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WH Diplomacy texts

Psychic_Llamas said:
The 'chinese' is off a chinese-english dictionary, the words all mean individual things, but the grammar is shocking.;)

doesn´t matter - either nobody will recognize this, or somebody will complain and then we can ask him about it - that´s one reason why you give betas to the public :lol:
Diplomacy for Jaffar:

Spoiler :
Declare War--"Your corrupt state cannot last. I shall make sure of it, for I shall sail to your lands on a carpet if i must, and turn your lands to desert and take your women and children as slaves.

First Contact--"*servant speaking* His majestic highness, Sultan Jaffar, mightyest of all sorcerers. *strange fanfair sounds* Greetings, who might you be?

Refuse to Speak--"Enough, Go now. *to servant* Bring in the dancing slaves.

Peace--"I offer you a thousand slaves and treasure beyond belief if only you would reconsider this war.

No Peace--"Dont be a fool, I shall not retreat, I'm winning arn't I?

Greetings Friendly--"Well met, come let us walk among the oases.

Greetings Furious--"You do not belong here. Guards! Oh wait, the little man has a message, let him read it then throw him out guards.

Demand Tribute Weaker/Equal/Stronger--" I will give you my most sincerest gratitude if you would lend me some aid.
--" Ive come to collect my rent.
--" *servant walks in and begins reading off parchment* You are hereby fined, by the magnificent Sultan Jaffar, for existing when He did not give you permission to do so. Pay up withing the week, of He will collect it personally.

Accept Offer--"This will help a lot. Thanks.

Thanks--"Thank you.

Diplomacy for Tenehuini, Prophet of sotek:

Spoiler :
Declare War--"Soon the ground beneath your feet will writh with the beasts of Sotek, they will overwhelm your villages and towns and flood your cities. Soon a new spawning will end...

First Contact--"Kai-inzi. No need to tell me who you are. Sotek has watched you for centuries...

Refuse to Speak--"Tenqtep nahuontl boqotta ectep chiccli!

Peace--"This war is over.

No Peace--"Sotek sees you... and that means his armies see you also...

Greetings Friendly--"Ti-inzi. Come, come, let us walk thought the pyramid streets of the Shrine of Sotek together.

Greetings Furious--"Sotek would strike you down now if you were not of any use to us. What is it you want?

Demand Tribute Weaker/Equal/Stronger--" A donation to our cause?
--" Friend, care to aid a close ally?
--" Sotek commands attention, give Him what He requires!

Accept Offer--"Inzi-inzi friend, your gift will greatly help us.

woodelf said:
P_L - I updated the other thread. You're over 2/3s done! :D

That´s a very fast pace, keep it up, and then provide us with some Pedia info on the wonders and races :D
Diplomacy for Louen:

Spoiler :

Declare War--"I have fought victoriously against many worthy foes, that list is long, and i shall add you to that list now. Defend yourself!

First Contact--"Well met. Do you come in peace?"

Refuse to Speak--"Dishonourables such as you are not worthy of holding my court. Go, leave me.

Peace--"This battle is done. Let this war be past and peace arise.

No Peace--"Your courage is admirable for comming here under these circumstances, and i fear that peace iss still far off. Only when Bretonnia emerges the victor shall we call this quits.

Greetings Friendly--"Ah! Well met friend! Do you care for some light hearted sparing? No? Well then, let us talk and be merry!

Greetings Furious--"I may be close to my ninetieth year, but i am no fool. I am aware of your schemings, and disaprove entirely. State what you must ane go.

Demand Tribute Weaker/Equal/Stronger--" Please, we seek your help.
--" Could you lend us you aid friend?
--" I have already proven my power to you. Must i prove it again, or will you give us what we ask peacefully?

Accept Offer--" you honour me with such a gift. Thank you."

Thanks--"Thank you."
Duke van Frost said:
That´s a very fast pace, keep it up, and then provide us with some Pedia info on the wonders and races :D

I understand you make the pediatext Lama? I surely would like to help you with that. Do you only handle reace-description or also the text about the units?
Any help would be wonderful:D

at the moment im only doing races and leaders, also magic and religeon.

If you like you can do units, wonders, buildings, and any of the above.

but before you do, it would be a good idea to take a quick took at whats already done (so you dont do stuff twice by accident;) ) also that way i can get your opinion on what ive posted.
take a look at the "so what is this warhammer thing anyway" sticky, the religeon and magic threads if your interested.

anything you do will be highly apreciated, and thanks for the offer;)
just say what your interested in/ have the most info on, and well work out some way to split the work:D
Psychic_Llamas said:
Any help would be wonderful:D

at the moment im only doing races and leaders, also magic and religeon.

If you like you can do units, wonders, buildings, and any of the above.

but before you do, it would be a good idea to take a quick took at whats already done (so you dont do stuff twice by accident;) ) also that way i can get your opinion on what ive posted.
take a look at the "so what is this warhammer thing anyway" sticky, the religeon and magic threads if your interested.

anything you do will be highly apreciated, and thanks for the offer;)
just say what your interested in/ have the most info on, and well work out some way to split the work:D

I'll check your writing in 'so what is this warhammer thing anyway' asap, but i'm sure it's fine. I'll post the Beastmen fluff there too.

