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Wiz01- My first SG (Regent)

That might be a problem. Check out Members Pictures V in OT. Superevie caught a 7 day ban for spamming. I didn't see that coming or anything.:rolleyes: :(
Ok so what do we do if a person get busted for spamming? I think they can get on this board they just can't post (evie, nod once if you can hear me) ;) also evie, click on my link for "savegame" on my last post, that's the correct turn to start at.

Maybe she can email her progress to Gengis and he can post it?? Sound good??
Yeah. Maybe she got mixed up with that other SG she is playing withm-b, cause there they both play the same turns, in their own way... Ooh, never heard literally of someone getting banned... I'll check that thread...
Here's my theory: maybe she thinks everyone is supposed to play the first fifteen turns and then talk about it? Like a QSC?
Thats what they're doing with mad- bax. However, we will have to wait at least a week for an answer... She couldn't stop herself from spamming there, everybody was warned at least a dozen times, and they still went on and on... She wasn't the only one...
So, as SE is out, the next player should play the save. So:

gormdragan- it's your turn
zorven- get ready
Wizard- on the bench
got it
The Save

Traded Pottery for 1slave+10gp

Osaka makes war, starts gran

Kyoto makes settler, starts rax (We will probably squeeze units btw settlers, vet units would be nice)




Tokyo founded, starts war

Popped a Mansonry
Osaka change gran to temple ( to keep pop happy while Osaka builds pyramid)

Popped Mysticism



Kyoto makes rax, starts war

Potential trade, IW for HBR (I'm meeting 2nd civ in the next turn so I'll wait 1 turn)

Zulu has Alpha, 10gp, will trade Apha+10gp for Wheel. (We will get Aplha in 2 turns, I decide not to)

Kyoto makes war, starts settler
Tokyo makes war, starts worker

Alpha finish, starts Writing
Kyoto changes settler to war, to time settler production

Kyoto makes war, starts settler


Osaka makes temple starts Pyramids
Trade Alpha+Mysticism for HBR (Zulu has the 2 techs anyway, we may lose a free HBR)

We may be the only 3 civ on this island. Beeline MM for kamikazi galleys.

A possible dotmap, please discuss.
Got it. Probably won't be able to post until Monday.

Do you want the Pyramids or are you pre-building for something else. I normally wouldn't consider building any wonders at this point.
Good playing. :) Those dots are good, although the one SE from Osaka should be changed to be by the sea...

I remembered one thing we haven't discussed: Are we heading for a certain victory or are we just playing and having fun...

The next city should IMHO be built either on the spot between Osaka and Tokyo or The one N between Kyoto and Tokyo. You guys are awesome players:thumbsup:... I'll just try to be even nearly as good as you...

I picked SE city where it is as we can immediately make use of the BG. The lost of habor city is not significant (we are far from MM) and we can compensate by squeezing another habor city on the east between Osaka and Kyoto. My 2 cents.
I PM'd evie, I think you can still use PM if you get axed from CFC.
It does look as if the format I chose for the TDG has confused her (Evie). I apologise for that. I have PM'd her and tried to explain the difference.
Originally posted by sabo10
I PM'd evie, I think you can still use PM if you get axed from CFC.

That is correct - you still can PM.
Mmmm, yes people PMed Evie... Wait! I'm her! And I'm posting!! Bwahhaa! I'm back! So, I guess I'll take the game from the last save or something? I got confused from the TDG game. :blush:
Chill out Evie. Wizard will slot you back in the rotation and let you know when you are up. You need to wait your turn, but it won't be long.
Okay, I'll sit quietly and wait my turn. :) I can't wait!
Welcome back.
Originally posted by gormdragan
Welcome back.

Thanks! I'm glad to be back! Nice set of turns, BTW. I like the pottery and slave trade. VERY useful. :)
Good to see you're back, looks like I wasn't in time to keep you from getting skipped.:( I'm sure wizard won't mind dropping you into the next spot since you got skipped. I guess we'll just have to see.
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