Star Wars: The Galactic Civil War


Sep 12, 2005
A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away....

It is a Time of Civil War throughout the Galaxy. The evil Galactic Empire has risen to power and has crushed all freedom in the Galaxy. Only a small band of Freedom Fighters called the Rebel Alliance has risen to oppose the tyranny of the Empire. Will you chose to be the Rebels fighting for freedom or be the Empire seeking to crush all those before you. Perhaps you could be a criminal organization seeking to corrupt the Galaxy, or the xenophobic Chiss wanting to be left alone. Or maybe enslave the entire Galaxy with the Ssi-ruuk. The options are endless the challenges infinite....

YES! The long wait at last is over. After three months of endless work, Sheepmonster and I are proud to present the Galactic Civil War. Much thanks goes out to Sheepmonster for his hard work at the graphics. They are truly masterful. Hope you all enjoy this latest Star Wars scenario.

Moderator Action: Broken download updated - Blake00

May the Force be with you...or you can use the Dark Side:lol:
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On atomic gamer it says it is for civ II. Is it for civ II or civ III? If it's for civ III I download it now.

First post :woohoo:
Hate to bump, but FIVE DAYS ON A STAR WARS SCENARIO AND ONLY ONE PERSON posts. Come on people, stop doing homework (just kidding, I'm a teacher) and play a game!!
When I tried to play it just now it said there was a graphics error. I didn't see what kind it was though. The Clone Wars was great!
I forgot to say I got a error message when I tried to play it. I haven't tried it sense.
What error message? Plays fine for me. I'm currently at full tech with the empire, with no buildings units or leaderheads causing any problems. So what goes wrong for you?
I have a big test coming up in scholl but I will check within the next few days.
Awesome map - also downloaded clone wars, really cool.
I love the detailing on the units, also the accuracy of the lore is impressive.

However, there are several things that if fixed would make this map absolutely brilliant. I've not had time to play all that much, and only as the empire - but these are the suggestions I can make/bugs I've seen so far (hope this is helpful):
- V-wing, range of operations is very short, ok - but they have no re-basing button. same problem with the 181st fighter group, can't rebase. looks great though.
- capital ships have no bombard option
- the blockade runner looks great but is huge! They're actually quite small ships. really odd to see them running around so huge. If the Executor (when I see it) is that big though it'd be really cool. If the capital ships were all to scale that would really compliment the attention to detail in the modeling.

I'd like to reiterate despite those small glitches I've had LOADS of fun playing this map - can't wait to get further up the tech tree, and try out some of the smaller civs. I really like the inclusion of the Black Sun, Shadows of the Empire was such a great book.
Let me know if the feedback is helpful - if so I'll keep make a note of anything else I spot and let you know. I can also do the same for Clone Wars.
Awesome map - also downloaded clone wars, really cool.
I love the detailing on the units, also the accuracy of the lore is impressive.

However, there are several things that if fixed would make this map absolutely brilliant. I've not had time to play all that much, and only as the empire - but these are the suggestions I can make/bugs I've seen so far (hope this is helpful):
- V-wing, range of operations is very short, ok - but they have no re-basing button. same problem with the 181st fighter group, can't rebase. looks great though.
- capital ships have no bombard option
- the blockade runner looks great but is huge! They're actually quite small ships. really odd to see them running around so huge. If the Executor (when I see it) is that big though it'd be really cool. If the capital ships were all to scale that would really compliment the attention to detail in the modeling.

The V-Wing and the TIE FIghters have no re-base to depict that they had no hyperdrives. Most Rebel Starfighters have the rebase option because like the X-Wing they had hyperdrives and so could travel across the Galaxy (aka the map) without the need for a starship to ferry them to their location. It does hinder the Empire's ability to move starfighters across their Empire, but, just like the movies and books, the Empire had to literally use starships to move TIEs to locations.

Capital Ships have no bombardment because it would have given them far to much power in land battles. All a civ had to do was orbit a planet and slag it from space with little or no effort to force a land battle. Also Capital Ships with bombardment ability could destroy other ships without risking themselves which was again not very "Star Wars"

Couldn't do anything about the resizing of the Blockade Runner, sorry.

Thanks for your complements and glad you enjoyed the scenario thus far.
This may be a dumb question, but is this for conquests, PTW or vanilla? The reason I ask is because it crashes right before the first turn every time I try to play. I get to the start-up screen, choose my faction, and then as soon as the loading bar gets to 100% civ quits out altogether. And not the "missing unit" message that often happens with scenarios, just a complete program crash.

I'm trying it on Conquests on a Mac (and I've never had this problem with any scenario in the past). Any help you could give me is appreciated, as this looks like a very interesting scenario and I'd love to play it.
This scenario is for Conquest. I have never heard of any scenario just crashing without any pop up messages. could be your Mac, but I only guessing on that (I have a PC). Hopefully someone more experienced with this problem could help you (I just design and create the Scenarios)
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