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  • That seems likely to be a rule not in existence in CFC, cause non-english words or phrases exist in many visitor messages pages. Looking forward to reading your particular reason for making this strange visitor message to my profile page, though ;)
    Do you also use the name 'birdjaguar' in the Independent comments section, or has someone unjustly stolen your username and must be destroyed?
    That's cool :) thanks for the advice.

    Out of curiosity, if you're not willing to release the map for BirdNes II could I convince you to release BirdNes III's? ;)
    @the company

    Making the dosh :D That #nesing network haha, you should get me a job after I graduate :p That's actually really cool, I knew that you were older than most of the Nesing community but I didn't realize you were like a legit adult XD

    Actually, I have a question you might be able to answer. I'm going to be finishing up an internship this coming May, and I have two options. The first is trying to find another internship, and the second is to run for a Student Council position at my University. The latter is a small paycut of about $400 a month, but still enough to cover living expenses. I don't have an internship lined up for next semester, but I do have some ins at some major companies.

    I guess what I'm trying to ask is what would look more impressive on a resume (For getting a job) VP of my University's Student Body, or another internship?
    If you made Manipur come back, that would be my nesing dream come true :love:, especially if you let me edit some of those names :< I cringe when I see them ;-;. If you did it, would you implement a BT or would we leave off where we started?
    Haha nice making the money. Is there alot of growth in Arizona/New Mexico? Alot of people at my company are relocating to live in Arizona, and a few of my buddies went to a business conference in that area too. What position do you have at the company?

    As for the dream nes, I really liked the idea of the three individual cradles. If you are willing to help a curious eye, I would love to see the map in its entity :) There has been a precocious lack of neses from pre-19th century if you were to run one. The gauntlet from around 0 CE to 1799 is definitely lacking in neser attention as of late :(
    Oh dang. I know you probably get this question all the time but where do you work? And wow, so close to retirement, I'm just getting started ;-;

    If you were to run a nes again, what would be your dream game?
    To date, BirdNes II has been one of my favorites: do I cringe when I read my posts, yes but it was amazing XD

    How are things going? Do you think we'll ever see another nes from you? :)
    To be entirely honest, the Next Orders Due II thread should be un-stickied, as it has been inactive for over a year.

    Hey Birdjag! Long time no see! I'm still here in Chicago, just changed my location to the state as I'm really from the entire state (Land of Lincoln pride!)
    Wowie, Bird. The administration on CFC sure is great! I'd hate to see bad admins by their reckoning.
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