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...We won't stop! ZWK PBEM IV: Grand Play

If you can even win as France, you'll slaughter as the Soviets

As much as i would like to take the credit, its Duke of Marlbrough who's the mastermind of our operation :)

Well, now all i need is the password..
Damn, Duke of Marlbrough just told me there is no "keymaster" in this game. That means there is no possibility to play Soviet after all.

How about a "replay", since its so early in the game.
The only way I'd agree to that is if my enemies agreed to allow me to have victories identical to what happened here, i.e. willem letting his two ships get sunk on purpose. I don't think anyone would go for that, so I think we should wait a bit longer for Johnny_c, whether to pay or to send you the password. I'll e-mail and pm him, and reply to threads he's on, and see if he's on Apolyton or not.
/ooc My apologies for neglecting this thread. Exams/sickness have given me a nice 1-2 blow. Thanks for waiting so long, everything should be ok now.

Troops have been moved up the Western Front to take control of the Baltic states and Vilna. Industrial buildup continues in the Urals and research continues at a snail's pace
*French Forces launch a small, but effective counter-attack on invading Axis forces
- One Me- Bf110C wing was shot down in an airfield near Rotterdam
- One He- 111 wing was also shot down
-Strasbourg was attacked by a single French Militia, and burned to the ground!
-Rheims is attacked by a M3 battalion sucessfully, and the city is surrounded with militia, poised to strike.

* A French Merchantman spots an Axis U-Boat on the coast, French Naval Command is on High Alert searching for the enemy sub.

Looks like were gonna have more than Vietnam for a little while, Mr. Hess... ;)
A French air force, hmmm, cute :rolleyes:

1) Kaiser Vilhelm's long-since forgotten dream of naval parity with Britain may finally be within Germany's grasp.

- Admiral Doenitz openly advised to Hess that on the outbreak of war the British Grand Fleet had departed from ports in Scotland and norther islands. In response, on the capture of the low countries, dive and level bombers were stationed in Holland and ordered to ignore French operations and operate solely to destroy British ships. This soon-to-be famous bunch would be called Naval Air Attack Force 1, the number showing how new a strategy naval air power was to the German military.

- On the third day of Week 6, the commanders of a search-and-destroy squadron of HE-111's and JU87's cannot believe their eyes as they spot two massive British battleships on the horizon, without a single fighter buzzing around them. The task force splits in two and sends both ships to the bottom within minutes, despite enduring heavy damage. This tremendous victory convinced airfield commanders to send up their last remaining naval bomber groups comprised of JU87's only. They fly over the flaming wreckage and drowning men of the first two ships, only to find the British carrier HMS Courageous. Although even the British themselves doubt the usefulness of carriers, the JU87 squadron still finds it worthwhile to sink it.

- While the Fuhrer considers superstitious explanations for this great fortune, he receives yet another surprising dispatch indicating that a wolfpack had sunk yet another of His Majesty's ships, off Stavanger. German naval analysts can only conclude that the Reich's three capital ships combined with its innumerable U-Boats shall assume naval superiority in the North Sea, especially if further attacks succeed.

Face it: naval aviation has made navies obsolete. If your purist admirals still cannot accept it, they just might pay a terrible price when they have to contend with the strategy of Yamamoto...

2) In the air, success continues.

- Fighter squadrons in Rotterdam avenge their Luftwaffe comrades and destroy both French Spitfire wings near the city.

- Meanwhile, Bf-110C fighters en route to airbases north of Paris decide to use their extra fuel to do recon, and find a massive portion of the RAF heading into France. Unfortunately, only one of the three groups could be destroyed, but ME-Bf109E wings have been kept in reserve to deal with them.

- And, finally, those bomber forces which had any fuel dove deep into France and picked away at French forces in the field, most importantly annihilating three M3 divisions.

3) On the ground, supposedly Germany's forte, little progress has been made in France. Three of the virtually obsolete Panzer III's annihilated the pathetic resistance around Reims, totaling two M3 divisions and one militia brigade. Still, the Wehrmacht is becoming frustrated with the pillage of roads, and no cities could even be reached.

- Momentum in Poland, however, where Krakow and Lublin are captured, and field armies crushed.

4) And, a whole lot of stuff that's either secret or minor.


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Perhaps you were better off just giving me your cities after all, at least you wouldn't have to spend so much money rush-building meat for the Axis grinder.
Well, all it takes is a half hour of the history channel a day after i get home from work.

Now if only I could write that well for school stuff.
Originally posted by Darius
A French air force, hmmm, cute :rolleyes:

3) On the ground, supposedly Germany's forte, little progress has been made in France. Three of the virtually obsolete Panzer III's annihilated the pathetic resistance around Reims, totaling two M3 divisions and one militia brigade. Still, the Wehrmacht is becoming frustrated with the pillage of roads, and no cities could even be reached.

- Momentum in Poland, however, where Krakow and Lublin are captured, and field armies crushed.

-Yes, we have the French RAF :) It isn't that cute though... Your Me Bf110s didn't stand a chance!

- Isn't it ironic that the Axis army hasn't even reached Lyons or Dunkirk yet :rolleyes: I don't see any "meat grinder" as you call it :p

I do find it amusing that you care to elimintate my almost useless militia in lieu of the cities... I thought we were weak and couldn't even stand a chance! :p

And now you see that my pillage rounds were in fact useful. :)

Good job in Poland, I don't want it anyway:rolleyes:
"Meat grinder" obviously can only refer to the forces you throw into it, which is the case. Five M3 divisions, two spitfires, and countless militia lost make this term appropriate.

Not taking your cities is not much of a failure when I've killed everything left to defend them!
allied turn
He can, but it's oubai's turn.
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