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[CivBE] Abya Yala Expedition Sponsor 2016-10-05

Adds The Abya Yala Expedition sponsor to Beyond Earth, an indigenist-ecologist faction from South America. It also adds Archaeologists as colonists and Exploration Journals as cargo.


The increasing indigenous movements of Bolivia, Peru, Chile and Argentina managed to separate from the attempts of assimilation by Brasilia. They gathered enough resources to lead an expedition, in hopes of finding some evidence of alien lifeforms that would feed the belief that cosmic beings dwelled the Andes
The Abya Yala Expedition Led by Paxi Sisa
UA: Cosmogonical Order: Xenomass Wells and Alien nests generate Culture. Alien aggression level returns to neutral faster.

Diplo Screenshot
Pedia Screenshot
Faction Progress
New Colonists:
Archaeologists: +1 Culture and +1 Science on every city.
New Cargo:
Exploration Journals: Start with a free Explorer.

Please note that because of fancy issues with 2D leaderscenes you must play with Leader Quality set to minimun (check on the advanced settings on the Video tab)

Also, given the early stage of the game, balance is not yet fully tested, please try to tell me any particular issue you have with it politely

Leugi's Sponsors thread at CivFanatics!
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