• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Will you buy Civ4?

Will you buy Civ4?

  • Yes, definitately, as soon as I can

    Votes: 826 71.6%
  • No, way

    Votes: 24 2.1%
  • Yes but later when it's cheaper and comes with expansions

    Votes: 141 12.2%
  • Maybe but I'd like to play it first

    Votes: 75 6.5%
  • No I'll probably just nick my friends copy

    Votes: 30 2.6%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 58 5.0%

  • Total voters
I definitely would like to play it a little to see if it's really my style. The religion concept still grates on me.
Personally, I'm going to read a lot of online reviews before jumping in the bandwagon. I trust Gamespot, in particular, since they're very conservative handing out their editor's choice award (9.0 or higher). Of course I'm also going to check here and see what real fanatics think.
Well at first i didn't want to because it was under atari but now that 2k games is doing it and all i can't wait to get a copy
Looking forward to Civ4 but I doubt if the Tech tree and other features are as interesting as the Double your Pleasure/Rise and Rule mod for Civ3. Graphics look good and I like the spherical aspect. Also excited about the unit promotion options. Anyone who denies the new version demonstrates a lack of faith in the natural evolution of gaming. We should all support the creators so they may continue to improve our alternate reality. Civ forever.
Hope my new computer will be enough for it. It will be an AMD64 3000+, 512 MB RAM and a ATI 9600 Pro.
Sure I'll buy it, but if this time there will be a special box (package) to celebrate the new version, I'll think twice before spending more money. The Metal box in Civ3 was not good enough.
Hell Yeah I'm getting it!
Alvinho said:
Hope my new computer will be enough for it. It will be an AMD64 3000+, 512 MB RAM and a ATI 9600 Pro.

Easily good enough, based on how well Pirates runs on a lesser machine.
Hard to believe this is a serious question - on CivFanatics!?!

OF COURSE I'll buy the newest Civ the very second I can get it! Since it will probably be released later in Germany, I'll pre-order it in the US, probably paying through the nose for the postage, but what the heck!

No true Civ fanatic would pass up the chance for the newest release!

Now, another question is whether I'll retire Civ3 for it ... THAT I'll decide after extensive playtesting!
If worst comes to worst - I don't expect that, though - I can always sell my copy of Civ4 on eBay and return to Civ3 - but first, I have to try it!

BTW, I can well remember when Civ 3 - yes, and even Civ2, I'm a dinosaur! - were due to be released, there were the exact same discussions about the graphics and new gameplay concepts and the same fears that the game would be ruined by the innovations - well, each version was better than the last (apart from the bugs) and I always retired the old version; I'm betting it will be the same with this one!

So far I am not impressed with the pre-release info...except for the new graphics engine (which is not a decision point for me...old style Civ1 graphics with a killer AI would be more of a deal clincher for me personally) I see nothing to set it much apart from the previous Civs.

Different rules, 'new' features like Religion or a flex tech tree, or RPG style combat, well, cool beans and all, but without a better AI they will still have the same old issues that were in Civ3...and I am happy with that product right now.

Want me to make up my mind, show me the money...show me a better AI. Otherwise, my jury is still out, and will be for a long long time.
Facts from the figure of the poll result:

It looks like all those dislike how civ3+patches or Civ3 expension is shaped also given up this forum

As at this writing, Civ4 has 235 sure buy customers, what a great game...
Hopefully my computer is capable enough, because I'm planning to get it ASAP (or perhaps for Christmas... I never bought one thing Civ III (got vanilla for Christmas and PTW and Conquests for my birthday... let's keep the streak going!)).
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