Wonder Graphics: Transatlantic Wireless Cable


Pthooey of Tomainia
Mar 31, 2002
Oulu, Finland
This was in Ozymandias' wishlist he sent couple weeks ago. You thought I forgot this one, didn't you Oz? :D

Took time to think how to portray the transatlantic wireless cable of 1858, then got the idea to draw a ship laying it. Wanted to do the Great Eastern but looked at it and got discouraged because of the work the fine ship needs to make it look good. So I based the pic on one of the smaller ships.

Can be used as a coastal installation, as "doubles the research output" or/and +1 trade per tile type of wonder


Here's the file:

The Preview:


  • transatlanticwirelesspreview.jpg
    22.4 KB · Views: 1,893
The graphic looks great as usual, but isn't "wireless cable" an oxymoron? ;)
:eek: 4 for 4 :eek: (for those of you just tuning in, this is the fourth wondersplash, made by Rufus T. Firely, for wonders made by Ukas at my suggestion / request; the Royal We must also note that 'twas Yours Truly's suggestion to add Freedonia to Ukas' mod ... )

... Ukas ... ?

-To Whomever :beer:


It's not me. I've been having a break since problems with my pc ruined the better part of the summer.

I noticed our man of mystery, Rufus T. has certainly replied to my call to make better splashes - which they truly are. :goodjob:

But there is that strange connection...
Originally posted by Ukas
It's not me. I've been having a break since problems with my pc ruined the better part of the summer.

I noticed our man of mystery, Rufus T. has certainly replied to my call to make better splashes - which they truly are. :goodjob:

But there is that strange connection...

Yeah, that name "R.T.F." obviously had me guessing.

I'm sorry to hear about your pc, but surely its lack didn't altogether ruin your summer??

Oh -- And does this mean you're back? :)


Originally posted by Ukas
Hi Yoda :wavey:

I think I could. What you have in mind?
I have many requests. This is my list(dont worry im not asking you to make them all;)) :

Cult Site
City Guard
Great Guildhall
St Peters Church
San Marco
Umayad Mosque
Great Bazaar
Krak des Chevaliers
School of Henry the Navigator
Religious Unity
Al-Idrisis World Map
Trade Monopoly
Navigation School
Magna Carta
Royal Court
Toll House
Water Supplies
Royal Residence
Sorry ot revive this thread, but I was wondering what ever came of this request? I would be interested in these as well.
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