Why no Black Male Leaders?

I couldn't care less how America categorize its immigrant populations ; that categorization has non-existant relevance to anyone outside the US. Which is the vast majority of the people in the world ; the vast majority of black people in the world ; the vast majority of East Asian people in the world, the vast majority of South Asian people in the world (etc), and, most importantly, the vast majority of Leaders in Civ.

US classifications are profoundly irrelevant here, and do not reflect global demographics.
Can you tell me what Race East Asians Classify themselves as? Because Most English Speaking countries Call Asians, Asians..
Strange. I live in an English (and french) speaking country and we MOST pointedly make the distinction.
Can you tell me what Race East Asians Classify themselves as? Because Most English Speaking countries Call Asians, Asians..
That depends who you ask.
Strange. I live in an English speaking country and we MOST pointedly make the distinction.
I live in the same English-(and-French)-speaking country you do, Evie, but I don't think the same one as the Inorobot - but pretty close, by global scale geographics. But, yes, having met East, Southeast, South, and Central Asians and Pacific Islanders here, we do definitely recognize them as distinct.


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Which is a term pretty much nobody uses - just lumping people by continent of origin.

But in any event, fine, if we lump people by continents, then Ibn Battuta, a Berber, is in fact African and you have your African man.
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Lafayette, Machiavelli, Franklin, and Charlemagne are all white men who want to rule the Normans in Exploration and a Civilization that already has at least one directly associated Leader in Modern. That in mind, I think this post is a very fair complaint. There was definitely room.
If your complaint is not that your people are not represented, but that the representation for your people doesn't have enough sausages, your complaint is a lot less fair, no matter what other people are represented or not.
If your complaint is not that your people are not represented, but that the representation for your people doesn't have enough sausages, your complaint is a lot less fair, no matter what other people are represented or not.
I don't know... gender is a part of representation just like race or nationality is. It's not something I'm personally invested in when it comes to what makes me feel represented, and when nations are the things being represented it's certainly less important, but I'm not going to fault someone else for wanting a leader with the same skin color and gender as them in the game when there are enough white men hanging about to fill a Small size map on their own.
Black men, black women, south Asian men, south Asian women, East Asian men, East Asian women, indigenous American men and women, etc: it adds up quickly to w lot of leaders. Having all of them covered in the base game is a lot of ground to cover, and leaves very little room for anything else.

This argument would stand up a little more if we didn’t have two white French male revolutionaries in the game at launch!

I get they can’t do everything all at once, but it is a shame there is no black male leader, and none planned in the first DLCs either.
Can you tell me what Race East Asians Classify themselves as? Because Most English Speaking countries Call Asians, Asians..
I'll give a little perspective for Filipinos, who generally identify as South East Asian.

America's classifications get a bit crazy for us, and while it's generally the Asian checkbox one puts, I've had friends who got stares and looks when people find out they didn't identify as Latino or Pacific Islander.

Though back on topic, I did think Frederick Douglass could be a possible leader (in a vacuum, right now America has 2 other leaders). Mansa Musa woulda been fun too IMO
I hate to be that Guy, but Data shows most people prefer to play as their Sex, & I'm sure if Data was drawn, it would be the same for Race. Is it that Black Men are a Small Demo for Civ Games? And even with that, I'm not asking for a majority or equal amount of Black Male Leaders, but none?!!!

Then based on the Veteran Sleuths who typically accurately predict the upcoming unrevealed content, the upcoming DLC will not have any Black Male Leaders either. Again if Black Men are a small Demo, I'll let it go, but I'm hard pressed to believe Black Females are a Bigger demographic.

This is not a criticism against Firaxis, & I understand most people in this site may not care, but it is very disappointing to me.
I am also disappointed.
About 70% of Men prefer to play as Male Characters, there are also Race specific preferences. I'll try to post the studies & articles

While I do think we've got too many european leaders and not enough leaders from other groups, with black men being noticeable for not being included at all, you're misrepresenting what that study says. Putting aside concerns about whether the results are valid, it shows that 30 percent of men who play games have a preference for playing women. That doesn't mean the remaining 70% have a preference for playing men, as there are people who have no preference (and also people who prefer playing non-binary characters, but that seems only to have been considered when polling non-binary gamers). The actual data from the study says that 48% of men who play games prefer to play as men - the majority of male gamers have no strong opinion, or prefer to play as women.
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Who should be here?
A. Nelson Mandella
B. Shaka
C. Leader of Haitian Rebellion
D. Mvemba Nzinga of Kongo.
Toussaint L'Ouverture would be a very cool option. Additionally I think (modern) Ghana would be a great choice for a modern era African civ, and Nkrumah a good Diplomatic/Cultural modern leader. Ghana would be slightly after the timeframe of the rest of the modern era civs but I think it's close enough to qualify. Lake Bosomtwe natural wonder, Akosombo Dam built wonder that provides production and influence yields.
Toussaint L'Ouverture would be a very cool option. Additionally I think (modern) Ghana would be a great choice for a modern era African civ, and Nkrumah a good Diplomatic/Cultural modern leader. Ghana would be slightly after the timeframe of the rest of the modern era civs but I think it's close enough to qualify. Lake Bosomtwe natural wonder, Akosombo Dam built wonder that provides production and influence yields.
What ever they name the Era after Modern, I would like Burkina Faso & Ibrahim Traore
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