• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


I have been updating the terrain graphics for WW2 Global also, to give it a slightly more appealing look, and to get away from the dreaded yellows and browns that fill the normal textures. I have used a few graphic pieces already available that were made by others, and have been re-colouring other pieces to fit, such as forests, swamps, jungles. I will likely do some more, such as create more WW2 realistic airfields, roads, etc.

EDIT: New roads have been re-coloured, and are light grey color with brown border (dirt on the side of roads). Gives a better representation than all dirt.

Full Pic is 400KB!
Top is new look, bottom is regular terrain graphics. I'm trying to keep the same 'feel' as to not distract players with overly different graphics, because some terrain mods change things so much, it's hard to even recognize the game.

Looks very sweet. But there are no links on that website to download. Not even previous versions.

Care to tell me where I can get it?
Unofficial 2.7 Full Graphics update will be available in approximately 1 hour from now, a new thread will be started with information and download links. I will post here link to the location once it is up.

UPDATE: Go to the SOE-site for information and download links to WW2-Global Unofficial 2.7 Graphics Update.

You can also go to CFC thread for links and information:

I will try a playtest soon!

Thinking about Japan or Italy.
I will try a playtest soon!

Thinking about Japan or Italy.

Both are always good, given their difficulty. I'm attempting in my Japan game to do what I was unsuccessful at last year.. to eventually launch a successful invasion of US on SID. Taking a couple cities is one thing, holding them or even continuing an assault is another! Last year when I attempted this, I got crushed by the initial 'mega wave of US troops' that were built up over 2 years. I'm thinking of taking Alaska first, quickly build up some defensive stations, and then push my way down if I can survive the initial onslaught. Look forward to seeing your playtest

I started in panama with Japan.
From there i had two options to attack, and to distract the US ;-)

Will try Italy soon!!!
Okey it works!


So, i just misread the instructions after downloading and that was my mistake. Works fine now, and a playtest os the US-Transport ITALY is comming up!
* Sorry for the 3rd post in a row.

I started this game, and just finished the second turn.
I have set myself several short-term goals to reach:

1) Become king of the sea in the area
2) Build up an industrial/economical powerhouse
3) Invade Yugoslavia

I've started to work on the 2 first goals: building banks, hydro's and markets. Workers are also produced where possible.
To become the king of the sea i'll have to fight off the very big French and British navy's.
Therefor i've set up a small trap, to try and kill off as much ships as possible! I will try to use as much of the WW I units as possible for the destruction of these fleets.

Also troop movements have been made to the Yugoslavian border + near Tunis, i might attempt an attack to.
Looking forward to the unofficial 2.7 with no raze. Razing has always been a problem with the computer. I have yet to even find the no raze patch so just including it is helpful. Are you going to keep just roads or are you including railroads again? The 2.6 just has roads which I prefer since the computer tends to tie up their workers trying to build railroad with one worker and then it seems pollution goes out of control for them since they are busy trying to build railroad (seemed railroads took longer in 2.5). It is very effective to just have roads since they seem to deal with pollution a lot better.

I have a few games going WW2 global. My last one was Japan (Sid Difficulty) which I pretty much took over half of Russia (hard to now since they have better defensive units, they are still hanging on) and working on invading Australia. The English bombers are a real pain in the ass about 25-40 turns in since I had crappy fighters that didn't even attempt to air intercept. The lethal land bombardment was pretty annoying once they brought their bombers out and almost made me quit the game but I started just building massive AA units which helped a little. I am not too sure about having lethal land bombardment but oh well.
Looking forward to the unofficial 2.7 with no raze. Razing has always been a problem with the computer. I have yet to even find the no raze patch so just including it is helpful. Are you going to keep just roads or are you including railroads again? The 2.6 just has roads which I prefer since the computer tends to tie up their workers trying to build railroad with one worker and then it seems pollution goes out of control for them since they are busy trying to build railroad (seemed railroads took longer in 2.5). It is very effective to just have roads since they seem to deal with pollution a lot better.

