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What is the earliest time it is acceptable to start mowing?

What is the earliest time it is acceptable to start mowing?

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You should be. Elderly neighbor won't pick a fight:p

But in all seriousness, yeah, you really shouldn't sleep until noon unless you were up VERY late the night before. I think 10AM should be fine on a Saturday. Then again, I'm biased since that's usually around when I get up on a Saturday.

Elderly would be up by 5 anyway.
I voted 9 a.m. every day (Mon-Sun).
8 weekdays, 9 sat and I think 10 sun (poss also 9) is the law with regard to noisy building works over here and prob applies to general noisy power-tool related gardening. Add an hour to be a good neighbour. To be honest where I am at the mo is so quiet on a sunday I try to limit the noise where I can.
I usually just wait until somebody else starts mowing. Only mow on Saturday, or Friday evening. You'd get lynched for mowing on a Sunday.
During the week I don't really see a problem after 8 am as much as us shift workers will hate you if you are close to our house!!! As for the weekend I swear if you start before 11 or noon I will kill you myself. I freaking hate my upstairs neighbor who constantly decides to freaking dance or something at 9 am on a damned SATURDAY WTF! I enjoy my sleep I HATE HER!
Between the ages of like 9 and 20 if you were mowing the lawn before 2:45 in the afternoon I prayed for a quick death. The problem is that those who get up late are also the ones most affected by being woken up early. So You could start your lawnmower at 6:45 in the morning you'd piss off your neighborhood, but all 7:30 risers combined will be less upset than if you mowed your lawn at noon and woke up the one person who has to sleep in to 1.
Mowing before noon on a weekend probably causes sleep deprivation next Monday for most of the neighborhood. Maybe you'd like to pick up the tab for the accidents?

Mowing before 8am on weekdays would probably be directly hazardous to one's personal health.
Depending on the weather and if there is more important scheduled, 8 or 9 AM on a Sunday (or Saturday or any day the kid is not at school) is appropriate. It is always better to start in the morning since it just gets hot in the afternoon, and that's no fun to push a mower around in.
I envy you folks who live in houses... I wish I was waken up by soming mowing the grass. Instead I am waken up by my crazy upstairs neighbor dancing with her high heels at 4am.

Anyway, 11 am would be very neighborly on your part. 10 am is acceptable, anything before that is annoying.
8am weekdays, 9am weekends. I have a neighbor who regularly mows at 7am. That's annoying.


But my view may be colored by the fact that I consider getting out of bed at 7AM (weekdays or weekends) to be "sleeping in". As a practical matter, I generally don't mow before 10-11AMish anyway, as it takes a while for the grass to dry from the morning dew anyway.
Now that I think of it, I haven't been woken up by lawn mowers in years. Thanks white noise machine!
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