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WWII Europe: Small, Fast & Beautiful for IV - Discussion & Creation Diary

Paasky- Any chance the new one (with updated production) will be released this week? I am still lovin these skins.
Maybe I am being really dumb but:

1. I'm Germany and the British can bomb all my land improvements to hell, I don't care as my people require hardly any food and all science and most production seems to come from specialists. Heh? Surely it'd be an incentive to bomb improvements and to defend them if they had any real value.

2. Barracks give +50 health? Heh?
Maybe I am being really dumb but:

1. I'm Germany and the British can bomb all my land improvements to hell, I don't care as my people require hardly any food and all science and most production seems to come from specialists. Heh? Surely it'd be an incentive to bomb improvements and to defend them if they had any real value.

2. Barracks give +50 health? Heh?

Im pretty sure Paasky is going to up the production value by 50% so that you can actually produce fighters to shoot those allies down. I have the same problem. I was unable to produce units quick enough even to fill my conquered land from Poland and Yugo. I had like 0 troops extra. . .
Paasky- I just played as Italy. I played until Dec 1939. Here is what happened:

1) I didn't produce any units for combat.

2) Germany was leveled b4 Dec 1st week 1939.

3) Poland actually stopped Germany (or so it appeared, Germany had 0 tanks or artillary or infantry)
Oh dear... OK, I've fixed the build-times. I'll try to make the German AI a bit better at attacking. I've noticed that every single time they put most of their forces in Hamburg. I'm hopiing that filling that city with Garrisons will make the German AI understand to use it's army.
1) I know, still some adjusting on the sizes, and the daimler's texture isn't working.
2) Human Germany isn't such a pansy (Unlike AI GER, which can't seem to do anything)
3) Shooting them down shouldn't be that hard... Well, the bombings stopped after I had 2 109's at every city ;)
4) I've slowed them down, but not by that much. Are you emphasizing production in all cities?
5) Yes, Hungary gets an event after Poland is dead wether to join or not.
6) It will, trust me ;)
7) This is to slow down USSR mostly. I've halved the construction speed for workers & quartered it for POW's.
8) Dammit, bugs galore!
9) Research should be fairly slow, you've got over 300 turns until 1946, where the tech tree stops.
10) I know :) Thanks.

My goodness, I didn't know that you reactivate this thread... I disagree with item 7, my suggestion give a special worker unit to USSR with the halved construction speed.
Im pretty sure Paasky is going to up the production value by 50% so that you can actually produce fighters to shoot those allies down. I have the same problem. I was unable to produce units quick enough even to fill my conquered land from Poland and Yugo. I had like 0 troops extra. . .

NOOO NOOOOOOOO don't twist my words.

The problem is the land isn't what gives production, it is all specialists. The land can all be bombed to smeg, I don't care. The problem is the land is of no value, it is worthless.

Building units is dead easy in this mod, churn them out by the dozen.
Oh dear... OK, I've fixed the build-times. I'll try to make the German AI a bit better at attacking. I've noticed that every single time they put most of their forces in Hamburg. I'm hopiing that filling that city with Garrisons will make the German AI understand to use it's army.

The problem for the AI is simple. A human concentrates his "free damage" units (his planes) on a target, bish bash bosh it is an easy kill. The AI my send one plane against a target then attacks. As the combat values of the German Army and the tanks suck, they die horribly.

You want an AI better able to fight? Let the AI get big bonus when attacking cities to make up for the fact they don't prepare the ground properly. Then they'll invade places, then they'll be dangerous and less easily done over by the human tempting them into attacking strongpoints they don't have the programming to overcome.

This way the AI will still have it hard defending and fighting in the open, but when the AI gets as far as attacking a city it isn't slapped down hard because it just doesn't concentrate its planes on it.

I see what you mean... kitten? How's about I make some new improvements, which would go smaller just like the cottage-/town's, except they gave production instead?

EDIT: Hmm, yes. I'll see what I can do about that.
Indeed, new improvements that will make areas like the Ruhr look industrial would be nice.

Please consider the AI city attack bonus as I feel that could be very significant in making the protagonist effective, nay realistic. Cos the AI will be fine as Germany on mainland Europe but totally feeble trying invade across the channel ;)

And in history too :)

I'd love to be able to program with python as I'd be doing a WW2 mod in a shot, I'm just a complete novice without enough time to learn in that department.
My goodness, I didn't know that you reactivate this thread... I disagree with item 7, my suggestion give a special worker unit to USSR with the halved construction speed.

Paasky- Actually I like this idea of slowing Russia down in worker speed. I suggest to make 'communist' gov have slower worker production by 75% and by 90% for P.O.W.

side note last time I played Germany it started Communist. Also can you put a lock on certain governments so they don't switch? e.g. Britian goes Communist, or Germany goes Democratic. . . .
Indeed, new improvements that will make areas like the Ruhr look industrial would be nice.

Please consider the AI city attack bonus as I feel that could be very significant in making the protagonist effective, nay realistic. Cos the AI will be fine as Germany on mainland Europe but totally feeble trying invade across the channel ;)

And in history too :)

I'd love to be able to program with python as I'd be doing a WW2 mod in a shot, I'm just a complete novice without enough time to learn in that department.