I have a few games going WW2 global. My last one was Japan (Sid Difficulty) which I pretty much took over half of Russia (hard to now since they have better defensive units, they are still hanging on) and working on invading Australia. The English bombers are a real pain in the ass about 25-40 turns in since I had crappy fighters that didn't even attempt to air intercept. The lethal land bombardment was pretty annoying once they brought their bombers out and almost made me quit the game but I started just building massive AA units which helped a little. I am not too sure about having lethal land bombardment but oh well.

The No Raze is included in the unofficial 2.7 and is recommended, since Rocoteh had the computer not razing the best that could be had without the patch. Also, the No Raze patch fixes the civilopedia problem of extended hyperlink error. Thanks to againsttheflow for letting me know where to find it. So when you download the large file, it is in there.

If the No Raze is not used, I did fix the problem with Germany razing Toulouse and Bordeaux, and they will no longer raze those cities.

The 2.7 has not changed anything from 2.6 at all. I spoke with Rocoteh about it first, before I even started, and I was initially trying to get him to do a graphics update, but he had other things he was busy with, but he said he was ok with me doing an unofficial one. I did include an alternative to the original which has some minor changes which gives the US 2 wonders which auto-produce transports (to help US get more involved in the war, and a few other minor things). Other than that, only graphics have been updated.

Yes, I am currently playing Japan on SID in an attempt at a successful invasion of the US before the end of 1945. My last attempt (last year) was unsuccessful, so I am trying a different strategy. But Britain's and US' long range bombers really become a pain. I'm barely into 1940, and US already has B-25's flying around. Let the fun begin!

Also troop movements have been made to the Yugoslavian border + near Tunis, i might attempt an attack to.

Invading Yugo is tough with Italy very early in the game. Plus, you have to be careful to have enough force to take the cities, before Germany can come in and sweep em up first! Yugo adds much needed ground to field army's though.

Japan - SID difficulty, max aggression, US builds transports, no reloads, no destroying terrain improvements (since AI does not)
Goal: Launch successful invasion of the whole of USA (which I have been unable to do to date on SID)

Week 36, 1939 - Japan begins transporting troops over to China. Engineers began building infrastructure in China and Japan to help support the military operation. Japanese Navy up north near Kushiro will remain there to patrol that area, Japanese destroyers will begin recon of the Pacific to keep an eye out for any enemy ships, and the southern fleet will head down towards the phillipines to engage any enemies in that area. Fuso and Yamashiro Battleships along with a destroyer contingent stay near Tokyo to defend area of Allied ships.

Week 37, 1939 - ** Took Chinese city of Ningpo! It required 15 Infantry Divisions which included SNLF Marine Divisions. 3 Infantry Division was lost.
** Germany takes Polish city of Danzig.

Week 38, 1939 - ** Took Communist Chinese city of Yenan! 1 Infantry Div was lost.

Week 39, 1939 - ** Germany takes Polish city of Radom and Warsaw. POLAND DEFEATED.
US Oklahoma and destroyer fleets spotted mid Pacific, Fuso and Yamashiro Battleships steam out from port to confront them. Small carrier fleet near Marcus Islands will stand in reserve if Fuso and Yamoshiro need assistance.

Week 40, 1939 - ** Germany takes Dutch city of Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
Forward recon destroyer spots US Battleship Arkansas, New Mexico, and New York also. Fuso and Yamashiro will hold until carrier group from Marcus Islands arrives, and the Battleship Ise is rushing down from it's position near the Kuril Islands to assist. Carrier group with Battleships Mutsu and Nagato have begun bombarding US held island of Guam to soften it up for Japanese troops which will arrive in about 4 weeks. Other Battle Groups heading towards Phillipines, New Guinea, and Japanese island of city Kwajalein.


Week 41, 1939 - ** Took Chinese city of Amoy! No losses.
The Fuso sinks the US Oklahoma, but is badly damaged and must return to port. Yamashiro must fall back and wait for reinforcements, because the other 3 US Battleships are only a few tiles behind.
** Germany takes the Belgium city of Antwerp!

