What is your first game looking like? (It's almost here)

The first game, when we’re still discovering the mechanics, is always the most fun. I want to start with my favorite civilization so far, Egypt, led by Hatshepsut. My goal is to build as many wonders as I can. After that, I’ll probably play as the Abbasids and, finally, the Mughals.
I'm really liking how Lafayette looks right now. I've been waiting for a Culture-Diplomacy leader with a fun gimmick! I'll probably go with Greece to start to get me some extra Influence to play around with, and whatever comes next will depend on how the game goes from there.
Since Civ 1, I have the tradition of playing every first Civ game as the Babylonians, or else the civ closest to it in culture.
So I have to play either Persia or Egypt, most likely Persia.

Xerxes as leader.

Persia -> Abbasid -> Mughal looks to be the path I have to take.
Seeing everyone's diverging paths is fun and makes me hope that the longevity/replayability is there.

Greece with a Greek leader. Cant really say when that will be since 1. i am not buying on relase and 2. we still dont have a leader for Greece. At least for starters, i cannot stomach playing Greece with some other leader. It feels as much a teratogenesis as CIV switching.
I do wish Alexander was starting this iteration of Civ with me. I would be happy to have him in my co-pilot's seat yet again.
If there's no Mexican or at least latin american flavoured leader I'm tempted to go Charlemagne into Rome-Spain-Mexico. Plan is to expand hard with both Rome and Spain, trying to get adjacent Forum/Plaza/Zocalo for maximum gold and culture yields. And Charlemagne to keep the military and science side covered and to get super celebrations with Mexico.
I'm going Isabella for Spain unlock, and I'm starting Mississippi

So: Mississippi ==> Spain ==> Undecided, as we still have to see quite a few modern civs, playing as Isabella
I'm traditionally play France in my first Game in a new Civ.
With the Civ-switching it will be Rome (or Greece maybe) -> Norman -> French Empire.
The Leader is a much harder choice. After Firaxis interduces Machiavelli, I was pretty sure I will start with him... but now with Lafayette on the table I probably will decide spontanious when I set up my first game.
Xerxes, Persia -> Mongol -> whatever it comes (surprise for me)
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Ever since I saw Mississipians, my intension remains unchanged to start as them. Then I guess I'll take a very regular path of Shawnee and probably imagine I'm playing alt-history native America led by Tecumseh.
I was planning Maya Inca, but the modern choices from there sound not very interesting. So maybe I go Xerxes Persia, Abbassids and see where that path is leading.
I'm no nationalist, but I always play France on my first game of a new iteration of Civ. Not possible here obviously (unless I play a Modern game, but I'm not starting with that), so I'm going with the closest available option in Rome, led by Lafayette, cause I like flawed liberal heroes over bloodthirsty autocrats. After that, I'll always randomize it somehow.
My usual first game is Arabia but can't do that so probably Egypt -> Abassids. I don't know about the modern selection. It doesn't look very good unfortunately
I'd usually want to find whatever civ is the most "vanilla" for their bonuses, just to learn the game. Everyone has so many bonuses, that's going to be harder to pick this time around.
I've said elsewhere but I always want to be a generalis civ to start. With so many uniques this time around its pretty hard. I'll do a quicker game with Augustus Rome, then just pick whatever might fit where the game is going.

After that there are so many I want to try, Anyone >Spain > Whoever with Isabella will likely be first as I want to be exploration treasure god.
There are a lot of leaders to reveal, so I haven't settled on the choice yet. My starting civ will probably be Maya and I'll see where it will go.
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