BR', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ru', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sl', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sv', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\tr', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\uk', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_CN', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_TW', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\af\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ca\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\cs\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\da\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\de\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\el\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\es\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\eu\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fi\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\fr\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hi\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\hu\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\id\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\it\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ja\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\lv\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nb\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\nl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\pt_BR\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\ru\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sl\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\sv\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\tr\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\uk\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_CN\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\locale\\zh_TW\\LC_MESSAGES', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\py\\tests', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM\\wx\\tools\\XRCed\\src-images', '..\\WARLORDS\\ASSETS\\PYTHON\\SYSTEM']

sys.modules = {'zipimport': <module 'zipimport' (built-in)>, 'signal': <module 'signal' (built-in)>, '__builtin__': <module '__builtin__' (built-in)>, 'sys': <module 'sys' (built-in)>, '__main__': <module '__main__' (built-in)>, 'exceptions': <module 'exceptions' (built-in)>, 'CvPythonExtensions': <module 'CvPythonExtensions' (built-in)>}

sys.builtin_module_names = ('CvPythonExtensions', '__builtin__', '__main__', '_bisect', '_codecs', '_codecs_cn', '_codecs_hk', '_codecs_iso2022', '_codecs_jp', '_codecs_kr', '_codecs_tw', '_csv', '_heapq', '_hotshot', '_locale', '_multibytecodec', '_random', '_sre', '_subprocess', '_symtable', '_weakref', '_winreg', 'array', 'audioop', 'binascii', 'cPickle', 'cStringIO', 'cmath', 'collections', 'datetime', 'errno', 'exceptions', 'gc', 'imageop', 'imp', 'itertools', 'marshal', 'math', 'md5', 'mmap', 'msvcrt', 'nt', 'operator', 'parser', 'regex', 'rgbimg', 'sha', 'signal', 'strop', 'struct', 'sys', 'thread', 'time', 'xxsubtype', 'zipimport')
load_module CvEventInterface
load_module BugEventManager
load_module CvEventManager
load_module CvUtil
load_module traceback
load_module PyHelpers
load_module BugCore
load_module BugUtil
load_module time
load_module ColorUtil
19:31:31 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod RevDCM
load_module CvScreensInterface
load_module CvMainInterface
load_module ScreenInput
load_module CvScreenEnums
load_module GodsOfOld
load_module RevInstances
load_module CvConfigParser
load_module ConfigParser
load_module BugPath
load_module BugConfigTracker
load_module CvModName
19:31:31 DEBUG: BugPath - initializing search paths
load_module CvAltRoot
CvAltRoot import failed
load_module _winreg
19:31:31 DEBUG: BugPath - initializing modFolder
19:31:31 WARN : BugPath - replay not ready
load_module CvModFolder
19:31:31 DEBUG: BugPath - mod is Rise of Mankind
19:31:31 INFO : BugPath - adding ini file search path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind'
19:31:31 INFO : BugPath - adding asset file search path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Assets'
19:31:31 INFO : BugPath - adding asset file search path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind\Assets'
19:31:31 INFO : BugPath - adding asset file search path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind\Assets'
load_module BugOptions
load_module BugInit
load_module BugConfig
load_module xmllib
..\WARLORDS\ASSETS\PYTHON\SYSTEM\xmllib.py:9: DeprecationWarning: The xmllib module is obsolete.  Use xml.sax instead.
load_module FontUtil
load_module InputUtil
load_module configobj
load_module __future__
load_module codecs
load_module validate
validate import failed
19:31:31 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod NJAGC
19:31:31 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Scores
19:31:31 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod MainInterface
19:31:31 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod CityScreen
load_module MonkeyTools
load_module AStarTools
19:31:31 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod PLE
load_module Scoreboard
load_module DealUtil
load_module PlayerUtil
load_module ReminderEventManager
load_module Popup
load_module SdToolKit
load_module cPickle
load_module autolog
19:31:31 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Autolog
19:31:31 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Reminder
load_module GGUtil
load_module GPUtil
load_module ProgressBarUtil
load_module RawYields
load_module CvTechChooser
load_module TechPrefs
19:31:31 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod Advisors
load_module CvForeignAdvisor
load_module math
load_module CvExoticForeignAdvisor
load_module IconGrid_BUG
load_module DomPyHelpers
load_module TechTree
load_module AttitudeUtil
load_module FavoriteCivicDetector
load_module CvReligionScreen
load_module CvCorporationScreen
load_module CvCivicsScreen
load_module CvVictoryScreen
load_module TechUtil
load_module CvEspionageAdvisor
19:31:32 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod BetterEspionage
load_module CvOptionsScreen
load_module CvReplayScreen
load_module CvHallOfFameScreen
load_module CvDanQuayle
load_module CvGameUtils
load_module zCivics
load_module RevDCM
load_module CvUnVictoryScreen
load_module CvDawnOfMan
load_module CvTechSplashScreen
load_module CvTopCivs
load_module random
load_module CvInfoScreen
load_module CvIntroMovieScreen
load_module CvVictoryMovieScreen
load_module CvWonderMovieScreen
load_module CvEraMovieScreen
load_module CvSpaceShipScreen
load_module SevoScreenEnums
load_module CvWorldBuilderScreen
load_module CvWorldBuilderDiplomacyScreen
load_module CvDebugTools
load_module CvDebugInfoScreen
load_module CvMapGeneratorUtil
load_module CvGFCScreen
load_module CvPopupInterface
load_module CvScreenUtilsInterface
load_module CvOverlayScreenUtils
load_module CvDotMapOverlayScreen
load_module CvStrategyOverlay
load_module SdToolkit
19:31:32 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod StrategyOverlay
load_module CvScreenUtils
load_module BugOptionsScreen
load_module BugErrorOptionsTab
load_module BugOptionsTab
19:31:32 INFO : BugCore - creating uninitialized mod TechWindow
init-ing world builder screen
load_module CvWBPopups
load_module CvCameraControls
load_module CvAdvisorUtils
load_module OOSLogger
load_module RevolutionInit
load_module RevDefs
load_module RevEvents
load_module RevData
load_module SdToolKitCustom
load_module RevUtils
load_module RevCivicsUtils
load_module BarbarianCiv
load_module AIAutoPlay
load_module ChangePlayer
load_module Revolution
load_module RebelTypes
load_module TextUtils
load_module Tester
load_module TechDiffusion
load_module StartAsMinors
load_module DynamicCivNames
load_module LeaderCivNames
19:31:32 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PreGameStart'
19:31:32 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'BeginActivePlayerTurn'
19:31:32 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'LanguageChanged'
19:31:32 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'ResolutionChanged'
19:31:32 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PythonReloaded'
PY:Initializing Revolution Mod
19:31:32 DEBUG: BugInit - initializing...
19:31:32 DEBUG: BugInit - global context not ready
load_module CvAppInterface

