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[We the People] Bug reporting

Hmm ... I encounter a recurrent crash on the same turn in my current game. It happens every time I end the turn, right before my next turn starts. I made a dump file. Including both files here.

NB! I had to exhange the file name from DMP to TXT, otherwise I couldn't upload it.

I'm using WTP 3.0.1, btw. No modmods.


  • Colonization.exe.txt
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  • Washington AD-1631-January.ColonizationSave
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Hmm ... I encounter a recurrent crash on the same turn in my current game. It happens every time I end the turn, right before my next turn starts. I made a dump file. Including both files here.

NB! I had to exhange the file name from DMP to TXT, otherwise I couldn't upload it.

I'm using WTP 3.0.1, btw. No modmods.

Yet another instance of the divide by 0 bug (CvUnitAI::AI_unloadWhereNeeded). See https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/we-the-people-bug-reporting.636760/page-57#post-16215321

Already fixed in 3.0.2
I grabbed this code (https://github.com/We-the-People-civ4col-mod/Mod/commit/b32fb59452cfc208d03dbcc35ec6570e2722fd8e) and compiled a new DLL and it fixed the issue. Not sure if there's a long term solution yet but the quick and dirty way avoids the crash at least.

hi could you explain that to me in detail please? i have no clue what i need to download there and what it means to "compile a new DLL"

a play arround and managed to get the whole code of it, now i need to make it to a dll right? i installed visual studio but dont know how to use it properly :(

damn i hope they release 3.0.2 soon, cause 3.0.1 is unplayable with this CTD, all games end with this annoying problem
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I've attached a build from the Release_candidate_3.0.2 branch (commit eb78a58 which is the last commit to the branch from about a week ago)

Please try it and see if it works. The issue is that there *may* have been other changes to the xml as well , if this is the case then it will not be enough to distribute only the dll. (we'd have to provide all the changed data files as well)


  • CvGameCoreDLL.zip
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I've attached a build from the Release_candidate_3.0.2 branch (commit eb78a58 which is the last commit to the branch from about a week ago)

Please try it and see if it works. The issue is that there *may* have been other changes to the xml as well , if this is the case then it will not be enough to distribute only the dll. (we'd have to provide all the changed data files as well)

I'm happy to report that it fixed the CTD. I've so far encountered one bug, though. The names of the citizens on the city screen are incorrect. See the attached screenshot.
Spoiler :

Col - No citizen name.png

I've attached a build from the Release_candidate_3.0.2 branch (commit eb78a58 which is the last commit to the branch from about a week ago)

Please try it and see if it works. The issue is that there *may* have been other changes to the xml as well , if this is the case then it will not be enough to distribute only the dll. (we'd have to provide all the changed data files as well)

Hi, thank you for that.. so far it fixed the CTD issue, will undergo long time test.. but like stated above, inside citíes, the profession description is missing, out of city all fine with that.


i can live with that instead of breaking CTDs ;)
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, inside citíes, the profession description is missing, out of city all fine with that.
That already happened before when just the DLL of 3.02 was shipped without according XMLs.
(In Plains everything is correct and in Release 3.02 it should be as well once it is shipped with all XMLs.)

@sandro ritter
Once the full Release 3.02 will be published this issue should not exist anymore.
Since you have an incomplete release with files missing there is absolutely no point in reporting text bugs.
So please have a bit of patience with such minor issues until the Release 3.02 is finally published.


This is nothing to fix in the mod. It is just a matter of properly publishing a complete consistent release.
(It is definitely correct in "Plains" and should also be already correct in Release 3.02 itself.)

If you want to fix this minor bug yourself and do not want to wait, simply copy these 2 entries into CIV4GameText_WTP_utf8.xml.
(For all other text bugs that may occur please have a bit of patience until the release.)

Spoiler :

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Hello devolution, I just tried the new dll by replacing it in place of the old one in mods/WeThePeople-3.0.1/Assets folder. Still hangs up unfortunately. I runs through the native and other AI turns fine but once the REF unloads and attacks my town guard, it hangs up. Very minor note, but probably confirms what was stated above about the xml files needing to also change if I'm using the 3.0.2 dll, see the pop up window on this city screen.

Also I noticed the bug thread now. So can delete my original post on this bug - I'll post any future ones on the pinned thread instead of starting new ones. I'll re-upload the savegame file here to close that separate discussion.

Here's one thing that did allow me to get to the next turn, if this helps diagnose what happened. I moved the town guard out of the city, so no protection. The AI was able to invade my city without opposition and the AI turn went all the way through, allowing me now to play the next turn. I'll post any additional anomalies if they happen during the WOI.

Very much appreciate the work the team does! :thumbsup:


  • Derek Brown AD-1702-April.ColonizationSave
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  • Screenshot 2022-06-21 10.44.42.png
    Screenshot 2022-06-21 10.44.42.png
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WTP 3.01 Quest deliver 3000 Horses to Europe
Just got this quest after BUYING the second horseman (military) in Europe (and had 2 units at the harbor eqippend as settlement founders before)
About the two military horsemen: i dismounted them for jobs inside their colonies. So I HAVE literally horses in the colonies, but NOT raised them there.
I got the quest directly in the next round after I have dismounted the second cavalry unit.

Don't know, if it's a "bug", but as i understood the quest starting trigger should be AFTER raising some horses in the colonies, NOT buying them in europe.
Maybe i'm wrong and it works like intended.
you're wrong. it doesn't matter where you got horses from (you can even buy them in Europe). the main thing is that the right amount has appeared for the trigger to work.
Hello WTP team and mod enjoyers. Long time player and reader but first time poster. I just had a crash at the end of the turn on my current save game. I tried what Devolution said on another case (changing the DLL with the one he uploaded above), but still crashing. Here is the save if you can give any help.

As is the first time to post here for me, thanks a lot for your time, dedication and effort on this project, and thanks againg for all the hours of fun I've had with the mod!


  • Johan Rinsingh AD-1563-January.ColonizationSave
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Will take a peek in the debugger!

Update: This is the divide by zero bug that has already been fixed. Are you sure that the DLL was actually replaced ?
Wow, thx for the fast answer!
Yep, just checked it again. I have on assets the one you posted in this thread.
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