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World War II 1939 - A Civilization IV Modification

when I play the scenario the game moves very slow. My laptop has 448 ram. so is that why? I am going to buy a new Ram card soon. Also will it help to play other scenarios besides the global one because it has less civs.
sorry for being silenced for couple of days - i was very busy :(

I'm glad you like new units - so here's another maybe it isn't the beautiest but will play key role in late tech tree technologies :)

@Churchill 25 - yup the global scenarois has a lot of cities and countries - so it need more ram - i'm working on drop the requirements - but it isn't what appears soon - it need so make some models once again and it's not priority - i correct only "video card nightmares" that has above 1500 triangles

you may try playing different scenarios - should run faster. In next release (i don't want to tell when it will be right now :p) there will be also some small and quick scenarios :) so anybody would find something suitable :)
Hey asioX3, I can get those XMLS fairly soon. Really its pretty simple to me.
I didn't quite understand exactly what you needed, but now i do.

I still haven't got the WW2 1939 scenario to work with the in game video, so i just deleted it, and it gives me some lame error how my video's aren't configured right, but everything works.

Cheers :)
Hey Guys, Great Mod.

I do have an answer for those who need a fun scenario with less RAM requirements. I have spent a lot of time making a map to resemble the old Hasbro Axis & Allies boardgame, 2004 edition. It's made on a 96x52 earth map that I've used for other scenarios. Several versions of this earthmap have floated around in the lobbies over the last few months.

It has 5 players, Japan, America, Britain, Germany, Russia. Each city represents a general area of the world, like Western United States, Western Canada, Alaska, Wake Island, Japan, India, Suez Canal, S.S.R. Karelia, etc... Cities/territories cannot be razed.

Some cities have Good Production, Some have access to needed resources, and others are at strategic locations.

Germany starts extended deep into Soviet Russia. Rommel and Montgomery square off in Northern Africa. Pearl Harbor has been bombed, and japan stands poised to extend her territory in all directions. Will Great Britain be able to distract Germany long enough to keep Russia alive until America's economic advantage kicks in?

I will adapt this map for your mod and let you post it if you like it, but I have one request... I need an option to disable settlers. I suspect there are several ways to do this, but I can't be having the AI clutter the map with more cities. Right now, the cities are spaced nicely, and allow for strategic manouvring with units between them.

Some cities have Good Production, Some have access to needed resources, and others are at strategic locations.

If you'll put in an option to disable settlers, I'll adapt this map for your scenario. You can preview one of the more recent Warlords versions of the map here:


I would love to see this scenario on this mod.
I agree with disabling settlers - i need to ask other scenario creators what they think about it. Maybe it's possibility to turn off building settlers in certain maps - that would be even better :). But i think turning off city building and city razing is good move - more realistic (and i don't need to worry about Los Angeles in North Africa).
And also it motivates me to finish japanesee till the end of next week :) - i don't know if it's possible but i give a try. :)

I'll send pm today - now i'm @ job and can't talk much :) :p
noooo! Don't take out settlers!!! NOOOO! Keep them. It might not be realistic but it's ****ing cool to buil new city in example Africa..
hmm so maybe it's possible to turn it off only on one map - i'll check this out :)
I noticed there are several ways turning off settlers
- many drastic - so it needs to be turned off in all scenarios.

But i think it's possible to make countries in pairs - so for example we would have two soviet unions - one with unique unit settler and second one without it - so one could build settler and second can't. For Axis and Allies you could choose country with option without settlers. But maybe they are even better solutions.

@Shiggs713 WW2 Mod Group? I think we are already modding group :)
I dont know what it encompasses, i guess i meant on the civ forums thing. There is an option to join group somewhere... I didn't see WW2 1939 there
Ah now i know :) yeah there isn't any group yet - i think it's somehow connected to private forums - we don't have this now so i didn't thought about groups yet. I'll ask woodelf what we need to create the group :)
I noticed there are several ways turning off settlers
- many drastic - so it needs to be turned off in all scenarios.

But i think it's possible to make countries in pairs - so for example we would have two soviet unions - one with unique unit settler and second one without it - so one could build settler and second can't. For Axis and Allies you could choose country with option without settlers. But maybe they are even better solutions.

@Shiggs713 WW2 Mod Group? I think we are already modding group :)

Perhaps you could try fooling around with the One City Challenge and No Razing options.. One city challenge disallows settlers, but also razes all new cities you capture (you can start with more than one though). No razing of course doesn't allow razing. I tried them together but the newly captured cities are still razed. If you could find a simple way to reliably reverse the order these are executed, and rename the One City Challenge button to no settlers. Only catch might be with the AI, the AI ignores the One City Challenge rules.
I've been working on modifying ww2 1939 for 2 or 3 human player very balanced game. I think it will be lots of fun. I've changed the .ini files to allow multiplayer, and I can get it to work fine in Hotseat/PBEM.

But when I try to load it with LAN setting here's what happens:

After choosing New Scenario (it shows up), in the staging room the appropriate players don't show up, just the generic Civ players, though the map does show up.
When loaded, the raw map loads, but the appropriate civs, cities, units, techs, etcc.... all don't load.

I'm guessing/hoping it's some simple setting I've missed, but I sure can't seem to find it.
I've spent many hours on the conversion to make it very balanced, I sure hope it hasn't all been wasted.

Any ideas GREATLY appreciated!!
Perhaps you could try fooling around with the One City Challenge and No Razing options.. One city challenge disallows settlers, but also razes all new cities you capture (you can start with more than one though). No razing of course doesn't allow razing. I tried them together but the newly captured cities are still razed. If you could find a simple way to reliably reverse the order these are executed, and rename the One City Challenge button to no settlers. Only catch might be with the AI, the AI ignores the One City Challenge rules.

Im pretty sure its as simple as removing the settler unit :) But for only 1 scenario it would be harder. Maybe investigate the code on the options (example; no city razing) and make settlers an option

EDIT: @Explorer - Nice :) I beleive that making multiplayer function is a goal for WW2 but it is not a main concern at the moment. We are currently working on phase 2 (1st page).
@ explorer2
I never played multiplayer (except hotseat) but
1. Did you tryed to launch map in other mods (of course map for particular mod) - is it working?
2. did you tryed to launch on LAN other map from 1939 mod

I'll try to help you with this problem - put on ftp this map (but i don't have lan connection so i won't test this good :( - but maybe i would figure out something)
STUDPID ME! I finally figured it out. I wasn't starting game from Advanced menu to load ww2 1939 first, so even though it was reading the map/scenario, it hadn't loaded the unique XML files, so couldn't load the units/techs, etc... that have been changed.

Currently working on playing it through to check for balance throughout the game.
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