World War II 1939 - A Civilization IV Moddification


Fallout Scrubber
Mar 4, 2006
Poland, EU
Kodzi, Asioasioasio, Splinter13 & Bergrar presents:


Beta Complited - Here's Thread

Here's official Web Portal - Help to develop it :)

We're working on civ4 moddifications wich allows to replay modern history of Europe. Main scenario (1939) is supposed to be played from september 1939 to december 1947 but tech tree allows to make scenarios in years 1936-1952.


The game will be changed in several aspects:

- complete new tech tree with 100 technologies allowing you to make your forces more powerful (from early light tanks and infantrie's weapon to inter-continental ballistic misssiles with fusion bomb warheads)
- new civics Take your people closer to totalitarian country. Rule with steel hand or let people live in democratic country. Civics will let you play your tactics on battlefield more efficient
- more and more units and new promotions. Day by day the number of ww2 units increase on civfanatcis. so number of units in mod is slowly increasing in mod. We want to make as much unique units for each country as possible.
- completly new soundtrack wich will bring much more "honey" to the game
- new buildings, improvments and world and antional wonders to make the game more historical
- powerfull alliances Religions are switched to axis, west allies and komintern alliances. With warlords e p now it's possible not only to make deffence pacts but also switch your friends and ennemies to sattelites
- other minor changes

The project is so big that every help is needed - especially 3D graphics, python and SDK programmers and people wich will help translate to other languages
We look for Web Portal Editor - wich could help with entering data

Note that it's plain tech tree without added units buildings and other abbilities

It's only techtree showing developmnent of technologies

To be continued...

i saw you our new units for this mod (examples)
Russian Tanks: (by Asioasioasio)


Polish forces


And more



now i dontd remeber autors of somoene units, but i add special information about this

And many many more
leaders and nations:

Adolf Hitler (Third Reich)
Winston Churchill (UK)
Josef Stalin (USSR)
Ignacy Moscicki (Poland)
Benito Mussolini (Italy)
Albert Lebrun (France)


all leaderheads is animated and 3d, each leaders have orginaly background music.

to be continued...
Improvents and special effects

in ww2 we joind new improvents for war realitys:
After 15 minutes I'm going to venture a post and take the woodelf position!

This looks super guys. :thumbsup:
No small nations ? :(
More nations neads much more work and more people working on project - other nations will be added bit by bit
we would like to make it as much realistic as possible so there's place for other nations
@Crash757 >> its first scenario, and we want finished this mod first, after we can join new nations.
asioasioasio said:
More nations neads much more work and more people working on project - other nations will be added bit by bit
we would like to make it as much realistic as possible so there's place for other nations
Nice :) Otherwise there's still no mod or scenario where i could play with my country :(
Crash757 said:
Nice :) Otherwise there's still no mod or scenario where i could play with my country :(
Yes it's big chance to play Latvia in second scenario - on bigger map with more countries :) - but probably it will be represented only by riga so there is very small chance not to loose independence
asioasioasio said:
Yes it's big chance to play Latvia in second scenario - on bigger map with more countries :) - but probably it will be represented only by riga so there is very small chance not to loose independence
Then it will be just like in Paasky's CivIII WW2: Europe mod, where it was very hard to survive with Latvia. But still, i was able to trade in some brittish light tanks and hold against soviets longer as it was in real history :) And i hope, i will be able to succeed even more in your mod, because Civ4 diplomacy is even more flexible :)
So explain to me how Vassals is gonna play out in a WW2 scenario? What happens if, as in real life, England and France have a Permanent Alliance, but Germany over-runs France. What happens to the alliance if France becomes Germany's vassal? What happens to the war? How do all the other tags that control relations between civs play out with the vassals aspect?

From what I have read on other threads, the vassal option trumps all other variables, so last turns best friend will attack if the vassal card is played by some combination of factors.
wotan321 said:
So explain to me how Vassals is gonna play out in a WW2 scenario? What happens if, as in real life, England and France have a Permanent Alliance, but Germany over-runs France. What happens to the alliance if France becomes Germany's vassal? What happens to the war? How do all the other tags that control relations between civs play out with the vassals aspect?

This is more or less exactly what happened during the war. Vichy France anyone?

Also if you give the poles cavalry better give it to everyone, it was used by all armies during the war.

EDIT: Also, wermacht is a wierd name for a unit, how about "Landser" or possibly "Landsers" instead?
This is more or less exactly what happened during the war

That's my point? How will permanant alliances, defensive pacts, and vassals work together?

As for Whehrmacht, "Wehrmacht" was what they were called, it was the word used to describe them.

I agree everyone should have cavalry, though the Polish Cavalry should be a UU for the Poles, they were well known at the time.

Good luck with this scenario, it looks like it will be great to play.
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