Whose blowing off work / school?

nope. Civ isn't that high on my priority list right now. I'm looking forward to playing it tomorrow. But I just hope I don't find it lack luster like I did with civ 4. Civ 3, was great though.
I took today, tomorrow and Wednesday off from work.
I guess with everyone taking time off, I will have to stick around here and moderate the Civ 5 forums. :(
Define "blowing off" work.

Today was my last day, the unemployment benefits start in two weeks, and I won't get recalled until January at the earliest.
I go to school online... and made sure to get most of my work for the week done yesterday and today... tomorrow from 10AM to whenever... that's Civ V time ;)
I guess with everyone taking time off, I will have to stick around here and moderate the Civ 5 forums. :(

Well, we'll all be too busy playing. And I'm sure playing a new release counts as "Work-Skill" related study, yes? That should be encouraged in the Admin field...
Unemployed… but I'm going to cut my Education Grad class tomorrow night. And I'm going to be a teacher lol, I hope my future students like CiV too.Long live CIV!!!
I have to teach 2 labs tomorrow, but I got Wednesday off for a "hair cut." The first lab starts at the exact time Civ5 unlocks, so that will be a bit of a pain.
I wish I could. For the first time in my four years at University, three of my four classes have participation as a mark, and the profs actually go out of their way to take attendance. The one class I can potentially skip out on is in the middle of the day, which means that skipping it would be pointless.

So no, I won't be skipping. I have Wednesdays off from school, so I will be playing real late into the night to compensate for the deprivation tomorrow.
I quit my job today.

Seriously. Start my new job next week. All part of the plan. . .
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