Changed human player tourism bonus to 40%, -5% per difficulty above Prince. (was 15%)

Insane only:
Removed AI Babylons ability that nerfs their science and buffs their eurekas. (Hammurabi on Insane was completely ridiculous sometimes; this affects only Insane and the AI Babylon, of course)
Changed the era the AI gets the first 1 amenity per 2 difficulties to Classical (was Medieval).
Added 2 amenities at the start of the game on Pro difficulty.
Reduced amenities at the start of the game on Insane difficulty to 4 (was 7).
Added new icons for all difficulties to include the two additional ones (Thanks to Fuzzle for letting me use his icons from Deity++).

With the nerfs from last update culture victories are easier so I'm reducing the tourism buff for the human player:
Reduced human player tourism buff to 15% (was 25%).

Buffing AI combat strength as compensation for the science/culture nerfs:
Increased difficulty combat strength bonus by 2 on all difficulties (was 0-6, now 2-8).
Goal of the changes: reduce difficulty overall a bit, and the AI's mid game power (around Renaissance era) especially

Reduced bonus amenities, especially for the eras before Modern Era (now +1 at Medieval, Industrial and every following era at King, Immortal and Pro).
Reduced scaling food bonus to 1% per difficulty per era after Medieval (was 1-8% per difficulty, every era)
Reduced flat science/culture bonus to 3% per difficulty (was 5%).
"Reduced" scaling science/culture bonus to 1-36% per game era and difficulty (was 2-16%; this doesn't look like a nerf, but until Modern Era the AI will actually have less science/culture than before because most the new bonuses are all in the later eras; they will have higher bonuses in the later eras though to compensate)

Other changes:

Added extra builder chargers for the AI (1 extra at Emperor, Deity and Insane).
Removed starting builders for the AI to compensate for the builder buff in the early game.

Bonus starting warriors back to 1-7 from 1-4 for people who choose the option of bonus starting warriors.

Insane only:

The AI now gets 7 bonus Amenities in all cities for the entire game. (compensation for the above nerfs; I didn't want to nerf Insane)
Secret Societies:
Reduced Chorus effect for the AI to 5% (was 10%).
Nerfed Chorus was still too strong because of the modifier double-dipping.

Insane only:
Reduced bonus tourism to 28-168% per player era (was 32-192%).
Went a bit too far with the Insane buffs:

Insane only:
Reduced science/culture from 10-80% to 10-66% per player era
Reduced extra lightyears from 3 to 2
Added options to turn off all AI bonus starting units and to turn off AI bonus starting combat units only. Turning off AI bonus combat starting units will be the default and recommended option because I think it's the most fun this way.
When all AI bonus starting units are disabled, all AI starting bonus yields are doubled. That increase will slowly be reduced to normal over time; default values are reached at medieval era.

Changed the fix for the AI not speeding up their Exoplanet Expedition:
Removed bonus lightyears per turn from all difficulties but Insane.
AI now gets 30 aluminium per turn after researching Offworld Mission (Yes, 30. Unfortunately they need this much because they just can't stop themselves from spamming planes).

Reduced science and culture from 3-17% to 2-16% per difficulty and game era.
Reduced tourism from 5-30% to 4-24% per difficulty and player era.

Insane only (compensation for the overall science/culture/tourism nerf):
Increased extra science and culture from 8-64% to 10-80% per player era.
Increased extra tourism from 12-72% to 16-96% per player era.
Revert to 4.6 because of a critical bug
Added options to turn off all AI bonus starting units and to turn off AI bonus starting combat units only.
When all AI bonus starting units are disabled, all AI starting bonus yields are doubled. That increase will slowly be reduced to normal over time; default values are reached at medieval era.

Changed the way strategic resources are given to the AI:
The AI now gets their first strategic resources upon researching the required tech to reveal them instead of upon reaching an appropriate era.

Changed the fix for the AI not speeding up their Exoplanet Expedition:
Removed bonus lightyears per turn from all difficulties but Insane.
AI now gets 15 aluminium per turn after researching Offworld Mission.
I wanted to make Pro less crazy so people who want something harder than Deity don't hit a wall.

Removed the additional modifiers from Pro. (only Insane has them now)
Pro AI gets less crazy with science/culture in the later stages of the game now.
Extra help for militaristic civs so they can keep up:
Reduced unit maintenance by additional flat 1 gold on all difficulties

Help for aggressive AI settling:
Added loyalty modifier: 1-4 bonus loyalty per turn in all cities, depending on difficulty

Still not seeing the results I want, so I'm pulling back the behaviour changes for now:
Removed most behaviour changes, pseudoyield changes to naval units and exploration remain

Changed Pro/Insane exclusive modifiers to be weaker in early game stages:
12-72% tourism per player era and difficulty above Deity (was constant 50%)
4-32% culture/science per player era and difficulty above Deity (was constant 15%)

Added dramatic ages support for the extra difficulties (Thanks Fuzzle, I missed that)
Removed custom AI operation priorities as they didn't work out as I had hoped.
Made additional changes to AI offensive operations that seem to fix Real Strategy's problem of the AI having weird war behaviour.
Increased pseudoyield of naval units because the AI was building too few in my opinion.
Added options to disable bonus AI strategic resources and to disable the behaviour changes in case you want to play with an AI behaviour mod other than Real Strategy.

Increased flat science/culture bonus to compensate for last patch's food nerf:
5% flat bonus science/culture per difficulty (was 3%).
Changes to yields to make the AI mid game a bit stronger and nerf late game a bit:

Reduced flat food bonus per difficulty to 1% (was 2%).
Changed scaling production/gold/faith bonus to a constant 5% per player era and difficulty (was 1-15% per player era and difficulty).
Added flat 10% space race production bonus per difficulty (to compensate for lower production late game).
-AI chorus yields by voidsingers were crazy since they doubledip modifiers -> nerfed chorus for AI from 20% to 10%
-changed food scaling from player era to game era
-added small AI war behaviour adjustment

-removed unit production bonus
-increased flat production/gold/faith to 10% per difficulty (was 5%)

-reduced faith discount on religious units to 8% (was 9%)
-reduced tourism to 5-30% per difficulty and player era (was 10-60%)
-amenities per game era now also at lower difficulties (1 every 2 eras at King, 1 every era at Emperor, 1 every era and 1 every 2 eras at Immortal and so on)
-added unit gold upgrade discount of 5% per difficulty

-increased science/culture modifiers at Pro and Insane to 15% per era and difficulty above Deity (was 1-15%)
-increased tourism modifier at Pro and Insane to 50% per era and difficulty above Deity (was 2-30%)

-increased player tourism to 25% (was 20%)
Sorry, got a bit overexcited about the changes and didn't test enough. Reverted the last update for now.
-removed difficulty combat bonus
-removed food scaling with eras
-removed unit production bonus

-reduced faith discount on religious units to 8% per difficulty (was 9%)
-reduced scaling tourism to 6-36% per player era and difficulty (was 10-60%)
-reduced extra influence points per turn for every difficulty above Immortal to 1 (was 2)

-flat food bonus increased to 3% per difficulty (was 2%)
-increased flat production, gold and faith to 10% per difficulty (was 5%)
-increased scaling production, gold and faith to 3-17% per player era and difficulty (was 1-15%)
Culture Victory is too hard for human players with AI culture being so high, so I'm giving them a buff:
-increased player tourism by 20% on all difficulties
-reduced flat food bonus back to 2%
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