Where can i see which unit civilopedia entries already have been done? I can make the orcs, elves and empire UNIT entries for the next release .. or is that already done?
Psychic_Llamas said:
there is no unit pedia at all yet, so you can start wherever you like(but preferably high/wood elf/orcs for next release;))

My to do list:
- post wonders and building ideas
- make Orc (and Goblin) civilopedia entries
- maybe Elven entries
- post beastmen fluff

and meanwhile I'll continue the mapmaking (but fluff is more fun .. :) )

PS do we have a unit list? info about the units that will be in the next update and or the game?
yes, check the unit design thread for unit lists for each race;)

Ok, my to-do list:
- finish leader diplomacy
- finish posting as much civ fluff as possible (minust beastmen)
- finish spell lists

now we should probably eitherstart a new thread or move this conversation to another, more apropriate thread.
Don't forget the strategy text for units, buildings, ect as well. I find that usually gets skipped in mods.
Well...each unit has a strategy so that's kind of general. The buildings get Sid's tips I think as well.
Diplomacy for Gilles:

Spoiler :

Diplomacy for (name):

Declare War--"You are a danger the Realm of Brettonia, and you threaten our stability. Now, as one nation, we will defeat and drive you from our boarders.

First Contact--"Greetings. Be you the leader of another race of brigands, or one of chivalry and honour?

Refuse to Speak--"Dishonourables such as you are not worthy of holding my court. Go, leave me.

Peace--"I ask for peace, this war is pointless, But be aware that The Knights of Bretonnia could conquer the world were it not for our vows which bind us to protect our own domain and shield the poor and innocent from unwarranted hostility.

No Peace--"The lands of men will only be safe when you are dead and gone. And i have vowed to protect Man kind from you. Therefore, you MUST die.

Greetings Friendly--"Ah! Well met friend! Do you care for some light hearted sparing? No? Well then, let us talk and be merry!

Greetings Furious--"The guillotine awaits you if you do not speak fast.

Demand Tribute Weaker/Equal/Stronger--"Please, we seek your help.
--" Could you lend us you aid friend?
--" I have already proven my power to you. Must i prove it again, or will you give us what we ask peacefully?

Accept Offer--"I am honoured by you generosity.

Psychic_Llamas said:
@ woodelf: did you get the diplos for Louen, jaffar and Tenehuini?
im doing a couple mor now. you can expect them by the end of the day at the latest

Yeah, but I already sent my files to Ploep since I'm busy part of today and he wanted them by tomorrow. After some playtesting I'll add in the rest of your text for the Public version.
Diplomacy for Baragor:

Spoiler :

Declare War--"Bah! This war will be nothing compared to a war against the Sky-Wurms!"

First Contact--"Well met. Who are you to be wondering our mountain home?"

Refuse to Speak--"You are as vile as the Wind-Lizards themselves, and i will have nothing to do with you!"

Peace--"Peace seems a nice alternative to war at the moment dont you think?

No Peace--"I must fulfill my Vows as a Slayer, and a king. You will not survive this war."

Greetings Friendly--"Ha! Greetings Dwarf-friend! Come, come take a tankard of our finest dwarf brew!"

Greetings Furious--"You would die any other day fiend, but not today, say what you need before i change my mind."

Demand Tribute Weaker/Equal/Stronger--"Do you think I could have that?
--" The Dwarfs and (your race) have long been friends and equals, and we have helped each other in thick and thin. Care to help us out again?
--" The Dwarfs seek retribution, will you give it to us, or will we take it?

Accept Offer--"The dwarves are in debt."

Thanks--"Thank you.
Psychic_Llamas said:
Diplomacy for Baragor:

Spoiler :

Declare War--"Bah! This war will be nothing compared to a war against the Sky-Wurms!"

First Contact--"Well met. Who are you to be wondering our mountain home?"

Refuse to Speak--"You are as vile as the Wind-Lizards themselves, and i will have nothing to do with you!"

Peace--"Peace seems a nice alternative to war at the moment dont you think?

No Peace--"I must fulfill my Vows as a Slayer, and a king. You will not survive this war."

Greetings Friendly--"Ha! Greetings Dwarf-friend! Come, come take a tankard of our finest dwarf brew!"

Greetings Furious--"You would die any other day fiend, but not today, say what you need before i change my mind."

Demand Tribute Weaker/Equal/Stronger--"Do you think I could have that?
--" The Dwarfs and (your race) have long been friends and equals, and we have helped each other in thick and thin. Care to help us out again?
--" The Dwarfs seek retribution, will you give it to us, or will we take it?

Accept Offer--"The dwarves are in debt."

Thanks--"Thank you.

Both Gilles and Baragor totally give the good feeling of the people they represent .. very nice!
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