Writing boost triggering upon defeat of unknown player

Matt Wood

May 6, 2017
In the very early game, if you haven't triggered the boost to Writing already (so you haven't met another civilisation), and an unknown AI player is defeated it triggers the Eureka for Writing.

My scenario is:
Fractal map type
Epic speed
Playing as Saladin/Arabia
Turn 60
No Eureka for Writing triggered

On an island on my lonesome, no other civilisation or city state, just barbarians. I got the notification that an unknown enemy player had been defeated, this then proceeded to give me the Writing eureka immediately when my turn began. After this Eureka is triggered, I have no new Leader banner in the top right nor did a civilisations welcome screen appear. The only thing that could have triggered this was the notification saying that an unknown player has been defeated.
Really?? That seems dumb and probably shouldn't be the case as you haven't actually met the civ nor do you know what civ it was. It also looks like and plays like a bug. In certain situations (like the one I'm in), you get a free Eureka which seems wrong. Its probably going down the same code path that a player does if they're defeated in which you see all the civs in the post-game screens but rather than ending the game, it counts it as meeting all the civs.

My view is that a defeated AI shouldn't even become aware of all other civs as it's AI, it doesn't care what civs were in that game or the stats pertaining to that game. The player should just receive the notification stating that an AI player has been defeated and not grant the eureka.

Additionally, it may give some players (AI or human) and unfair advantage, particularly if some of the civs in the game have either gotten the boost or already researched Writing as it allows unfair catch up.
For the record, I wasn't saying it's not a bug, just pointed out another known case.
this explains why a newly-resurrected city-state suddenly receive envoys from every civs despite the fact that they may have never met the others.
Seems like a case related to getting Political Philosophy on 2 city states if a city state got defeated. The bug got introduced in the last patch.
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