WW II December 1941

mmm... what about reducing the cost of the goods factory? i´m not against your idea, i just feel that the price is too much.
i´ll keep on playtesting japan and let you know if i have any other comments :)

yes i'll reduce costs too. But they will still be expensive so only cities with potential can produce a goods factory within an affordable build rate. Instead of 400 turns it will take about 50
ok ill link the save game

trying to figure out how to put them up um the save games r 2.4 mb and the limit is 2 mb what do i do
I'm having the same crash and i can't acces word builder to remove the partisans. I thought by removing them at that point i could see if it is the partisans causing this crash. It is almost similar to the crash i had playing use, only it crashed when giving orders to a unit, but never the same unit.

Searching for what causes this problem i have made a crash dump giving this as a primair result:

The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual adress for wich it does not have the appropriate acces.

I'm searching for what cuases this.
a few more things i noticed:
- i cant change my civics, right?
- nazi germany is annoyed with japan? both the Anti-Comintern and Tripartite pacts were already in place. i believe that all axis powers should have better relations between them (at least friendly, as are japan´s relations towards italy)
- for some reason, around turn 17, all the religions were founded at the same time :confused: that´s weird...
thats weird in my game japan is always friendly with germany granted i gave them some iron and horses..

The italians germans and japanese should be in a perma alliance
ok as long as the partisans dont crash the game i dont care, they are easily handled.

would be nice to have them as an option like barbarians though and my choice to have them in or not.

will i have to start over from turn 1? or will u be able to modify my saved game?
ok as long as the partisans dont crash the game i dont care, they are easily handled.

would be nice to have them as an option like barbarians though and my choice to have them in or not.

will i have to start over from turn 1? or will u be able to modify my saved game?

I hope so. I'm waiting for the original cc++ files from dacubz, the modder on whose mod i based this scenario on.

I hope it will be savegame compatible. But probably not.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm seriously considering that. But like i asked, i need a savegame before the one you already gave me.

I'm getting help in the python help thread. So i hope something turn up.

ooh i did not realize u wanted another save game let me get that for you

when did u ask for another save game?? i dont see a post
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