Woodelf's Spaceships for GarretSidzaka thread

woodelf said:
Thanks Dual. It's going much faster now especially since I'll leaving poor Garret to do the skinning. :)

Here are 2 render shots of the deep space craft he requested. The first has no color, the second is simply the default dds to be skinned. Nif and dds now in the first post.

Garret - Do these render shots help at all when skinning?

it looks gorgeous! i will try. the first thing that i try when donig a skin is making a patter for the hull metal. this makes it a little easier so i dont have to draw it all by hand. if you look at the crappyskin.zip i sent you, you can see the patter that the saucer has, i drew that by hand in 50x50 pixels and then made it seamless and then used a fillbucket to paint the skin. easy. this model looks cool too, lemme take a look at it when i get a chance. pretty soon here im not going to have a computer, coz im upgrading to alienware, but donating mine to familiy while it gets built.

i will check out this one soon...im thinking really dark hullmetal.
Dude, somehow I missed this thread but these are awesome. Cool old-school stuff! I particularly like the 2nd and 3rd ones -- though I don't even know the cultural references, they "feel" retro :D
Rabbit said:
"Woodelf position", "plow through", "spanking and whips" - is it just me or is this thread on the verge of loosing its PG rated status? :D

Nice spaceships btw :thumbsup: but I didn't know woodelfs have reached that kind of level of technology :D
:lol: Am I the only one that appreciates your humor?

When engaging in the "Woodelf position" , you can be sure I "plow through" while "spanking" and using "whips." You know what this means, don't you? The wife needs some "elf time." ;)

*TM to the original creator :cool:
I fully appreciate Rabbit's warped sense of humor. ;) And I think every wife needs elf time occassionally. :D

Keep it PG, but border on the R.
Well woodelf, don't you feel grand? Not only have you got a position named after you, but also my favorite pasttime :D
just floated back to civfanatics. been out one computer so i havent really felt like modding and running civ on my laptop really. weds this week i go back to modding hardcore when i get my new pc
Let me know if you run into any issues Garret. My UVunwrapping skills have improved since these were created and I'm getting better at modeling in general. Feel free to ask for more if you need them.
Garret - I made this as an improvement for the SW mod, but you might get some mileage out of it.

File here.
GarretSidzaka said:
what would you think about an international spacestation wonder building? could you do it?

Do you have a pic you want it to look like? I can find pics of what it should look like and what it actually looks like. Send me a link to a preference and I'll try.
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