Paasky- This is a really good idea. I would like to see this implemented if possible i.e. AI major power (France, Britian, Russia, Germany, maybe Italy) get 25 % bonus attack to city free promotion or whatever. Is that an encodable possibility? I think that would increase AI effectiveness a little bit, but still leave a dynamic for Human player to have a fair swing.
I had a good think about it last night and I'd go for 75% bonus and let it have abit of testing. I agree with Ottoman4u that it should be for the AI major powers only to stop Spain etc getting ideas above their station ;)
That one isn't hard to do :) 75% seems a bit big... Cities, for some reason, have defensive bonuses of 60%. Then there's the +25% which comes from fortifying. Let's say on avarage the AI bombards 10-20% out of if. That leaves 45-55% left. Hence I'll try +50% at first.
Paasky- I know there is a lot on your plate right now and I know this is a monstrous post. I wish I could help with some of this (I am unskilled with mod ing) but I have been researching some pre-war conditions for European Nations and I would like to see some additions to starting armies for the following. I will adapt what I think would be suited for these countries due to the fact that there are only so many tank models out there.

Also is there a way to make these units ‘free’ of cost so they don’t bankrupt due to maintenance costs??

ROMANIA- As of 1941 Romania had 35 Czech R-1 tankettes, 126 R-2, 73 French R-35 (some were obtained from the Polish 21st Armored Battalion who had fled to Romania in 1939), and 60 FT-17s. The 1st Tank Regiment had the R-2s, the 2nd Tank Regiment had the R-35s, and the 1st Royal Cavalry had the R-1s. http://www.wwiivehicles.com/romania/default.asp

****I would like to see Romania start with 3-4 FT-17 tanks and 2-3 Somua R-35 tanks.

BULGARIA- The Bulgarian's started the war with 14 Italian CV 33 tankettes acquired in 1934, 8 Vickers 6-ton tanks purchased in 1938, and 36 PzKpfw 35(t)s in February 1940.

****I would like to see Bulgaia start with 1-2 L6/40 1-2 Valentine (or whatever is a light Brit tank). http://www.wwiivehicles.com/bulgaria/default.asp

FINLAND- During the Winter War of 1939-1940 the Finnish Army had one tank battalion of Vickers 6-ton and FT-17 tanks. This force played a small role in the fighting. However, many Soviet vehicles were captured.

****I would like to see Finland start with 1-2 FT-17 and 1-2 Valentine (or whatever is a light Brit tank). http://www.wwiivehicles.com/finland/default.asp

HUNGARY- In 1938, 104 CV 35 tankettes were purchased from Italy. These were modified by adding a small square commander's cupola. Also the Toldi was produced under license from Sweden (Landsverk L60B light tank) by Manfred Weiss company of Budapest.

****I would like to see Hungary start with either 5-6 L6-40’s or 7-8 Ft-17 (to represent the tankette) http://www.wwiivehicles.com/hungary/default.asp Ideally I think it would be cool to get Hungary its own tech for a couple of armour units. . .

YUGOSLAVIA- The Yugoslavians had 2 tank battalions formed and a 3rd being formed in Russia to be equipped with BT-7 tanks. The (I Bbk) had 48 FT-17s and NC-27s. Also a squadron of 8 S-Id tankettes. The II Bbk was to be equipped with 50 R-35s. Some of these may not have arrived before the fall of France. http://www.wwiivehicles.com/yugoslavia/default.asp

****I would like to see Yugoslavia start with 2-3 Ft-17 tanks, and 1-2 Somua R-35

BELGIUM- Mobilization On August 25, 1939, mobilization began and by May 1940 there were 18 infantry divisions, 2 Chasseurs Ardennes divisions (partially motorized) and 2 motorized cavalry divisions. This was a total of about 600,000 men. There were few anti-aircraft guns, 10 tanks, 250 aircraft, and no navy.1

****I think Belgium need NO adjustment. http://www.wwiivehicles.com/belgium/default.asp

GREECE- There were 18 divisions in 1940, and one of them was motorized. There were very few tanks. When the Italians invaded Greece in October 1940, their 6 divisions faced 4 Greek divisions. The Italians were soon driven back and by November 1940 the Greeks had 11 infantry divisions, 2 infantry brigades, and a cavalry division facing 15 Italian infantry and 1 tank divisions. http://www.wwiivehicles.com/greece/default.asp

****I think Greece need NO adjustment.

NETHERLANDS- Nothing came up so. . . .

POLAND- Poland was very interested in tanks but had limited industrial capability. The war broke out before many of their more advanced designs could be produced.
It's estimated there were 1,000 light tanks and tankettes at the outbreak of war to face the approximate 3,000 tanks the Germans had.
There was a single armored brigade in the Polish Army. In total there were 660 tanks available. The rest of the army consisted of 17 infantry divisions, 3 infantry brigades, and 6 cavalry brigades. http://www.wwiivehicles.com/wwii/tank-history.asp

****I am not sure about this one. . .you should use your disgression. Maybe some more of the TKS tanks. . ?

This is all the useful information I could find that I believe pertains to this mod. Tell me what you think.
(Digs into his pocket in search for 2 cents:hmm: )....well I would actually have to question the amount of tank units you would need to add based on the historic assessment provided by ottoman4u.

Not saying that this info is wrong, just I dont think a battalion should equate to 1 'unit' in civ. Without getting into the whole 'what military organization does 1 unit in civ represent' debate :undecide: , the most common representation is divison/regimental level (as most battle maps use this scale). Normally it takes several battalions to make one regiment and the same for divisions with respect to regiments.


If you were to adjust the armor in the game it would be best to scale it down to 1 unit at max of each tank type mentioned to avoid minor nations becoming armour heavy.
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