Yet Another Thormod: Civilization III

Also since I invariably have to explain this to everyone.

In the base civ 3, there's an established limit of about 5 build often traits, with most civs having about 3-4. Only a max of two are military themed. Most of you guys need to seriously cut down on your build oftens.
thanks megan, sowwy


Spoiler :






A further note on Leaderheads:

The bare minimum I need is one 200x240 portrait, but if any of you are like Reus and want to really deck yourselves out, there are a few other things you can customize:

Like with Civ4, leaders' expressions change based on their mood in diplomacy (Happy, Neutral, Angry). This can't be modded easily for the diploscreen because leaderhead animations are pre-rendered sequences of the expression changing from happy to angry. One place they can be used is the Foreign Advisor screen, which features variations for all four eras, and variations for all three moods:


In addition to multiple eras, there are also unique Game Over versions that vary depending on who won and how. Unlike the Advisorheads above, these only reflect one (the leader's 'native') era:
  • Happy: The Default Victory; leader is smiling. Also used by opponents when you are defeated.
  • Angry: Player has lost, but was not eliminated.
  • Beaten Up: Variation on 'angry'; player was conquered.
  • Kisses: Variation on 'happy'; face is covered in lipstick. Cultural or UN victory.
  • Hearts: Variation on 'happy', leader is looking up at a large heart in the top-left corner (inside is a small icon of the Happy Victor - actually a separate file overlaid). Cultural or UN defeat.
  • Neutral: I'm not actually sure when or where this is used, but better safe than sorry.
Spoiler Examples, in order :


This one's the hard part. In Civ4, the diplotext is mostly generic with one or two leader-specific lines. In Civ3, most of the lines are leader-specific. If you recall my submission to RIGGED, that is the MINIMUM required under the default schematic. Here's a breakdown of all the categories and applicable variables:
Spoiler :
#civ = Binary flag to sort responses by civilization, in order of their list in the game rules.
#power = Binary flag to sort responses by AI's Power level, from Low to High.
#mood = Binary flag to sort responses by AI's Mood, from Happy to Angry.
#random = Number of entries per preceding variable(s); always at least 1. If Power or Mood is flagged, this means the number of entries per level thereof; if Civ is flagged, this multiplies per number of civilizations. (Ex.: civ 1 power 1 random 3 would mean there would be three entries each per Power level, per Civ.) Worth noting is that in instances of call-and-response (DEMANDTRIBUTE→ACCEPTTRIBUTE/BLUFFISCALLED), entries are paired with those on the same line as their counterpart list.
N.B.: It is technically possible to flag both Power and Mood (as in Civ4), but I haven't found a mod that's done that and I'm not sure how that affects the rank-order.

#AIFIRSTCONTACT - When first contact is initiated by the player.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 1
$AI0 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME1 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ2 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ3 - AI civ's people

#AIFIRSTDEAL - When first contact is initiated by the AI, offering a deal.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 1
$GIVE0 - What the AI offers the player
$GET1 - What the AI wants from the player
$PLAYER2 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME3 - Player's civ
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIDEMANDTRIBUTE - When the AI extorts the player.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player's people
$GET3 - AI's demand
$UNIT4 - AI's best active military unit
$AI5 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME6 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ8 - AI civ's people

#AIACCEPTTRIBUTE - When the player caves.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$AI1 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME2 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ3 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ's people

#AIBLUFFISCALLED - When the player resists and the AI backs down.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ's adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIRENEGOTIATE - When the AI terminates a long-term deal.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ's adjective
$LEADER3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ

#AIRENEGOTIATEPEACE - When the AI wants to renew a long-term deal.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ's adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIBORDERWARNING - When the player has entered AI's territory.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ's adjective
$CITY3 - AI city closest to transgression
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIBORDERWAR - Ultimatum against continued transgression; compliance evicts troops, refusal triggers war with player as aggressor.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ2 - AI civ adjective

#AIDONTTEST - Response to AIBORDERWARNING when player agrees to withdraw.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIOVERLOOK - Response to AIBORDERWAR when player agrees to withdraw.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - AI's civ.

