Welcome New Members


I joined because I wanted a civ centric site similar to simtropolis (this site was recommended there).

I've been playing civ since Civ I.

Going to get Civ 4: Colonization soon.

That's all.

Hey all, new forum member.
Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistake, English is not my first language.

Played Civ 2 years ago for quite some time (but always at low-mid levels), then moved to Civ 3, but it didn't appeal me so much.
I completely ignored civ 4 until a month ago, when I bought civ4 + BtS + Civ4: col, and now I'm pretty much addicted already.
Hi. I'm a new member but I was haunting the site before that. Adored Civ 3 and used tips from this site to beat that elusive demigod difficulty. Just got Civ 4 and CivRev. Hope to make some good comments.
:mischief: Hello everyone! New to fanatics but have played a little while on Civ 3 and 4! Awesome games! Kudos to the designers! :)
Greetings, people! I am new as a member of this community (though I have been following things for some time), and decided that it would be polite to welcomate myself.
Hi All,

Haven't posted before, but have enjoyed reading the lists. A lot of good tips, mods, etc have gotten posted and I really appreciate them. My game has significantly improved. I've tried some of the maps and mods for Civ3 and enjoyed them quite a bit (so have my kids).

Thanks again for all your contributions!
Hello - just joined so I could ask some questions about some problems I have been having with bugs.
Hello. I've been lurking on the forums for some time, reading strategy articles and some game reports. And I saw a couple of fun things that made me want to join, so I did (the wonders of technology).
Hello out there. First time post. Finally feel proficient enough to go beyond my terminal to other users. After reading recent posts it is clear I have found a new site. I look forward to joining in.

Names Araek been a CivIII and CivIIIC player for a long time I bought CivIV last week and was at first a little intimidated by the new interface and complexity of the game but after a few sessions I am getting the hang of it Glad to see Napolean of France is their now if only we can get an appropriate unique unit like his Old Guard (the Imperial Grenadier Guard) that is the reason I came here the mods I am not much good at them myself so I must rely on the talent of others. Thank you all so much in advance.
sincerely Araek D.
Hi everyone!

I'm a huge fan of the Civilization games. I've been playing since the early 90's. I'm proud to be a part of this community.
Hello all. I bought all Civ games since the DOS release, and am quite happy with Civ IV. So happy that, after buying it as soon as October 2005 and given it away to a friend because it was ruining my social life, I just bought it once again, this time with both WL and BtS expansion packs... :D

I'm not the big gamer (but a big "civver",
(Civ III), so I thought, until I visited the Hall of Fame on this site :confused:). I've some questions about the game, that's mainly why I'm here. I live in Switzerland and teach different things to teenagers in school. This is a very nice site. Hello everybody!
hey been loving civ since forever but civ 4 is causing problems. when starting up game i get messages saying faild to write to xml cache i cannot save games or play maps like europa in multiplayer. ive tried logging but when i click on civconfig it cannot find it. this is really annoying since i had the game from download and hav bought again on disc but same problem any help would be great thanks.
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