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Which is worse or less of a religion?

Which is not a religion?

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They're both religions, using the broad and general sense of the word, and not discriminating, because people genuinely do believe in them. Even if they are scams, they should still count as religions (again, in the broad and general sense) due to those people who do really genuinely believe in them.

I haven't really heard of Wicca before. It doesn't sound too harmful. And even Scientology isn't really that bad. All it is is a money making scheme. They haven't killed anyone yet (AFAIK).
Wicca is easily disprovable, at least.

As soon as some new convert casts a spell and it fails... and they retry it... perhaps several times... they should see the light if they're not mental.
Wicca is easily disprovable, at least.

As soon as some new convert casts a spell and it fails... and they retry it... perhaps several times... they should see the light if they're not mental.

Hmm...one post is coincidence, two posts are ignorance, three posts are...?

Anyway, you seem to be rather misinformed on what Wicca is as a whole. It's not about "casting spells" or any stereotyped misconception of "magic" to a lot of people. It's like you've heard or been told generalizations by of a few more odd or extreme cases of Wiccans doing something weird.

I also voted that both are real religions. Scientology is much, much more despicable but that doesn't mean it's not a religion. Both involve practicers/worshippers honestly believing the supernatural tenets of their faith and acting accordingly.
I voted for both but now I want to change vote to WICCA because Wiccans are the only ones who give me pain on the internet.
They sit around and say "Blessed Be" and say that we are all ignorant for saying that their religion is based off a British beaucrat.
They say they are continuing the religion of the druids and pagans that were destroyed by christians but what Pagan religion calls for its adherants to wear only black, essentially adopt "GOTH" symbols like pentegram, and sit around waiting for their asses to grow whie they say that they like gays and are bisexuals themselves, cuz you know, Mother Goddess.

Anyways Wicca is just a subculture not a religion, for teens to piss off their parents or to make them feel superior to everyone else.
you forgot about kulade :(

You bring your fat nerd girl friends and have them send 20 comments on youtube about how us Christians are so ignorant and Wicca is not made in 50's but rather one of the oldest religions in the world, and block me if I call out their stupidity in the lack of creativity in their faith since it is basically new-age hippies wearing black.

Wiccans are disproportionately represented on the internet because they are so pathetic that they can't go outside and spew their stupidity.

You KULADE give me pain to choose!
Wicca is easily disprovable, at least.

What the hell does the falsifiability of a belief system have anything to do with whether or not it's a religion?

Again, it really seems you're just saying that you hate it and therefore it's not a religion. I don't understand why; it can't be because you feel you have a need to respect religion and therefore any religion you want to disrespect must not be a religion, because you don't respect religion in the first place!

While you're certainly right that atheism isn't a religion, (or a belief system, for that matter) that's completely irrelevant to this thread.
My bad everybody... Seems my source for Wicca info is off its rocker.
Wicca is easily disprovable, at least.

As soon as some new convert casts a spell and it fails... and they retry it... perhaps several times... they should see the light if they're not mental.
I think you're confusing "Wicca" with "the beliefs of certain Wiccans". Assuming that all Wiccans hold that every spell ever attempted is indisputably effective is like assuming that Presbyterians believe in transubstantiation, but about five thousand times as simplistic and ignorant.
Wicca is actually a fairly eclectic set of beliefs, the only real thing that all of them hold in common being the Masculine-Feminine duality of the God and Goddess, and even then the exact form that duality takes varies from tradition to tradition or individual to individual. As long as their beliefs incorporate that in some form, and they describe themselves as a "Wiccan", the someone is a Wiccan.

What's more, contrary to the common misconceptions of certain ignorant, self-righteous soapboxers who I won't dignify by naming, most Wiccans do not believe that the religion is in any real way "ancient", but cheerfully acknowledge it's modernity; indeed, within the neopagan community, it is often seen as the archetypal form of revisionist neopaganism, in contrast to the more strictly reconstructionist forms such as Germanic Heathenry. Granted, they claim that it's in the spiritual tradition of ancient paganism, which may be questionable, and some are prone to an overly romantic view of ancient paganism, but that doesn't quite demote it to the levle of "teenage fad", as our pompous friend seems to believe. Many religions have adherents who make questionable, simplistic or ignorant assertions, just as those who are entirely irreligious may. The religion itself can not be written off on such grounds, especially one as eclectic and uncentered as Wicca.

Put simply: A lot of Wiccans are full of crap, but that's because they're human, rather than because they're Wiccan (not to mention that the American ones tend to be more full of it than the European ones, although you can draw your own conclusions from that...), despite what some passive-agressive adolescents may like to think.

Anyway, Scientology. Wicca, for all it's faults, can at least be broadly defined as a "religion" in the everyday sense of the word. Scientology is, instead, a rather disturbing cult. At best, if it is a religion, it's a bloody awful one.
depends on which one require more of your time, effort and money...

Spending anything on religion is a waste of resources.
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