Your Hardest 5 Bosses

1. Manager of Local Movie theatre
2. Former Manager of Black's Photography in the mall

The giant secret swamp monster in Ratchet & Clank 2 is virtually impossible to beat without the bouncer and/or the RYNO II (Rip You a New One 2) (Best, and 2nd most expensive weapon in the game). They fire a bouncing ball full of bouncing bombs and an insane spectacle of explosive missile awesomeness respecitvely.

Also, in the same game, there is an optional 'impossible' challenge on Megacorp arena, in which you have to destroy a whopping 80 rounds of shredding, crushing, charging, flaming e.t.c robots and monster. Even the sequels version of this, the 'Qwarktastic' battle, which is 100 rounds long is easier, even with much worse weapons in the sequel. Plus, there aren't any flaming meteors coming at you in the sequel, as well as no times where you have to go on the magnetic walls, where it is much harder to fight than you might think.
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