#AIWILLACCEPT - When the AI is invited to haggle but will take the deal as-is.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3

#AICOUNTERWAR - When the AI is invited to haggle during wartime.
#civ 0
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername

#AICOUNTERPEACE - When the AI is invited to haggle during peacetime.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername

#AINOCOUNTERWAR - When the AI won't haggle with the player in wartime.
#civ 0
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective

#AINOCOUNTERPEACE - When the AI won't haggle with the player in peacetime.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN5 - player civ's people
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNOUN6 - AI civ's people

#AITECHTRADE - When the AI approaches the player with a tech deal.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$TECH5 - Tech(s) AI will offer
$GET6 - What AI wants

#AILUXURYTRADE - When the AI approaches the player with a luxury resource trade.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$LUXURY5 - Resource the AI offers
$GET6 - What AI wants

#AILOANOFFER - When the AI will grant a loan (gives lump sum in exchange for per-turn).
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AINOLOANOFFER - When the AI won't grant a loan.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIMAPTRADE - When the AI approaches the player with a map trade.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective

#AINOMAPTRADE - When the AI won't trade maps with the player.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective

#AICOMMUNICATIONS - When the AI offers to trade contact with a third civ.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNAME5 - Name of civ AI is willing to provide
$GET6 - What AI wants

#AIGIVEPEACETREATY - When the player proposes peace on AI terms.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$GET3 - What the AI Wants
$AI4 - AI's name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIPEACETREATYTHREAT - When the AI agrees to peace under threat.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AINOPEACETREATYTHREAT - When the AI rejects peace under threat.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIPEACETREATY - When the AI approaches the player with a peace offer.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AINOPEACETREATY - When AI rebuffs player's request for peace.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIMUTUALPROTECTION - When the AI approaches the player with a defensive pact.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIRIGHTOFPASSAGE - When the AI approaches the player with RoP
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AINORIGHTOFPASSAGE - When the AI won't grant RoP.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3

#AIMILITARYALLIANCE - When the AI proposes a military alliance against a third civ.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - Name of enemy civ
$CIVNOUN4 - Enemy civ's people
$AI5 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME6 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ8 - AI civ's people

#AITRADEEMBARGO - When the AI approaches the player with an embargo against a third civ.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - Name of civ the AI will embargo
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIALLIANCEGREETINGS - When the player contacts the AI during an alliance.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - Name of enemy civ
$CIVADJ4 - Enemy civ's people
$CIVNOUN5 - Player civ's people
$AI6 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME7 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ8 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ9 - AI civ's people

#AIPEACEGREETINGS - When the player contacts the AI during peace.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIWARGREETINGS - When the player contacts the AI during war.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIGIVETRIBUTE - When the AI grants a player's demand.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$GET3 - player's demand
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIRECEIVEGIFT - When the AI receives a gift from the player.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ.
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective

#AIACCEPTWAR When the AI accepts an agreement while at war. (N.B.: As 'peace treaty' is an automatic prereq to any agreement, this signals the end of hostilities.)
#civ 0
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ name.
$CIVADJ3 - AI civ adjective

#AIACCEPTPEACE - When the AI accepts an agreement in peacetime.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 36

#AIWEAKREJECT - When the AI declines a deal only slightly unacceptable.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 2
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AINEUTRALREJECT - When the AI declines a deal moderately unacceptable.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 2
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AISTRONGREJECT - When the AI rejects an insultingly unfair deal.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 2
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AITOTALREJECT - When the AI rejects an impossible deal.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 2
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTTHREAT - When the AI refuses to be extorted by the player.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTBROKENDEAL - When the AI rejects a deal due to the player's previous betrayals.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - Player civ's people
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTINFORMEDOFBROKENDEAL - When the AI rejects a deal due to the player's previous betrayals of a third party.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNAME5 - Name of betrayed civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTPASSAGEVIOLATION - When the AI refuses RoP due to previous betrayals by the player.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ5 - Player civ's people
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTINFORMEDOFPASSAGEVIOLATION - When the AI refuses RoP due to the player's betrayal of a third party.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNAME5 - Name of betrayed civ

