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WWII Europe: Small, Fast & Beautiful for IV - Discussion & Creation Diary

I made a new folder, in the mod section which I called wwII, then I unzipped the file inside the folder. I also copied the folder public mads into my Warlords folder so that the map came into the correct public folders. But I just cant get it to work. What have i been doing wrong?
Actually, you unzip everything into ...\civ4\warlords\mods\wwii europe\ folder, then load the mod, then play a scenario. Nothing more to it. But I'll be releasing the 1st Beta in a few days, which will have proper instructions.
Paasky- I just had a game freeze . ..I am French took Italy out of game and was invading Germany, but then end of my turn came about and it was AI turn and after Germany or even while Germany turn the game just sat there for ten min. 'thinking'? So I ctrl-Alt-Delete and game was not responding. . .Have you had this before???
Well... There's no python event at that date, so I don't have a clue what could be causing it. Does it work if you reload the previous autosave & continue playing? Or does it do that every time? If it does, open worldbuilder (ctrl+w) and see if any city is completing something the next turn, it was a cause for many civ3 crashes.
But you see, my problem is that I couldn't find the map in the scenario option :S
I've got both maps in C:\Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Warlords\Mods\WWII Europe\PublicMaps, and they work for me. But one way to make sure you can see them is to put the 2 files into C:\Documents and Settings\Administraattori\My Documents\My Games\Warlords\Saves\WorldBuilder
(folder names may differ)
Paasky- Really cool! Here is my report. . .only at Nov week 1. Playing as Germany.

1) Models look GREAT!!!!!

2) Poland fell week 1st Oct ALL German.

3) I have only 5% of my tile improvements left after Allies are bombing me constantly (literally, I cannot seem to shoot any of them down, and they have destroyed EVERYTHING even hamlets!)

4) My production is extremely slow. . .13-20 turns for any unit, and 30-40 turns for almost any improvement building. With Hydro or Coal plant this is reduced slightly.

5) Hungary is Vassel in Oct week three ?? I don't remmeber, but after Poland fell. COOL!!!!!

6) Italy not allied with me yet.

7) worker build is exteremly slow as well.

8) I start out as Communist gov. and it takes 10 turns to switch.

9) Slow research as well.

10) Really freakin' fun and thank you bunches! I will keep up tomorrow.
1) I know, still some adjusting on the sizes, and the daimler's texture isn't working.
2) Human Germany isn't such a pansy (Unlike AI GER, which can't seem to do anything)
3) Shooting them down shouldn't be that hard... Well, the bombings stopped after I had 2 109's at every city ;)
4) I've slowed them down, but not by that much. Are you emphasizing production in all cities?
5) Yes, Hungary gets an event after Poland is dead wether to join or not.
6) It will, trust me ;)
7) This is to slow down USSR mostly. I've halved the construction speed for workers & quartered it for POW's.
8) Dammit, bugs galore!
9) Research should be fairly slow, you've got over 300 turns until 1946, where the tech tree stops.
10) I know :) Thanks.
Paasky- Ok now it is June 1st week. Still playing as Germany. Here's my thoughts.

1) I noticed I can start @ 1940 or '39. I tried starting 1940 just to see and then quit. It looks like a more favorable situation to start with June 1940 (although not preffered.) this is because the only difference I see is a tougher situation for Germany when I statred in 1939: I have less of Norway, I cannot seem to produce any troops or build anything. I cannot even get any fighter planes! I think I have a total of 7 right now in June 1940!!! These are produced in Munchen with Pilot school and Hydro plant and still take 8 turns. . .that is weeks right???

2) Yugoslavia declared war on me Jan 1940? cannot remember, but after I destroyed them in Feb Bulgaria became a Vassel of me. 2nd week Feb.

3) My suggestion is to up the production. I cannot build units in a moderate amount of time. Everything I have done is with my original army plus three tanks and only ione garrison and Infantry, and again it is June 1940. Haven't been able to build Bombers, artillery, troops to occupy the town's ive taken, let alone fighters.

4) May 1st I was asked to invade Norway (and I did of course), but when britian landed troops there I couldn't populate ANY of my troops into Norway from Germnay. . .I didn't have any to spare.

5) I think there is a slight error with the 3-d model of PAnzer t(38) take a look to see.

Thanks aagain
1) That's strange, I can build (even with 0 improvements) a fighter every 2 or 3 turns in Munich. Have you turned on emphasize production or not?

2) Ok... That shouldn't happen. It might be because of your small army.

3) You can always build more unit factories, but building units in the big German cities shouldn't take that long. Atleast they don't in my games.

4) Hasn't happened for me.

5) Ah yes, I'll fix that.
1) That's strange, I can build (even with 0 improvements) a fighter every 2 or 3 turns in Munich. Have you turned on emphasize production or not?

2) Ok... That shouldn't happen. It might be because of your small army.

3) You can always build more unit factories, but building units in the big German cities shouldn't take that long. Atleast they don't in my games.

4) Hasn't happened for me.

5) Ah yes, I'll fix that.

1) How do I do that??? Inside the city????
Select the city (click on the name), then left from the what to build icons there's icons with money, hammers, food, hurry production & draft. Just select all cities (alt+select any city), then press the hammer icon.
Select the city (click on the name), then left from the what to build icons there's icons with money, hammers, food, hurry production & draft. Just select all cities (alt+select any city), then press the hammer icon.

ok i did it. Unfortunetly it still seems that my cities are slow. . .7 turns for a Bf109 fighter plane. 13 turns for a tank Panzer II. . .Can you upload one of your saves so i can load your and look.
Select the city (click on the name), then left from the what to build icons there's icons with money, hammers, food, hurry production & draft. Just select all cities (alt+select any city), then press the hammer icon.

ok i did it. Unfortunetly it still seems that my cities are slow. . .7 turns for a Bf109 fighter plane. 13 turns for a tank Panzer II. . .Can you upload one of your saves so i can load your and look.
Paasky- LOL! I am sorry if I'm being a pain, I am just trying to give you helpful feedback. . .thanks for the tip on switching to production emphasis though.

1) It seems that I can only get two great leaders that give me either warlord or military academy. After that I kept getting AT brigade. Is that natural?
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