[We the People] Bug reporting

Recently I have been putting more focus on selling to the natives instead of Europe. I noticed that after selling Provisions to the natives (and never selling them to Europe) the pop-up kicking off the race for Provisions in Europe appeared and my taxes were raised. I had not sold anything to Europe for more than a dozen turns. Not having tried this strategy to this extent prior, I am unsure if this is a bug or working as designed. Shouldn't selling to the natives be kept separate from any Europe-related taxes and events? I am playing the develop branch version, updated yesterday 03 Oct; playing Samuel de Champlain (France).
Shouldn't selling to the natives be kept separate from any Europe-related taxes and events?
Normally yes, I will check the logic again. :thumbsup:
Sales with Natives were counted towards "Yields Traded" (of the Player).

This triggered as you had noticed Trade Quests (for Europe).
As these were also checking the normal "Yields Traded".

Also this had a side effect on prices in Europe.
(Which was not necessarily wrong but also not needed.)

It was not counted for "Yields Traded" side of the King (aka Europe).
So it did not affect taxes.


It is fixed now though. :thumbsup:
(The fix is still in my current work branch "Small_Features", but should be merged soon.)
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Howdy, really enjoying playing develop, some nice changes so far. Particularly liking the new various build road to options.

Sadly when I click "import all goods" not all goods are flagged for import :sad:

Here is a patch I have been using that seems to work well, hopefully it is useful.

git diff "Project Files\DLLSources\CvCity.cpp"
diff --git a/Project Files/DLLSources/CvCity.cpp b/Project Files/DLLSources/CvCity.cpp
index 53b26bec..ada342c7 100644
--- a/Project Files/DLLSources/CvCity.cpp
+++ b/Project Files/DLLSources/CvCity.cpp
@@ -12656,7 +12656,9 @@ void CvCity::handleAutoTraderouteSetup(bool bReset, bool bImportAll, bool bAutoE
                for (YieldTypes eYield = FIRST_YIELD; eYield < NUM_YIELD_TYPES; ++eYield)
-                       if (GC.getYieldInfo(eYield).isExportYield())
+                       if (GC.getYieldInfo(eYield).isExportYield() ||
+                          (bImportAll && GC.getYieldInfo(eYield).isCargo())
+                       )
                                bool bImport = bImportAll || isImport(eYield);
                                bool bExport = isExport(eYield);
When selecting import/export of all goods, only food is not selected. I did this on purpose because this resource is required for the growth of colonies. but the player can customize its import/export as desired. all other goods are marked for import/export.
When selecting import/export of all goods, only food is not selected. I did this on purpose because this resource is required for the growth of colonies. but the player can customize its import/export as desired. all other goods are marked for import/export.
Hi, I think this sounds good. Are you saying you made a change to make it work this way or that it already should work this way?
Hi, i found bug in my game

Health concept doesn't work for computer players

Game version: steam (original release unsupported)

WTP version 4.0.2


  • colon health bug.png
    colon health bug.png
    6.9 MB · Views: 61
Health concept doesn't work for computer players
That is not a bug, that is on purpose.
AI plays with "easier rules" for some features.
the difficulty level is conquistador.
Maybe then go down a bit. :thumbsup:
First learn all the strategies and mechanics.

Explorer is already quite good for a beginner.
(It is also the difficult level that AI will play on by default.)

I want "fair play".
It actually is pretty fair, as AI is not smart enough to use many strategies.
e.g. You can use Scout Rush, Bell Rush, ... which AI is not able to do.

Also there are Events in the game that will only trigger for Human Player.
(As AI would not know how to use them properly / strategically.)

Also Human Player can use features like Domestic Market, ... a lot better than AI.
(Same e.g. for stuff like Trade with Natives, or using all the Diplomacy Options with the King, like "Used Ships"...)

So Human has got advantages that AI will not have ... as it is not smart enough for some of the features.
But long as you as a Human Player have not learned to use these ... better play on lower difficulties. :thumbsup:


In other words, the game is "fair", but it is not "symmetrical".
You get advantages AI does not have and AI gets advangtages you do not have.

Some experience players even complained that "Revolutionary" is still too easy ...
(But they have learned already all the best strategies and all the mechanics of the mod.)
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What am I missing that my pioneers two tiles north of Plymouth can't build a clay pit?
It is a tundra hill with clay, which should be fine according to the colopedia.


Edit: When I add clay bonus (3 ->5) to the tile, the clay pit becomes available. Is this by design? Seems odd that I can't build it without the bonus.


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Edit: When I add clay bonus (3 ->5) to the tile, the clay pit becomes available. Is this by design? Seems odd that I can't build it without the bonus.
It is more likely a bug. :think:
I will take a look.

It is fixed now internally with this commit.
I have a feeling that "dansk fisker" shouldn´t be the speciality of a native village...

These little paradoxes, where gameplay crashes into the real world, show how change always brings surprises. As a Canadian I feel a little odd getting my maple syrup from Africa but I understand how that works in the game.

When you're playing as Denmark my guess is that the only fishers you're going to get are dansk fiskers, and in the early game fish are often the main food.

Perhaps the Natives, being the dominant North American military powers until well after the American Revolution, enslaved some Danish fishers and saw that they did a good job.

After adopting the strange-looking but amusing Europeans as family members, the tribe decided to teach that fishing style as their specialty. Native nations, particularly in North America, were quick to adopt new skills like horseback riding, as long as they got to choose.

It's not a perfect explanation but it's a bit immersive and no odder than a few of our other features.
I have a feeling that "dansk fisker" shouldn´t be the speciality of a native village...

I guess you are playing Danish.
(Because otherwise this would not have happened.)

So why should they not train a Danish Colonist to become a Danish Fisher. ;)
Should they instead turn a Danish Colonist into a French Fisher ?

These Experts are supposed to say that the Nations are better in something due to their heritage / culture.
Fishing is still fishing ... a Profession that can be learned ... but your Nation is simply better at it because of that culture. ...

Just like Germans brew the best beer because they really like it and it is part of their culture. :D
But most likely learning to brew beer in a German Monastery will not turn you into a German Monk ...

The Natives teach you only the Profession, they do not change your nationality / culture in the Village.
So it makes sense that the Unit become the Expert Unit of your own Nation.

So it fits both immersion and game play.
(At least as much as it is possible in a simplfied game.)

In other words:
Danish Colonists learns fishing and becomes a Dansk Fisher ... a fisher that has a lot of passion so to say.
If he learned it in School or from Natives really does not make a difference ...

It is heavily simplified I know ... but that is how it is in gaming.
If you need some immersion reason ... well I do not know ... as I said Danish just like fish ... who knows why ... :dunno:

No bug, working as intended.

By the way:
Do not worry, it just says "Dansk Fisker" for your Player. (As this is the Unit you get as Danish.)
For all other Colonial Nations the Village will train only normal Expert Fishermen.
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In my current game, I am at war with natives and the French. The AI for the natives put up a good fight, there were 108 native mercenaries in one native village. I am not complaining about it, I like the challenge. When I finally dealt with those 108 native mercenaries and moved up to the French colonies, all were defended by 1 or 2 units. No challenge at all there. I could just keep marching with my current army and conquer every single colony on the map.

Is this lack of defense intentional? Why do the natives put up a fight but Europeans are so easy to kill? Is this intentional, is it a bug? Anyone else getting this?
There is the save. Not at war with France yet, they declared war while I was dealing with that stack of 108+ native mercenaries. Earlier in game, Spain had almost zero defence in their colonies as did Denmark...


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