#AIREJECTMILITARYRETRACT - When the AI refuses Defensive Pact/Alliance due to betrayal by the player.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNOUN5 - Player civ's people
$CIVNOUN6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTINFORMEDOFMILITARYRETRACT - When the AI refuses Defensive Pact/Alliance due to the player's betrayal of a third party.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNAME5 - Civ the player has Stabbed

#AITHANKS - When the AI's proposal is accepted as-is.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIWHATEVER - Response to USERNEVERMIND (when the player backs out of the negotiation window).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 18

#AIPROPOSALRESPONSE - Response to USERPROPOSAL (when the player opens the negotiation window).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective

#AICOUNTERRESPONSE - Response to USERCOUNTER (when the player is proposing amendments).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective

#AIREJECTRESPONSE - Response to USERREJECT (when the player declines an AI offer point-blank).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective

#AIUNDERSTANDRESPONSE - Response to USERUNDERSTAND (when the player accepts the termination of a long-term deal).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ5 - Player civ's people

#AIWILLRETREAT - When the AI agrees to withdraw from player's territory (USERBORDERWARNING).
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIWILLRETURNHOME - When the AI will immediately vacate player's territory (USERBORDERWAR).
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

The following are UI text for player options in the Diplomacy screen.

#USERACCEPT - Accept the AI's proposal as-is.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERREJECT - Reject the AI's proposal.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERCOUNTER - Submit a counter-offer (amend the AI's proposal).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERTHREAT - Demand that the AI give you what you want.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERASKFORCOUNTER - Invite the AI to haggle (you want theirs)
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$GIVE0 - What the player wants from the AI.

#USEROFFER - Submit the proposal to the AI.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$LEADER0 - AI leader name

#USERASKFORTREATY - Similar to USERASKFORCOUNTER, but involves a diplomatic agreement.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 1
$GIVE0 - Player's proposed treaty

#USERGIFT - Give the AI a gift.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERASKFOREXCHANGE - Invite the AI to haggle (they want yours).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$GIVE0 - What the player offers to the AI.

#USERNEVERMIND - Cancel the negotiation.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERPROPOSAL - Begin negotiating a proposal.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$LEADER0 - AI leader name.

#USERUNDERSTAND - Agree to terminate a long-term deal.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$LEADER0 - AI leader name.

#USERASKFORLOAN - Ask the AI for a loan (lump-sum for per-turn).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 1

#USERMAPTRADE - Propose a world map swap.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERPEACETREATYTHREAT - Begin punitive peace talks (AI will open with concessions to player).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERPEACETREATYTHREATCITY - Similar to above, but references specific city endangered by player's troops.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$CITY0 - AI city threatened by player

#USERPEACETREATY - Begin concessionary peace talks (AI will open with demands on player).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERBORDERWARNING - Request AI vacate your territory.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERBORDERWAR - Demand AI vacate your territory; compliance evicts troops, refusal triggers war with player as defender.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 1

#USERWILLGIVETRIBUTE - Agree to pay the AI's demand.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$LEADERNAME0 - AI leader name.

#USERWILLNOTGIVETRIBUTE - Refuse to pay the AI's demand.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERWILLRETREAT - Response to AIBORDERWARNING, agree to withdraw.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERWILLRETURNHOME - Response to AIBORDERWAR, troops evicted from AI's borders.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USERWAR - Declare war on the AI.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1

#USEREXIT - Exit the diplomacy screen.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$LEADER0 - AI leader name.
Last edited:
I have begun to work on my AI diplo responses, but I have a few questions:

1. Can you be a bit more specific on what power and mood does? You give the range, but you don't give the interval. I never played Civ 3, so I don't know how many levels of power and mood there are. Meanwhile, should we place the lowest on top or bottom?
2. What exactly does the User UI responses do? Are they strictly necessarily, because they are not in your example list at all
3. You say the demandtribute and accept/reject are call-and-response, but they're not actually listed as such in your master list. I know that's a bit pedantic to point out, but I just want to be explicitly clear if they are or aren't.
4. Is it possible if you could give examples for the nonessential diplo text options? Your examples on RIGGED were helpful in writing my own responses.

