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100 million Chinese awarded direct-line to PM Blair


Retenta personam!
Feb 1, 2003
This is slightly amusing.

Tony Blair may be on a mission to further open up relations with China - but giving 100 million Chinese his fax number is probably not what he had in mind.

Thanks to TV interviewer Shui Junyi, that is precisely what he has done.

This is even worse than when NYC's mayor gave out his phone number!
He's going to be getting all kinds of Chinese fax spam.
The Yankee said:
This is even worse than when NYC's mayor gave out his phone number!
Read the article. PM Blair was not responsible for his fax number going out to 100 million viewers.
stormbind said:
Read the article. PM Blair was not responsible for his fax number going out to 100 million viewers.
Yeah, I should have done that. Wonder if he'll get a mass of faxes or it'll be ignored.
Civlord said:
Blair is only a puppet of the US.
Leading representative of the EU (world's largest economy) is puppet to the US?
Bugfatty300 said:
They'll just fax Blair to ask for Bush's number.
Bush will probably be impeached by the end of the week. Back on topic, erm...

Did anyone else see Blair's shot on goal, in China? He had an ex-England coach with him for preparation and still shot several metres wide. I reckon there was Chinese trickery involved: they must have tampered with the ball :mischief:
Shadylookin said:
why do people still use fax?
You know how much a call from China to London will cost!?
"I'm faxing over to you these documents to sign; please fax them back ASAP.



@The yankee: :lol:
GrandAdmiral said:
I think he met as opposed to email. I wondered that as well.
But it's just not as personal!
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