Week 42, 1939 - With the Fuso and Furutaka providing fire support, the Yamashiro was able to sink the Battleship Arkansas. Battleship Haruna, arriving from the Marcus Islands, sinks the Battleship New Mexico. All 3 of these Battleships have taken heavy damage though.
** Took Communist Chinese city of Lanchow! 3 Infantry Divisions lost during attack.

Week 43, 1939 - Battleship Ise sunk by the Mississippi. Yamashiro, in revenge of the loss of the Ise, finishes the Mississippi off.

Week 44, 1939 - Near the Marcus Islands, 4 US Battleships destroy a whole Japanese naval fleet (a large loss) heading north to assist the Fuso and Yamashiro, although they managed to sink 1 US Battleship in the battle.

Carrier Group sunk headed north to assist the Fuso and Yamashiro

Week 45, 1939 - ** Took Communist Chinese city of Ansi! Lost 1 Infantry Division. I have been taking many losses of destroyers and a few Heavy Cruisers in the Pacific, mostly from the fact that thinly defended areas get hit hard, but the Battleship Hyuga did sink another US Battleship, and other damaged Japanese Battleships are making it to port to repair. Amphibious Assault continues on Hong Kong for the 5th week (quickest way to attack, given no road connects to Amoy). Only a AA gun and a couple infantry remains, and the city should fall soon.
** Took US city of Guam! No losses. The Carrier Battle Group that has been bombarding and bombing that island for the last 6 weeks, can finally depart for another destination. The Yorktown and Enterprise Carriers have been sunk near Kwajalein. Stray ships are still getting sunk by other US bombers, but have yet to locate those carriers. I believe they may be to the south of Kwajalein.
** Germany takes Belgium city of Brussels.


Week 46, 1939 - The Battlegroup near Saipan is dealing with 2 US Battleships approaching their position, so the Mutsu at Truk is joining with the Japanese Carrier group at Kwajalein (which is underpowered to deal with this new threat, since these Carriers have sunk 2 Heavy Cruisers, several Nagara Class Cruisers, and a substantial amount of destroyers). I have yet to see many submarines, and will have trouble dealing with them unless I replenish my destroyers. I am taking extra special care not to lose my SNLF Marines, as they are the most powerful units Japan has until Land 1944, and they will be needed down the road. The small Battlegroup I had stationed up north at the Kuril Islands (north of Japan) was near wiped out several weeks ago, and I just brought up Heavy Cruiser Aoba, but a huge US group showed up consisting of 20+ destroyers and Light Cruisers, which quickly sunk the Aoba.
** Took the British city of Hong Kong! 4 bombers and 5 Infantry have been lost in the attack, by far the heaviest land casualties to date.
Saratoga and Lexington Carriers met near Kwajalein by the Kirishima. Saratoga and a US Battleship have been sunk.
The next two turn were a mixture of success and loss.
We have rushed several improvements in southern Italy, defeated a lot of small ships but we have lost a lot from the battleships the French and British are sending me! I guess the trap works both ways…. :p

I created a second trap, this one seems better constructed against big attacks from the British.

Preparing for a major attack, we sold a lot of our wines to rush infantry.
Troops are heading into Yugoslavia this turn, we will risk them all for a little bit of extra land.

This conquest must go fast, we will not allow the Germans to take a city! Talking about them: they have taken Poland in 3 turns, witch was predictable.

My first units are ordered: submarines, and infantry to replenish my soon lost troops in the Balkan and naval wars. Bombers are also positioned to engage next turn.


We took a gamble, and it worked out as we hoped!
We had a LOT of luck, and needed it. Victorie was achieved with promoted units on all fronts. It tooks us 5 turns, and the help of the German Luftwaffe, but we captured all 3 city's!!!

Next goals:

1) Greece
2) Build up further in Italy + Balkan
3) Look out for weakness of Spain or Turkey
4) Invade southern France
5) Rebuild our navy
Week 47, 1939 - ** Germany takes French city of Verdun.
** Italy takes the British city of Nicosia! Something that is not seen very often!
I decided in the beginning to research to the Zero first, then Otsu, so the powerful British bombers won't decimate my cities. Otsu is the next most important ship, as it's abilities put the Heavy Cruiser to shame. The Kirishima is sunk by the Lexington Carrier group in retaliation. Maya Heavy Cruiser in Carrier Group sinks damaged Pennsylvania near Marcus Islands. Nagato Battleship in Carrier Group sinks the Nevada near Saipan.

