• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Will it be steam based?


Nov 20, 2005
I took a quick look around the forum, but didnt find any info.

I just hope from the bottom of my heart that steam will not be required (dropped Empire Total War and will drop SupCom 2 cause of steam requirement).

D2D is the future of PC gaming. Although I would prefer Civ V to be on Impulse and any other D2D services.
D2D is the future of PC gaming. Although I would prefer Civ V to be on Impulse and any other D2D services.

I use Impulse and Gamersgate a lot. Bought Majesty 2 at 75% off today, and I am beta testing Elemental War of Magic. Still Steam is a bit too much for me to swallow. I want to buy, not rent games.
I personally dislike steam and all its derivatives.
The ability to hold the CD in my hand is a definite selling point in my eyes.

If steam or any other program is required for purchase or use of the game I would not buy it.

So yes, I sincerely hope that its not steam based.
I like steam; but it sucks for MP games. If I wanted to play my family, I'd need to buy multiple copies. At $50 a pop, I'd snatch the retail and just install it a few times for a LAN game.
I want the box in my hand with the attractive box art and the ability to hold the CD in my hand. I won't accept anything else.
I'm not even going to pretend I have any idea whats being discussed in this thread, lol.
I want the box in my hand with the attractive box art and the ability to hold the CD in my hand. I won't accept anything else.
L4D2 was a disk but that doesn't mean it didn't use steam. I've been using steam for a long time so I'm used to it by now but I would prefer that we have a choice in using it or not(unlike Empire:total war) but if there is DRM on the disk then I will certainly buy the download steam version instead.
Not neccesarily. Wasn't civ4 also available on Steam? Tales of Monkey Island also exists on steam and not on steam.

How "not necessarily"? The OP asked if Civ5 would be on Steam, and I provided the direct link to pre-order off Steam. Sorta answers the question if you ask me. ;)
He asked if he would be required to use buy it from Steam, not if it would be available form Steam. It's possible Steam will be just one option to buy it.
I hope steam is NOT a requirement, and I don't think digital distribution is the future. I purchased the collector's edition of Civ4 and will probably do the same for Civ5. I like the tangibility, anticipation, and act of opening a preordered special edition game...at least I think that I do (the only special edition game I purchased was Civ4).

Some people have good things to say about Steam, and they can support their argument and opinion however they want...but I don't like any requirement to sign up just to play. Excpecially if (or when) Steam decides to advertise crap through their GUI and sells your account data to other companies.

Steam as an option is fine, but as a requirement is NOT!
He asked if he would be required to use buy it from Steam, not if it would be available form Steam. It's possible Steam will be just one option to buy it.

If you buy from Steam you will be required to connect to Steam. That's built into all Steam games. That is the DRM replacement.

But otherwise, there's no way they wouldn't sell through B 'n M.
I took a quick look around the forum, but didnt find any info.

I just hope from the bottom of my heart that steam will not be required (dropped Empire Total War and will drop SupCom 2 cause of steam requirement).


I've seen Empire on store shelves! The problem is finding brick & mortar stores that retail PC games any more.

As for the hard copy (CD, box, etc), yeah, I like that, but I am moving more towards Steam (and online download) for the fact that I am running out of room to keep physical things and I love not needing to put a CD into the drive in order to play a game. (Yes, I am lazy and hate disc swapping... so sue me!)
I think there are some misunderstandings in this thread. The OP is asking if CiV will require Steam in order to run. Empire: Total War required Steam to run, regardless of whether you bought a boxed version or a digital version. Essentially it used Steam as its DRM and patch-delivery service for all versions of the game.

Personally I love Steam, and I buy as many of my games there as I can. This is because it's almost always the cheapest way to get a game in Australia. It's also very convenient - I can switch between all the different games I want to play seamlessly, without having to switch DVDs all the time.

As for CiV, there will almost certainly be a boxed version, and there is going to be a Steam version, too. It's possible the boxed version will require Steam, clearly Firaxis have some kind of arrangement with Valve given that it's already up on Steam.

I do think DD is the future. It's just a more efficient and convenient way to get games from the developper to the player. Just look at some of the indy games up on Steam right now, Torchlight, Osmos, Gratuitous Space Battles etc. DD doesn't nescessarily imply restrictive DRM, either, just look at Good Old Games. It's also better for the environment.

Steam has offline mode now, anyway. And you don't have to worry about losing or damaging your game disks. So many reasons to love Steam.
What the heck is steam and D2D???

I initally thought we were talking about stream in the tech tree but soon realised its a different steam!
What the heck is steam and D2D???

I initally thought we were talking about stream in the tech tree but soon realised its a different steam!

Steam is a method of purchasing and downloading games online. No need to go through brick and mortar stores (like EB). For us in Australia it generally means a price saving of 50%, since the price increases we incur here are INSANE!
Steam is a method of purchasing and downloading games online. No need to go through brick and mortar stores (like EB). For us in Australia it generally means a price saving of 50%, since the price increases we incur here are INSANE!

wow, a 50% price save, i like it already! whats the catch?
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