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2025 : World Map

Talking about Kaliningrad returning to Germany is completely ridiculous, of course. But what could be possible is that they would become independent (sort of a fourth Baltic country) and join the EU. At least there is a sentiment for this among the people there, alhtough it's not very realistic Russia will let this happen.
I think they might return it eventually, the Russians try hard to be friends with germany these days and its not like Königsberg is of any use to them anyway. Perhaps they will trade it vs. an EU endorsement of Belerus annexation to Russia.
In Europe

-European union adds Romania, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and even Ukraine. Albania, Switzerland, Norway, and some of the Former Yugoslavian nations remain independent. The European Union becomes a country, and is recognized as the 2nd World Superpower after the United States.

-Russia and Belarus have a Union.

-Chechnyans form a Small independent country, that does not even show up on my map, It's so small.

-Georgia and Moldova is under Russian influence, though independent.

-Turkey is under heavy influence by the European Union, though it does not officially join...... YET!

In Asia:

-Korea reunites, after the North Koreans rise up after Kim Jong Il dies, and requests a joint American-Japanese-Russian invasion. Korea is reunited.

-China wants to rebuild it's empire, so it annexes Mongolia. It then declares war on a weak Russia, annexing Outer Mongolia. Even though Russia gets American help, the Chinese take it. However, the Chinese know better then to attack Taiwan, as they are still not powerful enough.... Russia is rebuilding it's strength, and plans to retake Outer Manchuria.

-The Asian nations become worried of the increasing powerful China. They form several defense pacts:

-Japan forms a "Pacific Defense Pact", for protection against an increasingly aggressive China. Taiwan, Philipines, Papua New Guinea, and several Island nations such as Vanuatu and Fiji join. Korea and Austrailia are also allied to them, but have not officially joined.

-The nations of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Indonesia form a "South East Asian Defense And Economic Union".

Middle East

-Palistinians have a Nation.

-The Liberation of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Syria from evil facist forces brings reform to the Mid. East. Democratic elections come up, Terorists no longer have safe-haven anywhere, and are soon defeated. The Arabic people of the Middle East want to have more unity, so the found an Arabic Union. They are united by a common religion, and common language. They are soon even more united then Europe, and may even become a nation soon. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Morroco, Tunisia imediately join. Azerbaijan, Pakistan, and Somalia soon join too.

-Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asian nations do NOT join the Arabic Union.

-Republic Of Iraq and Kuwait form a Union.

-Central Asian nations form a "Turkistan Union".

-India, Bengladesh, and Sri Lanka form a Union.

North America

-USA sells Alaska back to the Russians.

-Quebec Declares Independence from Canada

-Canada is in anarchy, It's provinces begin to declare independence.

-Inuits declare independence in Northern Canada. First Native American state for several centuries.

-Greenland declares Independence, and is officially know by it's Greenlandish name, "Kalaalit Nunaat".

-Yukon declares Independence

-Americans invade at Canadian request. Gives some land to a Canadian puppet state, but also annexes some directly into the USA.

-The Mexican population of Texas is more then the American population. The Mexicans want Texas to rejoin Mexico. Americans no longer want it, and southern Texas is sold to Mexico.

-USA is still a Super Power, though.

-Castro Dies, and the Island nation of Cuba is in a Civil war. The USA has an excuse to invade, and restore order, annexing the Island.

South America

-South American Union Formed. All South American nations join.

-Central American Union Formed. All Central American Nations, except Belize, join.


-African Union formed, as the Nations of Africa try to move to having a wealthy continent.

The Map

There, I just went over all the possibilities. :D
anyone here farmilliar with this?

it is so cool
the vertical axis being %power compared to the total power of humanity..

it kindo of goes with the statment "as technology advances the ability to destroy the world gets easier and easier to come by"

you know, the 'pharoic age' uniting city states, but things advancing and that getting more common, easier to destabalize, until there's almost no way to keep that desighn stable, and you get a dark++ age, and out of that emerges a higher level more stable form... in federations of states, or a world goverment..

ok, it's not exactly historically accurate, but it's interesting.
the only change i can forsee if Belarus and Russia
these ideas of Canada breaking apart and the US selling parts of texas are totally ******ed. Quebec voted twice on this. its not going anywhere for a while
Commy said:
Never will be!:mad:

I apologize for offending you. That was certainly not my intent.

I simply think that Japan will use their ability to help Russia develop the vast resources of Siberia, as well as possible future guaranteed oil sales as leverage in their quest to reclaim the islands. Remember the old maxim...everything has a price.
Constitutional Monarchy is restored in Iran
Afghanistan, Tajikstan, Turkamanestan, Azerbaijan, Armenia rejoin the Iranian Empire. (notice how i didnt say Persian)
The Iranian parts (those containing Iranian peoples) of Iraq (including Kurdestan), Turkey, Pakistan (Baluchistan), and the central asian nations secede and rejoin the Iranian Empire.


well nostradamus did predict that Persia would invade west asia and southern europe in the years in the 21st century. ;)

PS this does not constitute my actual opinion
Anybody tenacious enough to put up a map?
US in Iraq... still.
VRWCAgent said:
I apologize for offending you.
All right (first time seeing such polite American ;) )
When Fidel dies, the communist government will be replaced with a puppet US goverment.

A lot like a father and son relationship. At some age, a son is gonna have it a lot more easy if he stays with his parents, but if he ever wants to grow up and become a man he's got to get out and live on his own.
While I disagree with Fox on theology, I agree with his assessment on Europe in the future.

You just won't believe it.


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The colored countries are where something will change. I color-coded the map by which countries have some sort of interaction. I also made up the post-war borders between Ethiopia and Eritrea; I don't know if they're realistic or not. The only very distinctive difference on a world map is the independent Quebec.

Oops, Sakhalin should still be Russian blue. Oh well. And Vancouver should be Canadian red. *sigh*


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Here's what I think:

- Europe will mostly be united, and be very close to, if not considered, being a full fledged nation.
- Nations in Central/Western/Southern Africa will continue to split/merge/whatnot.
- North America will see the beginnings of a united union like Europe. (broader than NAFTA)
- South America will have its' own version, with Brazil leading the way there. (broader than SAFTA or whatever their version is called).
- China might attack several neighbors.
- North/South Korea will be "resolved" in one way or another. (wether it's reunification, one nation attacking the other, or China attacking both/South Korea).
I hope Puerto Rico either becomes a state or a country (or maybe the sixth borough of New York City...that's where the City Council went for a big meeting recently....)

I also see Kurdistan (Iraqi Kurdistan, anyway) trying for more autonomy if not statehood. Then it'd be interesting to see how Iraq, the US, Turkey, and Iran deal with the whole thing.

I wonder if Moldova will split among ethnic lines. Transnistria or whatever the northeastern half of the country is called is still wanting to be elsewhere.

As for Ukraine...I could see secessionist movements in the east. There was already talk of such a thing because Yushchenko was put in the presidency, one of the eastern states/provinces of the Ukraine wanting to be independent or go to Russia.

Cuivienen: You think Ethiopia would manage to get access to the sea? Maybe they would, but not because the border says so. There will be another bloody war like the one that ended five years ago. But they may end up just trading some towns on the border now. It is also interesting to see if and how the US gets involved, being all interested in the Horn of Africa to look for terrorists and all.

Chieftess: I wonder, if that happens, how the economies of Canada and the US handle a large and not as wealthy country like Mexico being more in union.
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