Wonder Graphics: Kaaba


Pthooey of Tomainia
Mar 31, 2002
Oulu, Finland
New wonder for the Moslem world: Kaaba of Mekka.

Nahuixtelotzin wished this (Didn't know that Nahuixtelotzin is a moslem name :D).

Probably will also soon do Hagia Sofia wonder, to add some cultural diversity to the game.

Give religious charasteristics, happy faces etc. Perhaps can be used also to increase trade in the city, since Mekka is a destination of pilgrimage for every moslem from all over the world. I've been considering to leave descriptions since it can take hours to write the thing and search for resources. Perhaps you can do them if you will and then post them to civ3fanatics under the thread which the building is in graphics forum.

Salaam aleykum,


La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadar Rasul Allah:

Here's how Kaaba looks like.


  • kaabapreview.jpg
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Allow me to be the first :beer: to up the offer of vestal virgins ...

Another great one -- and, believe it or not, I've been wrestling with asking (*ahem*) SOMEONE to do the Hagia Sophia, which plays a critical role in my yes-it's-still-coming-along 1071CE mod.


Shukran, habibi! :)
I wish i was doing a muslim scen just to use it.
The very sight of that beauty brings tears to my eyes.
Great job, Ukas!
Hmmm... 700 Shields, Monotheism, +1 Content Citizen in every city on Continent, +1 Trade in this city for every city you control.

Me like :D
I thought "Kaaba" was the name of the Big Black Box in the middle, not the entire Mosque that surrounds it. Isn't that called the Great Mosque of Mecca, or something similar? Forgive my ignorance...
@Mithadan: True; It's Masjid Al-Haram, and the little box in the middle is the Kaaba.

@Rufus: I know you can do MUCH better than this one. I'm pretty sure that even you're not satisfied with it. Let me hit you with one suggestive image. You have not even once dissapointed me with the splashes -hence the name "splashmaster!" that was given to you once. But I'd say you can make a better one than this.
Excellent! Mecca is now complete.

You two make the perfect team. Keep it up. :goodjob:

I think that it's the time to have more commercial and diplomatic relations between Tomainia and Freedonia

Yes, indeed. But please no ROPs. :D
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