This info needs to be posted in the RoM ModMod subforum, in particular jooyo's thread.

He would see the info quicker that way.

JosEPh :)
On the Standard Earth map with 23 civs Assyria is placed where Abyssinia (or Ethiopia) should be.
Hotseat doesn't work.

Something strange happens with religions and corporations when I try to play hotseat. I can't even view them in the civilopedia (I'm getting a Python error). Newly founded cities have a row of icons going through the entire screen, including religion icons and round white icons with number 138. When founding my first city, I get the messages about founding all possible religions.

I can make some screenshots if needed, but probably the same effects will occur for everyone else who tries to play hotseat.
Hi all, i don't like civ change name, it creates confusion for me :), can you tell me as to disable it?. Does it's possible to set , for all games, size and favorite terrain ,so that don't annoy me to choose them every time ?.

Thanks a lot
Here are the logs. What I did was starting a hotseat game, founding a city, and trying to view religions in the pedia.

The list of existing and non-existing religions that I founded near the end of PythonDbg.log is particularly interesting :)

Can someone else check if hotseat works properly or not? I want to know if it's only my problem... Single player works normally for me.

Edit: Of course I use version 2.71.


  • Logs.zip
    10.5 KB · Views: 45
How can I increase the rebellious from religions (as it is so unrealistic that there is 7 religions in every city, and running intolerant/free church).
How can I increase the rebellious from religions (as it is so unrealistic that there is 7 religions in every city, and running intolerant/free church).

You can change the values in the XML in the Civ4CivicInfos.xml. Search for the civics you want to change (Like intolerant).

The lines that need to be changed are


Higher numbers should increase rebelliousness.
ruin tech discovery event seems not working right.
please see the attached screen shot.
whether you fund them or not you still get 168 (so 2nd choice is total waste of money)
Hi all, i don't like civ change name, it creates confusion for me :), can you tell me as to disable it?. Does it's possible to set , for all games, size and favorite terrain ,so that don't annoy me to choose them every time ?.

Thanks a lot

It is an option which is on by default I think. It is fixed by changing the value in XML.

Find string GAMEOPTION_DYNAMIC_CIV_NAMES in CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml in the assets/xml folder. change the bvalue to 0 rather than 1.
Hi all, i don't like civ change name, it creates confusion for me :), can you tell me as to disable it?. Does it's possible to set , for all games, size and favorite terrain ,so that don't annoy me to choose them every time ?.

Thanks a lot

Start your game in Single Player -> Custom Games and scroll down on the options and turn off "Dynamic Civ Names".

BTW, is there some way to make that screen default to the last used options, rather than the standard default that Zappara set up? I'm lazy and I dislike having to set them every time (I keep forgetting to check all of them too!). Thanks!
Start your game in Single Player -> Custom Games and scroll down on the options and turn off "Dynamic Civ Names".

BTW, is there some way to make that screen default to the last used options, rather than the standard default that Zappara set up? I'm lazy and I dislike having to set them every time (I keep forgetting to check all of them too!). Thanks!

Same as my last post :) That file contains all the options that appear on the custom game screen and are the defaults that RoM uses.
ruin tech discovery event seems not working right.
please see the attached screen shot.
whether you fund them or not you still get 168 (so 2nd choice is total waste of money)

This is, unfortunately, a known issue with either the Bug component or RevDCM component (I'm sure Zappara has mentioned which, I just can't find his post on it at the moment) that cropped up with the release of official patch 3.19. Zappara has stated that he will merge the latest components when they get debugged (no pun intended), but that may take some more time yet. The issue is also the cause of AI civs getting stuck in slave revolt pretty much permanently in some of their cities.
Just got my first "Waiting for other civs" bug :sad: (1600AD)
It seems to be related to campaigning and fleets. The civ that was "waiting" declared war on another, moved its armada into a city and.... nothing....

Edit : I just deleted his fleet and vupti the game works again :) Must have been some storm ;)
Is there a setting that will allow the resource slider tabs, located on the upper right side of an "Examine City" screen, to slide up and down? My are stuck at the top and won't allow me to see the additional resources the city has.
Top Bottom