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World War II 1939 - A Civilization IV Modification

i was learning to animations - it's just junk wich left after unsuccesfull attempts
@Fortinbras - all techs (except wmd) are available to trade - it depends only on the map

you can set this by opening map in Warlords\Mods\WW2 1939\PublicMaps with notepad (right click/open with....)
and deleting this line
will deleting this line cause the savegame not to start? so that one has to restart the scenario?
sorry i don't understand you :(
the mod needs to be loaded before playing scenarios - so games restarts.
I've only played the 1933 scenerio so far and it struck me as odd that you can't trade techs! With research as slow as it is, it absolutely had to be enabled. I tried to do it myself but I forgot how and gave up.

I think you will find that in an aggressive war scenario, that the A.I. will collude extensively to acquire ALL the techs before you and you will be playing a scenario taking place in the 1930's and 1940's and they will soon neutralize all chance of "normal" history by trading the tech tree extensively and will have techs available to them that should have been left until the 1950's and beyond.... It is not really fun to play out of era with a scenario. It is something that unfortunately just needs to stay in for now, until the only way to acquire a tech is from a vassal or Defensive Alliance partner. I have played the scenario games out to their end, and if you are a reasonably good player you will find you tech quite well and will have all the desired techs you need if you keep expanding and building your economy. It is just a little different in tactics to not be tech trading as I also use extensively when playing in 'normal' mode or HOF or GOTM's.

If you can't accept that reasoning - you can open the scenario "Map" file such as 1933ww2_7.7p.CivWarlordsWBSave in an editor like Vim or even Notepad and remove the line Option=GAMEOPTION_NO_TECH_TRADING in the first paragraph of scenario file. I don't think you will like the results though...

I belive the saved game will still restart - but if it doesn't, you can copy the line back in. The scenario is then restarted by double clicking on the scenario 'map' file and it will automatically load the mod.
ok.. i try again.. sorry for my english:

i also want to trade techs..
in the 1933 scenario i am playing now, this is not possible
so my question:
when i will delete this line in the map, will then techtrading be possible in my old savegames? played so many hours, i do not want to restart the scenario from the beginning..
ah -> i don't know this -> but i think it's not possible :(
you may try it - it'll be for sure in future games.
But as JungleIII said it'll change strategy, gameplay and timeline -> and the effect might be weird.
I was Worried about the AI becoming too advanced as well, but if you think about it, significant research progress will only take place in a few countries, like Germany, the US, and the UK. The other countries will just leech off their achievements or rediscover everything for themselves. You seem to have balanced the tech points pretty well, but even with a superior economy it seems unlikely that one can remain historically true to the technology of the time. And I think that enabling tech trading will help this, but it may make it worse. I'll find out...
To change a game in progress for tech trading you would need to:
Enter "World Builder" (press escape and select Enter World Builder, say O.K.).
Then after map/scenario/game appears - save this particular game play as new map, and place game in the "Single" folder, or in the default "world builder" file - but somewhere where you can find it.
Then exit World Builder, exit the game.
Then - find the "map" file you just saved in your Warlords directory and right click on it - open with Notepad.
Remove the No Tech Trading line - don't leave any spaces or gaps where line was positioned.
Save the file and exit.
Double click on the modified file.
It will then start your game where you left off - and the tech trading will be enabled.

Sorry if it sounds complicated... (it really isn't - but may be unfamiliar) you might copy these instructions onto a document file temporarily and you will be able to use them when doing the changes. ;)

This method should enable you to modify the file with a current game and still change it as you requested. Let me know if you have problems, and if you send me game I will change it for you. :p
Hey, I was looking that scenarios and none of them are aimed at Japan vs USA. You should have a scenario have is center at Japan and the US. Place in the time right before Japan attacked PH. The map should be large but only hold, Japan, korea, some of china, and the US and Canada and then the great open waters between them. Oh well, thats all, didn't really look much.
This mod is open for changes and new scenarios - it would be great to have scenario on the Pacific. If you like you can make it, or someone else who wants to try make own scenarios.

Now i'm slowly working on phase two - new leaders nations units.
and for phase one i still change "fake" models (like su-76 instead archer) for units. I'm also thinking of making scenario in north africa

My knowledge is not good enough to make realistic scenario on pacific - so it isn't in my plans - if anyone wants to make it - feel free to make it :)
Also do not forget the Common Wealth, Dutch Indies, and India. Although they didn't play an enourmous role, I think them as well as possibly a few other Civs should be added as non-playable Civs. My thoughts would be to have U.S.A., Japan, China, Common Wealth, Dutch Indies, India, and maybe more. I would make any additional Civs non-playable, as well as the last 3 I just mentioned. I could help with any research needed and XML changes, but as far as DLL or map editing, Im not so good at. Could maybe make a nice Mod without changing DLL, but I would still need a good map.

Im not completely up to par on all the Pacific battle info's and Civ strengths, But its not hard to find. :smoke:

You could reference back to the Civ3 WWII Pacific Scenario, that was a nice scenario, or just wikipedia it. Possibly even do python events for more real scenario play, but im not good at that either, if anyone else is interested, i can donate some time and xmls.
@ Shiggs713 - Welcome in the team - I've sent you pm

@ All
As you probably have noticed some units have fake models (like reskinned su-76 model for british archer) :mischief: it's understundable looking on number of units. I work on fixing this (This time Archer and Bishop). Also I work on models for new units (Like Ohka - "cherry blossom") :)

Texture for Archer and Bishop are made by Aristoteles from CMMD

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