What's your favorite DLC Civilization?

What's your favorite DLC Civilization so far?

  • Spain

    Votes: 16 13.0%
  • Mongolia

    Votes: 21 17.1%
  • Babylon

    Votes: 30 24.4%
  • Polynesia

    Votes: 29 23.6%
  • The Incas

    Votes: 27 22.0%

  • Total voters


Jan 23, 2008
My favorite is Babylon. They're amazing if you want a science victory. On my last Prince game I was at 72% literacy, and the next closest Civ was at 56%. Also, Nebby has the best leader screen and best personality. He's like an evil Bond villain. If you build a National Wonder, the right wonders and build lots of Gardens, you pop out Great Scientists like no tomorrow. That, coupled with the Enlightenment policy will easily pull you ahead of almost every Civ on the map technology wise. I had GDRs while Rome was still fighting with Musketmen.

Polynesia is becoming a favorite of mine too. Most of the DLC civs are great.
Mongolia don't really count, but my favs are polynesia, inca and babylon. Spain fourth.

If Mongolia actually was a proper DLC civ then they would be first.
Polynesia. Perhaps not even gameplaywise but they have one of the most interesting UA's. Second would probably be Spain, their UA also changes the way you play the game immensely. Plus they both have a great unique unit/improvement.

I'm hoping future DLC will have more creative and fun UA's that really change the way the game is played.
Polynesians for me. I love instantly exploring the world and grabbing the Goody Huts early. :)
The incas helped me achieve my first military victory on King difficulty. They get my vote for the pure production power of terrace farms.
mongols ... priced just right :D

Some of the best laughs from CiV have come from the thought of people actually giving 2k more money.

Gets me every time:lol:

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Some of the best laughs from CiV have come from the thought of people actually giving 2k more money.

Gets me every time:lol:

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Well, considering you gave them money when you bought the game... :rolleyes:

I'm glad other people like Babylon too. I think they have the best color too. The shade of indigo is very pleasing to the eye.
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