Spoiler :
#AIFIRSTCONTACT - When first contact is initiated by the player.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 1
$AI0 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME1 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ2 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ3 - AI civ's people
"Hi, my name is $AI0, and I represent (the) $CIVNAME1. $CIVNAME1 represents the workingwomen of the world; an injury to one is an injury to all"

#AIFIRSTDEAL - When first contact is initiated by the AI, offering a deal.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 1
$GIVE0 - What the AI offers the player
$GET1 - What the AI wants from the player
$PLAYER2 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME3 - Player's civ
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people
"Hi, my name is $AI0, and I represent (the) $CIVNAME1. I know we just met, but my union girls heard you had $GET1 and we just so happen to really need that. We're willing to trade $GIVE0 before we learn all about your nation's inevitable crimes against the proletariat."

#AIDEMANDTRIBUTE - When the AI extorts the player.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player's people
$GET3 - AI's demand
$UNIT4 - AI's best active military unit
$AI5 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME6 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ8 - AI civ's people
"For your crimes against womankind and the proletariat, we must politely but firmly ask you hand over your $GET3 as reparations."
"The unions are all in agreement: we need more $GET3 to fuel our industrialization. Local rumors have it that $PLAYER0 is hoarding it like a kulak. We're giving you a chance to hand it over before we collectivize your stockpile by force."
"Freedom isn't free. The price for our freedom is your $GET3. If you don't want $CIVNAME6 the next target of revolution, I suggest you give it up smooth."

#AIACCEPTTRIBUTE - When the player caves.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$AI1 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME2 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ3 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ's people
"Thank you for your dedication to the cause, $PLAYER0."
"$CIVNAME2 humbly thanks you for your support of the revolution."
"This donation will be put to good use, my dear $PLAYER0. Thank you."

#AIBLUFFISCALLED - When the player resists and the AI backs down.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ's adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people
"Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!"
"Your fall and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable..."
"One day, the flames of revolution will reach $CIVNAME1. That day is not today. But one day."

#AIRENEGOTIATE - When the AI terminates a long-term deal.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ's adjective
$LEADER3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ

#AIRENEGOTIATEPEACE - When the AI wants to renew a long-term deal.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ's adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people
"Workers across $CIVNAME1 and $CIVNAME4 have greatly benefited from trade in humane, sustainable ways. It only makes sense to continue such a well-made agreement.
"Our trade agreement is an example of how international cooperation does not have to be predatory. Let's keep at it, shall we?"
"Our unions have benefited greatly from our terrific trade agreement. We wouldn't dare risk upsetting our working gals by altering this deal, pray tell."

#AIBORDERWARNING - When the player has entered AI's territory.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ's adjective
$CITY3 - AI city closest to transgression
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people
"The commune of $CITY3 is growing a bit worried about the presence of $CIVADJ2 troops nearby. If you could so kindly placate their fears by returning your troops back home, that would be appreciated."
"Just because we believe in free movement of people doesn't mean we liked armed columns of $CIVADJ2 troops walking by $CITY3. Please return them back to your own borders.
"$PLAYER0, your generals are trying to write checks your army can't cash. Get your troops out of $CITY3 or I will evict them myself!"

#AIBORDERWAR - Ultimatum against continued transgression; compliance evicts troops, refusal triggers war with player as aggressor.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ2 - AI civ adjective
"If you think the communes and I are going to roll over to your little show of force, think again. ¡El pueblo unido, jamás será vencido!"
"Don't make me teach you what 'Don't Tread on Us' really means. Get. Out."
"So help me Lucina, I will show you a Great Patriotic War if you don't get your troops out of my country!"

