Customizable Warmonger Penalties

Customizable Warmonger Penalties 1.1

This mod reduces warmongering penalties by default, halving them for earlier eras and leveling off at 24 instead of 32 in the modern eras. Additionally, Joint Wars provide 50% warmongering penalties instead of the full 100%.

The xml file is annotated so that it is easily customizable. Simply change the numerical values to whatever reasonable value you wish (extreme values will probably break your game somehow).

In order to edit the warmonger values navigate to Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods\TCS Customizable Warmonger Penalties and open the TCS_Improved_Warmongering.xml file with any text editor, although I strongly recommend Notepad++.

Unzip to your Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods directory.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Update 1.1

    Added new warmongering settings from the Fall Update. They are set to default settings currently...

Latest reviews

Works as advertised on the copper tin (haven't discovered any iron yet). The mod saves you from quite a bit of aggravation thanks to every nation denouncing you the minute you fart too loud. Cheers Shkottéh ;)
Great mod. Nearly a must have.
Great mod, thank you!
yes ! YES ! That's our saviour guys ! It's a start at least : D thank you so much ! keep on the good work & keep updateing if you find other warmonger fix stuff.
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