
  1. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 438: Something to Believe In [Part 1]

    The four-hundred-and-thirty-eighth episode of PolyCast, “Something to Believe In [Part 1]“ is now available for streaming on the PolyCast YouTube Channel. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil "TheMeInTeam", and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this...
  2. Z

    Tech Connection Problems

    I've improved since I last posted and have planned out the tech placements for the earlier post, and now putting it into the game. Everything was running smoothly until I started adding custom connections. For example, I took Perpetual Motion from the Smoky Skies scenario and want it to become...
  3. D

    Bridges as improvements

    One thing I'd love to see more of in CIV VII is more infastructure improvements. To this end, I posted a couple days ago on Reddit about an idea I had to make bridges an infrastructure improvement. So here it is. Suggestion: Make Bridges Tile Improvements Rationale: This would allow terrain...
  4. Alkanta

    [BNW] Steampunk Era & Cybernetic Dawn releases

    Good day everyone, I was looking for a place to upload this mod I published years ago on Steam and its latest releases. I'd like to see if my upload works, and then if yes I'll detail things more in depth. Edit: I tried many times to upload my .civ5mod file whose size is around 100 MB, but it...
  5. sman1975

    Playtesters Needed for "SMAN's The Ancient World at War"

    Hello, I've recently published a mod, and could really use some help testing it. The mod itself is quite stable, but it adds a LOT of content to the game, so getting all of these new things properly balanced will take the evaluation and perspective of as many players as I can get. Here is a...
  6. E

    Some ideas for game mechanics

    Sorry if I made any spelling or grammatical mistake, english isn't my mother language. These are some ideas I was wondering if would be good (or even possible) to add for this mod. I'm not really good with programming, so I don't know what is and isn't feasible in Civilization IV. They're...
  7. sman1975

    Excessive Load Times after Adding New Techs Problem - Solved

    Hello! I am trying to build a mod, and it's quite simple at this point: I only add an Era (Enlightenment - inspired by EE, but widely divergent/credit will be given), and 50 new technologies. The new techs are added to the new Era and inter-woven between the normal Ancient-Renaissance Era...
  8. sman1975

    SMAN's The Ancient World at War (AWAW) V.0

    NOTE: the version of the mod in the download area is a very early, experimental and buggy version and should never be downloaded. Ever... I have finally finished the V0.0 version of the mod, and it is downloadable on Steam at:
  9. sman1975

    SMAN's The Ancient World at War (AWAW)

    Greetings, This is a collaboration post for an upcoming project. The AWAW will extensively rework the Ancient, Classical, Medieval, and Renaissance Eras, and will be the bookend companion to my "SMAN's The World at War" family of mods, cf...
  10. K

    Team Shared Research 1.2.2

    This mod enables shared research and technology tree for members of the same team. Quickstart The mod adds the new "Teams Share Research" game configuration option, enabled by default. If the option is enabled, shared research will automatically activate in multiplayer or hotseat games...
  11. M

    [BTS] Adjusting Barbarian Tech Gain Rate

    Hi sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I have designed a mod for games me and my brother play, part of my newest touch is to alter the tech gain speed by x4 (everything else playing normal game speed), long story short, we enjoy the era from using Warriors to Macemen and find the...
  12. B

    [GS] Problem with increase technology mod

    Hi everyone, Just a very casual modder with an issue I cannot find a solution. I reused some work from Alpaca around increasing cost for technologies/civics as eras passed by. After some try and test I managed to make it work as I wanted and increased all costs. However, for some reason, I...
  13. TheOneHitPupper


    MoreTech The Tech Tree just got 2x bigger Overview For almost as long as I've played Civilization V, I've consistently felt that the vanilla Tech Tree was too short and was missing large swaths of human history. I noticed there were a few mods out there that expand the Tech Tree, but would...
  14. M

    Which of these technologies (listed below) would be difficult to create in Star Wars?

    This Wiki page I've been editing for months with stuff I've read on the internet. Based on existing science and tech already available in Star Wars, which of these would be challenging for a scientist in Star Wars to create? Try to explain why and you can pick multiple entries. Remember, Star...
  15. sman1975

    SMAN's The World at War - Starting Armies V1 - BETA

    SMAN's "World at War - Starting Armies Companion Mod" adds a large number of Units (combat and civilian), Culture, Gold, free Buildings, and free Technologies to games starting in any of WAW's Eras (from La Belle Époque/Industrial through the Future War Era). The mod has no effect to games...
  16. tu_79

    Stones to Wheel

    Hi, I made this suggestion in current release thread, but I wanted to explain better my reasons. Let's see some basic facts: 1. Pottery is researched 1st or 2nd. Rarely 3rd. We need to claim territory, even an aggressive civ need one or two extra cities to claim some strategics. And the sooner...
  17. J


    I wanted a mod limiting play to medieval era. Got some good ideas but nothing substanial online, so had a go creating my own! Games have the same number of turns, but end shortly after 1500AD (assuming time victory is selected of course!) witth a raft of new buildings, techs, units etc...
  18. M

    What could a scientist in my Star Wars fan fic be working on?

    Im trying to write a story about a scientist who is working on something in the era of the New Republic. He does not believe in the Force. I just need something for him to be researching. It really isn’t that important to the story; it just has to sound cool and scientific. Also it can’t have...
  19. BackseatTyrant

    Tech Quotes and Narration

    Am I the only one who has speech muted while playing this mod? I'm not a fan of a good half of the quotes (often due to irrelevance and/or bad sources), plus the fact that a large majority of them are narrated by a computer generated voice makes the experience especially ear-grating. Have there...
  20. E

    Tidy Tech Tree for Vox Populi 1.6

    Preface This is an endeavor to make all items unlocked by technologies visible at a glance. As you might know, it's impossible at the moment because the tech tree interface only supports up to 5 items per tech, requiring the player to hover over them to see more. Due to this limitation many...
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