#AIDONTTEST - Response to AIBORDERWARNING when player agrees to withdraw.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people
"The workers of $CIVNAME5 and I thank you for seeing reason and withdrawing."
"Feel free to visit $CIVNAME5 without an entourage of soldiers, $PLAYER0.
"You're on a highway to the danger zone. Don't press your luck."

#AIOVERLOOK - Response to AIBORDERWAR when player agrees to withdraw.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - AI's civ.
"That's what I thought, $PLAYER0."
"Touch $CIVNAME1 again for the words that you will hear evermore: Don't. Tread. On. Us."
"Next time one of your soldiers steps into $CIVNAME1, he won't even have a homeland to go back to."

#AIWILLACCEPT - When the AI is invited to haggle but will take the deal as-is.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3

#AICOUNTERWAR - When the AI is invited to haggle during wartime.
#civ 0
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername

#AICOUNTERPEACE - When the AI is invited to haggle during peacetime.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername

#AINOCOUNTERWAR - When the AI won't haggle with the player in wartime.
#civ 0
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective

#AINOCOUNTERPEACE - When the AI won't haggle with the player in peacetime.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN5 - player civ's people
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNOUN6 - AI civ's people

#AITECHTRADE - When the AI approaches the player with a tech deal.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$TECH5 - Tech(s) AI will offer
$GET6 - What AI wants

#AILUXURYTRADE - When the AI approaches the player with a luxury resource trade.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$LUXURY5 - Resource the AI offers
$GET6 - What AI wants

#AILOANOFFER - When the AI will grant a loan (gives lump sum in exchange for per-turn).
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people
"The IMF is a predatory institution that only serves to to be a wedge for neoimperialism. You should find that our stimulus packages are far more equitable, and doesn't screw over the $CIVADJ2 proletariat"
"Please, don't call it a loan. Call it economic assistance."
"I'm not sure why you go to the syndicalist lady for a loan, but we can offer some economic assistance, $PLAYER0."

#AINOLOANOFFER - When the AI won't grant a loan.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people
"Unfortunately, our girls in the unions have appropriated most of our liquid assets for industrial projects at this point. We got nothing for foreign aid at the moment."
"Why would you go to us for a loan? We're not capitalists. We don't believe in loans."
"Oh yeah, go to Comrade $AI4 for a loan. Real smart plan there, buddy."

#AIMAPTRADE - When the AI approaches the player with a map trade.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective

#AINOMAPTRADE - When the AI won't trade maps with the player.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective

#AICOMMUNICATIONS - When the AI offers to trade contact with a third civ.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNAME5 - Name of civ AI is willing to provide
$GET6 - What AI wants

#AIGIVEPEACETREATY - When the player proposes peace on AI terms.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$GET3 - What the AI Wants
$AI4 - AI's name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIPEACETREATYTHREAT - When the AI agrees to peace under threat.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AINOPEACETREATYTHREAT - When the AI rejects peace under threat.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIPEACETREATY - When the AI approaches the player with a peace offer.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AINOPEACETREATY - When AI rebuffs player's request for peace.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIMUTUALPROTECTION - When the AI approaches the player with a defensive pact.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIRIGHTOFPASSAGE - When the AI approaches the player with RoP
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AINORIGHTOFPASSAGE - When the AI won't grant RoP.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3

#AIMILITARYALLIANCE - When the AI proposes a military alliance against a third civ.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - Name of enemy civ
$CIVNOUN4 - Enemy civ's people
$AI5 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME6 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ8 - AI civ's people

#AITRADEEMBARGO - When the AI approaches the player with an embargo against a third civ.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - Name of civ the AI will embargo
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIALLIANCEGREETINGS - When the player contacts the AI during an alliance.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - Name of enemy civ
$CIVADJ4 - Enemy civ's people
$CIVNOUN5 - Player civ's people
$AI6 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME7 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ8 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ9 - AI civ's people

