Why don't we just start a leaving forum!

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It would be nice if all these people who want to whine about wanting to "leave" CivFanatics for whatever piddly reason would post in their own forum so the rest of us don't have to look at it!

I think that anyone who posts that they are leaving a forum is just making a desperate plea that they are starved for attention.

I could care less if some people want to leave the forums because if they want to leave then they probably don't have anything worthwhile to contribute anyway.

Just because nobody responds to your post or quotes what you say doesn't mean that your voice isn't heard.

I have been averaging 100 posts a week since I joined and have put a lot of thought into some of them, but it doesn't matter if nobody responds because I know that it was read. Why do I know? Because I read most of the stuff on these boards my self and don't respond to most of it.

Plus, sometimes no response just means that with what I said I made a good point and was thorough enough that there was nothing to add!

So, next time you guys get in a huff and want everyone to know that you are leaving, don't go away mad. Just go away!

<IMG SRC="http://www.firaxis.com/civ3/images/artarchive/rifleman_render_thumb.jpg" border=0>If you cross the border, you better have your green card!<IMG SRC="http://www.firaxis.com/civ3/images/artarchive/abrams_render_thumb.jpg" border=0>
Oh Border......I think you want your Signature to look more like this right???

<IMG SRC="http://www.firaxis.com/civ3/images/artarchive/rifleman_render_thumb.jpg" border=0><font size="+4" color=green"> If you cross the border, you better have your green card! </font><IMG SRC="http://www.firaxis.com/civ3/images/artarchive/abrams_render_thumb.jpg" border=0>

But I like this better:

<IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/tank.gif" border=0><font size="+1" color="green"> If you cross the border, you better have your green card! </font><IMG SRC="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/tank.gif" border=0>

But I agree with what you said...it's all for attention.

Edit: Here is the code if you want it. Make sure you change all the ( and ) into < and > or it woun't work.

(img src="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/tank.gif")(font size="+1" color="green")(b) If you cross the border, you better have your green card! (/b)(/font)(img src="http://forums.civfanatics.com/ubb/tank.gif")

<IMG SRC="http://images.honesty.com/imagedata/h/207/85/32078598.gif" border=0> I AM CANADIAN! <IMG SRC="http://images.honesty.com/imagedata/h/207/85/32078598.gif" border=0>
CivFanatics Moderator and Tech Support
CivFanatics Civ 2 Ladder
My Civ 2 Scenario Page.

[This message has been edited by CornMaster (edited June 04, 2001).]
I'm sorry but I don't agree. If someone is leaving the forum then I want to have my chance to say goodbye. Besides it's plain rude to leave with out saying anything .
Mongul while I agree it is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye I don't see any point in anyone saying "ohhh blah blah blah these forums suck so I am leaving, Wah! Wah!" (somebody change my diapers cause I sh*t my pants) Why in the world would anybody "leave" the forums unless they are going to be without their computer.

I can understand if someone won't be able to check in as often for a while because we all have lives that get us busy at times, but to make it a point to say that you are leaving because you are not happy is just a desperate plea for attention.

<IMG SRC="http://www.firaxis.com/civ3/images/artarchive/rifleman_render_thumb.jpg" border=0>If you cross the border, you better have your green card!<IMG SRC="http://www.firaxis.com/civ3/images/artarchive/abrams_render_thumb.jpg" border=0>
Well I Disagree, here they life them selves out and get attention just what they want so let them

Testing Sig.:
If you have a leaving forum then by common sense we should have an welcoming forum!
Every outbox eventually fill another Inbox!

<IMG SRC="http://www.grworld.com/vanillacubesgames/files/kefka.gif" border=0>"Why Create things when you know they must be destroyed!"
"I will Create A monument to nothingness!"
Apparently, BorderPatrol is just as concerned with keeping people from leaving our borders as entering them.

I'm kidding, man.

Seriously though, while I think both sides make valid points, I have to agree more with Mongol Horde. If someone is really going to leave for good, for whatever reason, I think they should at leave give us the courtesy of saying good-bye and not leaving us to wonder a month later where in the heck they went and whether they'll ever come back.

No, I don't want to see anyone whining about how no one listens to them and we all suck and they're going to take their ball and go home. That's childish. And if that's the kind of farewell post someone wants to make, I think they should try to restrain themselves. Otherwise, I think they should at least say good-bye. It's only polite.
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