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What is the earliest time it is acceptable to start mowing?

What is the earliest time it is acceptable to start mowing?

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And the gas fumes and the noise!
Hmm. Well, because it's not like I want them to think I actually need their permission to start at a certain time. I'm just trying to determine the earliest time I can start of my own initiative without the bulk of my neighbors being irritated.
Why don't you put up a sign on your lawn with the same poll options you gave us, and have your neighbors make a check mark beside the times that would best suit them? Chances are they'll be happy you want to mow the lawn at all.

@Aimee: My push mower, while quieter than my rider, is still relatively loud.
I'm sure Aimee meant one that doesn't run on either gas or electricity.

Buy a goat.
Hey, I wanted to say that! :(

Actually, mentioning goats is how I'd get my dad to mow the lawn when we still had our house. Straightforwardly asking him to mow the lawn would be met with excuses, but telling him that he needed to borrow a goat usually made him chuckle, and he would mow it.

I didn't mow the lawn myself because I've had a phobia ever since my teen years when the daddy-long-legs spider jumped off the tree branch, and down my shirt... :run:
Uh, the demographics are all over the place. Straight across to the west I have a couple around my age with a young girl. Catycorner to the SW I have an old lady, straight north is a single mom with a teenage daughter, and behind me to the east I have a middle-aged couple with no kids. My mowers are...well, they're lawn mowers. They make a lot of noise.

Honestly, I think you're making it too complicated.

@Aimee: My push mower, while quieter than my rider, is still relatively loud.
My guess based on this would be 8:30AM on weekdays, 10:00AM Saturday and Sunday.
A reel mower?! Ha! Stuff that. I like my self-propelled push mower, thanks :)

Little exercise never hurt anybody. There's just benefits for everybody. Then again, I don't know how large your lawn is.
8am weekdays, 9am weekends. I have a neighbor who regularly mows at 7am. That's annoying.
Saturday 11 am or Sunday 11 am.

But if you find yourself either in or annoyed if someone decided to mow the grass at a odd time of the day; you better at least assume the possiblity first that the person may have work weird shifts or odd days of the week before getting all flustered about it.
Weekdays: 9:00
Weekends: 10:00

It used to not be a problem back when my neighborhood only had a few spread out houses, but now we've got people living 30ft from us, so...
One of the advantages of living in an apartment building, but this also means that I shouldn't use the washing machine after 9pm.
It depends on how loud you mower's engine is, as well as how close the area you are mowing is to a neighbor's bedroom.

With a typical gas powered lawn mower in a typical suburban neighborhood, I would not recommend mowing before 10am. If your mower is extra loud I'd wait even longer.

You could get either an expensive cordless electric mower or an environmentally friendly manual mower with no motor at all. These should be quiet enough that you can feel free to mow at any time of day or night without being a nuisance (assuming you don't turn on bright flood lights to help you see or something).

It would probably be better to wait until closer to midday to let dew on the grass evaporate though.
There's no pleasing everybody. Find out the earliest legally allowed time, push it back an hour to be courteous, 2 to be nice, or 3 to be neighborly.
Pretty much what the title asks... I want to get an early start on mowing tomorrow, and was asking when the earliest acceptable time on a Saturday was. Well, turns out this is a thread-worthy question :mischief:, do it gets its own thread and poll!

Poll options end at 11am because quite frankly if someone is annoyed by you mowing in the afternoon, they need to move.

Personally, I want to start at 8am...

Poll should probably end at 12, because a lot of teens sleep that late:p

Monday-Friday 8Am because few people sleep that late, except during summer:p

Saturday 10, Sunday 9. Why is Sunday earlier? Because people should be going to church:p
Poll should probably end at 12, because a lot of teens sleep that late:p
Heh, yeah, not exactly worried about waking up teens. But..I was rather shocked at the late time so many mentioned, so I did decide to wait until noon today, even though that kind of screwed up my day's schedule.
Heh, yeah, not exactly worried about waking up teens. But..I was rather shocked at the late time so many mentioned, so I did decide to wait until noon today, even though that kind of screwed up my day's schedule.

You should be. Elderly neighbor won't pick a fight:p

But in all seriousness, yeah, you really shouldn't sleep until noon unless you were up VERY late the night before. I think 10AM should be fine on a Saturday. Then again, I'm biased since that's usually around when I get up on a Saturday.
Heh, yeah, not exactly worried about waking up teens. But..I was rather shocked at the late time so many mentioned, so I did decide to wait until noon today, even though that kind of screwed up my day's schedule.


You should be. Elderly neighbor won't pick a fight:p

But in all seriousness, yeah, you really shouldn't sleep until noon unless you were up VERY late the night before. I think 10AM should be fine on a Saturday. Then again, I'm biased since that's usually around when I get up on a Saturday.

I bet you have a very different standard for "VERY late" than a lot of the rest of us.
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