#AIPEACEGREETINGS - When the player contacts the AI during peace.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIWARGREETINGS - When the player contacts the AI during war.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 3
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIGIVETRIBUTE - When the AI grants a player's demand.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$GET3 - player's demand
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AIRECEIVEGIFT - When the AI receives a gift from the player.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ.
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective

#AIACCEPTWAR When the AI accepts an agreement while at war. (N.B.: As 'peace treaty' is an automatic prereq to any agreement, this signals the end of hostilities.)
#civ 0
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ name.
$CIVADJ3 - AI civ adjective

#AIACCEPTPEACE - When the AI accepts an agreement in peacetime.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 0
#random 36

#AIWEAKREJECT - When the AI declines a deal only slightly unacceptable.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 2
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AINEUTRALREJECT - When the AI declines a deal moderately unacceptable.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 2
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNOUN3 - Player civ's people
$AI4 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME5 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ7 - AI civ's people

#AISTRONGREJECT - When the AI rejects an insultingly unfair deal.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 2
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AITOTALREJECT - When the AI rejects an impossible deal.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 2
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTTHREAT - When the AI refuses to be extorted by the player.
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTBROKENDEAL - When the AI rejects a deal due to the player's previous betrayals.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - Player civ's people
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTINFORMEDOFBROKENDEAL - When the AI rejects a deal due to the player's previous betrayals of a third party.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNAME5 - Name of betrayed civ
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTPASSAGEVIOLATION - When the AI refuses RoP due to previous betrayals by the player.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ5 - Player civ's people
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTINFORMEDOFPASSAGEVIOLATION - When the AI refuses RoP due to the player's betrayal of a third party.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNAME5 - Name of betrayed civ

#AIREJECTMILITARYRETRACT - When the AI refuses Defensive Pact/Alliance due to betrayal by the player.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNOUN5 - Player civ's people
$CIVNOUN6 - AI civ's people

#AIREJECTINFORMEDOFMILITARYRETRACT - When the AI refuses Defensive Pact/Alliance due to the player's betrayal of a third party.
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 6
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVNAME5 - Civ the player has Stabbed

#AITHANKS - When the AI's proposal is accepted as-is.
#civ 1
#power 1
#mood 0
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIWHATEVER - Response to USERNEVERMIND (when the player backs out of the negotiation window).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 18

#AIPROPOSALRESPONSE - Response to USERPROPOSAL (when the player opens the negotiation window).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective

#AICOUNTERRESPONSE - Response to USERCOUNTER (when the player is proposing amendments).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective

#AIREJECTRESPONSE - Response to USERREJECT (when the player declines an AI offer point-blank).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective

#AIUNDERSTANDRESPONSE - Response to USERUNDERSTAND (when the player accepts the termination of a long-term deal).
#civ 0
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 12
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$CIVNAME3 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ4 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ5 - Player civ's people

#AIWILLRETREAT - When the AI agrees to withdraw from player's territory (USERBORDERWARNING).
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people

#AIWILLRETURNHOME - When the AI will immediately vacate player's territory (USERBORDERWAR).
#civ 1
#power 0
#mood 1
#random 1
$PLAYER0 - Player's leadername
$CIVNAME1 - Player's civ
$CIVADJ2 - Player civ adjective
$AI3 - AI leader name
$CIVNAME4 - AI's civ
$CIVADJ5 - AI civ adjective
$CIVADJ6 - AI civ's people
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1. Three steps for both; Low Power and Happy on top. There are actually five mood levels but they're grouped as follows: Gracious, Polite/Cautious, Annoyed/Furious.
2. It's the text for the options in the diploscreen. I don't actually expect to mod them (very few mods bother, and none customize per civ), but I included them for posterity.
3. They are.
4. imma just attach the game file and you can peruse at your leisure. :cool:


Omg I'm a part of the community to such a degree that I'm accepted as part of a 31 player roster. Score :D :D

I'm going to write up my thang asap.
Didn't bold anything, sorry.