Week 48, 1939 - ** Took Chinese city of Nanning! No losses.
Lexington Class Carrier sunk by Battleship Mutsu.

Week 49, 1939 - Carrier Hosho, Elite Heavy Cruiser and destroyer escorts sunk by a horde of US destroyers!
** Germany takes French city of Lille.

Week 50, 1939 - First tank produced, a Type 95 Ha-Go.

Week 51, 1939 - ** Germany takes French city of Paris!
** Took Chinese city of Kweilin! Lost 1 Infantry Division.
** Took Communist Chinese city of Su-Chou!

Week 1, 1940 - Germany seems to be progressing very slow, much slower than in other games.
** Took Chinese city of Liuzhou! Lost 2 Infantry Divisions.
Italy is still holding on to all of North Africa, which is quite impressive.

Week 2, 1940 - ** Germany takes French city of Bordeaux!

Week 3, 1940 - ** Germany takes French city of Toulouse!
Japanese Battleship Yamashiro off shore of Japan gets jumped by 2 US Battleships, it manages to sink 1, but cannot withstand the other. The Fuso is nearby, and the 2 fleets were sub-hunting along with Carriers, Cruisers, and Destroyers... but they did not locate these Battleship threats in time. The Yamashiro had a distinguished line of service. 1st Yamato Class Battleship leaves port from Tokyo! 1st Type 97 Chi-Ha Tank's produced in Osaka and Seoul!
** Took French city of Hanoi! Lost 2 Infantry Divisions and a Type 95 Ha-Go.
US Battleship New York spotted (who sunk the Yamashiro). The Fuso, whom is damaged, cannot take the Elite New York, and the group pulls back. The new Yamato steams out to confront the New York.

Week 4, 1940 - ** Germany takes French city of Lyon and Strasbourg!
Finally received a Japanese paratrooper, these are another unit I will take great care in keeping alive, as they are quite valuable!


Week 5, 1940 - ** Germany takes French city of Marseilles.
** Took Chinese city of Chang-sha! No losses.
A US transport protected by 2 Light Cruiser C2's has appeared near Okinawa, I have no force to stop them that is close enough.


Week 7, 1940 - US transport dropped 6 M2A2 Tanks off at Okinawa. Also large numbers of British Gurkha and India Infantry and headed towards Hanoi and Nanning.
** Germany takes French city of Brest!
** US takes Cagliari!
** Took Chinese city of Wuhan! No losses.
My forces in China are running thin, until I can reinforce my cities and fend off the British attack from India, the assault will be put on hold.

We took a gamble, and it worked out as we hoped!
We had a LOT of luck, and needed it. Victorie was achieved with promoted units on all fronts. It tooks us 5 turns, and the help of the German Luftwaffe, but we captured all 3 city's!!!

Nice! With unlucky rolls it can be devastating! It's hard to watch when a battleship is lost to a heavy cruiser (as happened in my Japan game)... It will be interesting to see your conquest of Greece.

@ tom2050 & The Loser,
Thank you for the battle reports! :goodjob:
It's great to read them again.
I'm looking forward to see how you manage your wars :king:


Hey, it's been a long time! I remember war reports being posted on a daily basis (last year?), those were the good ole days, I used to love reading others war reports as well. It's interesting when you see the tactics that others use in their games!

Some time ago I said that it was OK that tom2050 uploaded
his personal graphic update of WW-Global at SOE.

He also started a thread at CFC on the update.
Furthermore there have been a lot of posts in my own WW2-Global thread on this subject.

As a result of this I now get PM:s and E-mails from people that
think that I have handed over the WW2-Global scenario to tom2050.
Someone also asked me for my "last reflections" on the scenario!

OK here is the real situation:

I have not handed over WW2-Global to tom2050 or anyone else
and I do not plan to do so in the future.

I still regard WW2-Global as a living project and I plan to launch
a 2.7 version in the fall this year

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