What are you watching on Youtube, right now? Part VII

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Long. But worth.

Btw: Why do the swag Muricans have all their sports being ginormous statisticgasms while ze orderly Djermans engage in this rather latin sport and colloquially summarize the aggregate total of wisdom about it as "the ball is round and the game has ninety minutes"?
Like, that doesn't make sense.
The following contains mild spoilers. Duh.

I think he means "conducive".

But my English is so bad that the rules of the board can be waved for the sake of mocking it.
So what do i know?
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For those with a basic understanding of exoplanet searches, interesting content begins at 9:30.
But now I'm scared of accidentally seeing more than a few seconds of what is possibly the worst scifi movie ever!

More than a few seconds!


10:24 - 10:38 is turning me into a Maoist.
No, I'm not going to click on it.
And don't point Sean Connery's leather pouch at me again, or I'll lodge a hostile workplace complaint against you! :)

Do not view if you have just eaten or are holding a drink.

Spoiler :

10:24 - 10:38 is turning me into a Maoist.
I was too distracted by appreciating this Mandy person.

"Oh, and of course she gloriously curses like a motherfella."
"Oh, and of course she has a pickup truck."
"Oh Gordon is going to her house and there's probably a line of dudes for her to choose from, you know, like every day.
Hmm... apparently not. That's weird."

For @Gori the Grey who - in karmic symmetry - treats me like a friend without me having earned it.
What a shame that we didn't see another Mayor Daley in Chicago!
I've got my love beads on, sitar fol-de-rol, and I'm grooving around the room to
as this loads up and gets going.
For @Gori the Grey who - in karmic symmetry - treats me like a friend without me having earned it.
If I can be your friend, it might be related to the fact that when I watch your video, I don't think "Ha! Postmodern Social Justice Warriors sound just like fundamentalist Christians," but rather, "Yes" and again "yes."
"Ha! Postmodern Social Justice Warriors sound just like fundamentalist Christians," but rather, "Yes" and again "yes."

Yes were Ok, but I don't recognise the other band names at all.
To Yes, I would say "yes," as well.
Sound advice for budding writers from Fred Dagg. RIP.
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