Faction name (full): Ex-Nesian Edgelords of Angst (new name pending)

Citizen shorthand: Angstians

Adjective: Angsty

Bonuses: Religious, Scientific

Leader: lj

Title: Insane Dane

Leader portrait: (tbd)

Favourite Government: Democracy

Shunned Government: Fascism

Aggression Level: 1, altho what does Trojan Horse mean?

Team colour: 1: Black, 2: Orange

Cities: ~30–40 optimal.
Capital: IOT Minecraft Server
more tba

Military Leaders: ~6 names for Great Generals.
The Chicken King
more tba

Scientific Leaders: 3+ for Great Scientists
none yet

Build Often:
Defensive Land

General Strategy:
IOT/Nesian playstyle is almost exclusively to play Scandinavia/Denmark, although there is otherwise a tendency to craft creatures of insanity and/or extreme zeal in fantasy or scifi scenarios. The civilization should be peaceful but reflect a sort of constant internal ebb and flow between my DYOSesque angst and destruction and sheer "drive". Like Schopenhauer's Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, the society themes pure drive or will as a force to be reckoned with. As such, the civilization prospers incredibly with culture, having assorted secondary effects that can spiral the economy out of control, particularly in areas of science and environmentalism. But with increased culture, the society also gains increased insanity which has some adverse effect if possible, perhaps its economic buildings increase corruption with increased cultural output to counter the efficiency or bonuses from culture, or military production becomes incredibly slow with increased culture. (Primary?) Unique unit should be an incredibly expensive defensive juggernaut. Also a third-age unit named "Nesian invader" should be available for ex-Nesers in general or people that otherwise used to associate more with nesing than ioting.

For game pacing, because I joined late, the civilization is supposed to be very minor in the early game, mostly procuring a political situation to ensure its own stability and safety while peacemonging its culture economy. Only during the late game, it becomes more of a foroce in the sense that it's incredibly difficult to invade, although you kind of have to in order to counteract the sheer science output and purity of environmentalist economy.
This is not because I think I have much of a presence on these forums, but I think that if any game period should make sense for the civ, late game would be the most reasonable. Particularly if you go by the Discordian Era category, I think I'm prominent enough there to be a reasonable force in game terms.

A short and sweet shorthand for the playstyle would be "apocalyptic environmentalism-powered madness".
what does Trojan Horse mean?
Civs with Level 1 aggression will act docile for most of the game, but there's a chance they'll flip and go hyper-militant. You know, the Gandhi Effect. :p

Also a third-age unit named "Nesian invader" should be available for ex-Nesers in general or people that otherwise used to associate more with nesing than ioting.
It's funny 'cuz I was gonna make NES Classic the barbarians. :mischief:
For your consideration, preliminary sketch of the tech tree, separated by era. (Civ3 is unique in that the tech tree isn't one continuous chain.) It's mostly rearranging the base game's techs since adding/removing new ones requires adjusting research costs, and I don't want to start doing that until I've got a solid framework. Units and wonders will be overhauled, but it'll give you a basic idea of how the lines will progress.

Techs with soft borders do not need to be researched to advance the era, in case you're wondering.
Also, Feudal government unlocks with 'Min-Maxing', which was renamed.


Needless to say, I ran out of inspiration for Era 4 names. :p

Again, this was loosely modelled on the base game but I'm willing to expand the tree (Science Screen permitting) since I haven't accounted for custom units/improvements/wonders yet. Feel free to suggest new branches/alternate mappings, since I have a shaky handle on these at the best of times.
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I think espionage should be renamed in honour of the Scarlet Lancers, the NGO that was the grandmother of them all.

Your spy power deserves the credits! :D
don't be ageist, she doesn't look a day over 200

Although kudos for bringing it up because I totes forgot to rename that. :crazyeye:
After the tech tree, the next step is units. I know I will be playing around with these, but I haven't decided exactly how.

For those unfamiliar, here's the tech progression for most of the base game's combat units:
Spoiler :
(Beige arrows denote units effectively replaced by, but that don't upgrade to, the newer class.)

