What on earth is going on in Cairo, Egypt?

I've found too many links to it example to not give it some credibility. Even the Egyptian Daily Star has a "poll" on it -
I always blame the girl for being harassed because no one would bother a respectable girl.
I think the roots of the story are true. :(

I am appalled at the state of social affairs in the Arab world. It needs total reform. I am Arabian, and I condemn these people [the offenders]. They are idiots. I also condemn the repressive system we live in. I, for one, have never had a real relationship with a woman, and it is now really hard for me to make one, even though I am in America currently. I am also appalled at the people who would generalize against all Arabian people and feel the need to denigrate people who had nothing to do with those who committed the offenses.

I feel trapped and powerless, but I will continue to do what I can and throw little stones at this obsolete but stubborn system. Or maybe I should flee to the West where people will have prejudiced opinions against me.
Tenochtitlan said:
I am appalled at the state of social affairs in the Arab world. It needs total reform. I am Arabian, and I condemn these people [the offenders]. They are idiots. I also condemn the repressive system we live in. I, for one, have never had a real relationship with a woman, and it is now really hard for me to make one, even though I am in America currently. I am also appalled at the people who would generalize against all Arabian people and feel the need to denigrate people who had nothing to do with those who committed the offenses.

I feel trapped and powerless, but I will continue to do what I can and throw little stones at this obsolete but stubborn system. Or maybe I should flee to the West where people will have prejudiced opinions against me.
:goodjob: Don't give up, times will change. And my best wishes for the belt-swinging shop owner and anybody else who stands up in support of other human beings!
Quite sad and disturbing. Its even making the Sphinx cry.
Some years ago I went to the theatre to see a play played by "els comediants" a quite famous modernist theatre group from Barcelona. At one point a group of people came from the back of the seats, aproached a couple of people seated in the audience and ripped their clothes off. The two spectators screamed, cried and ran out of the auditorium completely naked.

Oh, my gosh, that was funny, specially to see the faces of the people who actually believed that the two asaulted people were actually spectators and not members of 'els comediants". Hahahaha, I remember one woman screamed like crazy when the gang approached her with intentions to rip her clothes off aftewards.
Sexual repression often causes this.
Yea! Let's blame us dirty muslim arabs terrorists! I mean it's obvious that crime and hatred is ingrained into our DNA! Also, it's not like this is an isolated incident or anything, this sort of stuff happens everyday, exclusively in our backwardass muslim arab countries!

Woa, wait a minute! I'm both a muslim and Egyptian, quick, someone restrain me before I go sexually assault some women!

Prejudice: because a mob fully represents a 78 million population!

But what the hell would I know? According to people like Atlas14 we Middle Eastern scumbag terrorists frequently "bomb" planes into their country. Every single one of us, imagine that!

Tenochtitlan: Shhh, don't come in here with your logic, people like you are supposed to be hidden from view! The Westerns only like to see the extremists on TV!
That BBC article is really shocking. They say that the whole society is collapsing.

That is really awful.

And now that there is some credibility for that blog (I wouldn't have posted the OP, except it said that they were journalists) if you read the rest of the blog, the females in Egypt think it is because their society is so repressed. also, one of the pictures on the blog is the same as the one from the BBC.

Once I heard a guy say that the reason why it is a good idea for women to be kept away from men is that men are more easily aroused if they don't come face to face constantly with sexual images. Therefore, they don't need extra stimulous (ie pornography, affairs etc) But I don't know. I think maybe this is going too far on the other side. It causes too much frustration. These guys, and they say that it isn't just kids, the ages range from 11 to 40 years, anyway, these guys just seem really frustrated. They are taking it out on women, which means that the families are not teaching kids to respect women.

I really get alarmed when I hear this kind of culture is emigrating so determinedly. Sure don't want this happening in my town! I hope they can fix what is wrong instead of just coming West with the problems, like the one poster said he thought about doing.
Urederra said:
Some years ago I went to the theatre to see a play played by "els comediants" a quite famous modernist theatre group from Barcelona. At one point a group of people came from the back of the seats, aproached a couple of people seated in the audience and ripped their clothes off. The two spectators screamed, cried and ran out of the auditorium completely naked.

Oh, my gosh, that was funny, specially to see the faces of the people who actually believed that the two asaulted people were actually spectators and not members of 'els comediants". Hahahaha, I remember one woman screamed like crazy when the gang approached her with intentions to rip her clothes off aftewards.
This has what to do with the thread?
In The Netherlands group-rape has surfaced in the late 1990's. The group usually consists of Antillian, Moroccon or Surinam males and the girls were natives, Turkish or Moroccon.
When asked to the boys why they did it the response was "She offered it to us". Clearly (to me) the "offer", as perceived by the boys, was not an "offer" in the girl(s) opinion. I think that this is part of the problem - males not being taught that an offer is not an offer if it isn't with the girl's consent.
Atlas14 said:
1. The Middle East shows their hatred of Western morals by bombing planes into our country, and say it is because America is evil.
You place too much confidence in the words of madmen and murderers.

They say it's about the moral failings of the West/America, but they're not speaking the truth. It's mostly about recentment of Western power and interference.
The Last Conformist said:
You place too much confidence in the words of madmen and murderers.

They say it's about the moral failings of the West/America, but they're not speaking the truth. It's mostly about recentment of Western power and interference.

Well exactly, that is why I think it is ridiculous that they are so hypocritical in what they say (hence my original post's roll eyes), and we all know what they really mean. It is much easier to get recruits to blow themselves up when they tell those suicide bombers they are doing it because of the moral failings of the West and that Allah has sent them to punish us. If they are going to bomb us and claim it is because they hate us for our power, then ok. But instead they are being deceitful little pricks to their own people and us.
Rik Meleet said:
In The Netherlands group-rape has surfaced in the late 1990's. The group usually consists of Antillian, Moroccon or Surinam males and the girls were natives, Turkish or Moroccon.
When asked to the boys why they did it the response was "She offered it to us". Clearly (to me) the "offer", as perceived by the boys, was not an "offer" in the girl(s) opinion. I think that this is part of the problem - males not being taught that an offer is not an offer if it isn't with the girl's consent.

I have spoken to some people on another forum from Sweden, where they have a terrible problem with this. The local girls (Swedish) cannot go out at night without a group, and armed with mace. This, in a town that never knew any crime before the immigrant community grew. What is the most amazing thing is that it is the PARENTS that teach their sons to respect girls. Where are they? Why are they not teaching their sons to respect girls? Where does this attitude come from? I've never seen anything but respect from the kids my daughter hangs out with.... ever... not matter what they wear! There needs to be accountability on the parent's side, I think.
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