I'm considering a couple of different approaches. Civilization has what I call a 'narrow' unit line: a few main classes for most of the game, with some specialists and air and naval expansion toward the end. There’s plenty of individual variation to reflect the ages, but the core roster is small and each class is easily distinguished: spears and guns defend, swords and bows attack, horses and tanks move fast, and evolution runs in a straight line.

For our purposes, a 'narrow' line means faction arsenals map out pretty much identical tech-wise and are distinguished mainly by individual units' stats. For instance, here is a prototype line for Abeille grafted onto the original layout (truncated for size):
Spoiler :
The categories stay the same, but almost every unit is custom-tailored to the faction, with strengths and weaknesses tweaked to reflect the combat doctrine from the sign-up. It's an easy way to keep this logically organized, and it's probably what I'll do for early development until most of the factions are settled and I'll be able to work out a cohesive picture.

The other way is a 'broad' line. Those of you from RIGGED will recall MartinLuther's plan was for like two dozen units available by the end game. We don't have to be that diverse, but broader and more flexible classes means more opportunity to personify the factions. Units would start to branch earlier, and depending on play style some factions might have access to 'spinoff' lines that others don't.

Here is Megs again, this time with a line tailored specifically to her strategy:
Spoiler :
Less variation on infantry, which are primarily used for defence—mechanized infantry is now a separate line, with ground offensives done by FAVs and heavy tanks. Up to three separate artillery platforms can be unlocked, as well as a dedicated ground support line for aircraft. On the flip side, as per carrier focus, battleships would be weaker/more expensive than other players'.

Independent of the overall model, there are several changes I'm going to make with the 'base' line. One is more 'privateer' (hidden nationality) units to represent the use of terrorists/NGOs in the later games. I'm also thinking of playing around with hitpoints to give leg infantry more use and reduce inclination to tankspam (Mech. Inf. have higher defence, but foot soldiers can last longer, &c.). Something else I'm brainstorming is special units for 'faction groups': for example, all the ex-NESers would get early privateer variants in Era 2 to simulate the nadir of cross-forum relations. There could be communist sets, capitalist sets... well christos is our catch-all powergamer so I guess no set for that... :mischief:

Lemme know what you think, be it organizational, aesthetic, or if you've figured out what paint scheme you want for your miniatures. Once I've got the unit framework down, I can actually start looking at compiling a demo.
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Well, this is probably a bit late, but...

Faction name (full): Kingdom of Great Britain/Canada/Animation
Citizen shorthand: British
Adjective: British
Bonuses: Seafaring, Industrious
Leader: E350
Title: Prime Minister
Leader portrait: Watch This Space!
Favourite Government: Democracy
Shunned Government: Fascism
Aggression Level: 2
Team colour: Dark Green or Lime Green
Spoiler :
Quebec City
Port Stanley

Military Leaders:
Wendy Corduroy
Grunkle Stan
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart
Lapis Lazuli
Danny Fenton
Scientific Leaders:
Fiddleford Hadron McGucket
The Doctor
Sir Humphrey (for Civil Service research)
Build Often: Happiness, Science, Wealth, Naval
General strategy: Focus on small amounts of expansion but mostly on internal development. Should always side with democracies if possible and attempt to help them if attacked.
AtTENtion, DUELlists!

After over 9000 years in development, tech icons have been overhauled and the new base units are almost finished, meaning I can finally zero in on actually coding faction arsenals. The demo will still be a fair ways off as the tech tree UI has to be drawn essentially by hand, but if you haven't offered a leader portrait and/or at least a basic breakdown of what sort of units you want speak now because as it stands I only have about seven viable players.
AtTENtion, DUELlists!

After over 9000 years in development, tech icons have been overhauled and the new base units are almost finished, meaning I can finally zero in on actually coding faction arsenals. The demo will still be a fair ways off as the tech tree UI has to be drawn essentially by hand, but if you haven't offered a leader portrait and/or at least a basic breakdown of what sort of units you want speak now because as it stands I only have about seven viable players.

Is there anything additional you need from me specifically?
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