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A Brave New World Part 2

To: Leftist Mexicans
From: Sweden

We believe it would not be that wise for Alaska and Hawaii and the rest of Mexican territories under Swedish protection to be returned after the war, in fact we believe it is time for Hawaii and Alaska to be liberated and under control of their own governments. We are going to help the Alaskans and Hawaiians to establish their own nations now, which you should see as a good thing, being that they will no longer be colonies.
To: Leftist Mexicans
From: Sweden

We believe it would not be that wise for Alaska and Hawaii and the rest of Mexican territories under Swedish protection to be returned after the war, in fact we believe it is time for Hawaii and Alaska to be liberated and under control of their own governments. We are going to help the Alaskans and Hawaiians to establish their own nations now, which you should see as a good thing, being that they will no longer be colonies.

To: Sweden
From: Leftist Mexico

While we can agree to Alaska being given independence the Hawaiian islands have a majority Mexican population. As such they should remain part of the greater Mexican nation and not seperated to become pray to the Imperialist powers of the world.

If Sweden does not find this acceptable than it is our belief that Swedens actions were not based on maintaining stability the region but instead based on expanding Swedish influence further into the Pacific.
To: Leftist Mexico
From: Sweden

Because we would be helping Hawaii to establish themselves as their own nation, we will see to it that they will not become prey to imperial powers. Should any other nation set foot on Hawaiian soil, they will be dealt with by Sweden, and the same will go for Alaska. We are not leaving the Hawaiians out to be taken over by another power.
To: World
From: Belgium

We are now closing our border to any and all traffic coming out of the 'Kingdom' (read: Tyranny) of the Netherlands. Forces of National Liberation Unite!

Debout, les damnés de la terre
Debout, les forçats de la faim
La raison tonne en son cratère
C'est l'éruption de la fin
Du passé faisons table rase
Foules, esclaves, debout, debout
Le monde va changer de base
Nous ne sommes rien, soyons tout

For international brotherhood and solidarity!
To Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany
From Chancellor Madson of Virginia

Your incursion into this conflict, one that is solely concerning the Dutch protecting rightful property that is theirs, is deplorable. Germany has no interests in the Ottoman Empire, Germany has no diplomatic ties with the Ottoman Empire of Egypt, and Germany has no right to dictate what the Dutch do with their own territory. We would like to see this "international law," which you declare the Dutch to have broken. The fact is, this international law does not exist, and is merely an attempt by the Kaiser to instill his will upon other, sovereign, entities.

Any hindrance of Virginian trade or military supplies to her forces in either the Netherlands or Egypt will be met with a declaration of war. There is no established "international law" that gives Germany the right to dictate her own policies for the open seas, or for merchants of other nations. Germany has no right to declare her policies an "international law."
To: the poor and fake Mexican barbarians
From: The true Mexican government

No, there will not be peace. Two Mexican nations will just lead to future conflict in the future. Im settling this once and for all.

To: Haiti
From: Mexico

I would strongly encourage you to stay in this war against the fake Mexican government. If you make peace, i'm sure your allies would strongly disapprove and might even kick you out.
To: Haiti
From: Mexico

I would strongly encourage you to stay in this war against the fake Mexican government. If you make peace, i'm sure your allies would strongly disapprove and might even kick you out.

From: Texan Republic

Why would he be kicked out. You are not in our alliance nor are there any prior agreements of protection for you. Therefore, Haiti has no responsibility for your well being. I cannot speak for all members but I would not bet anything on the idea that Haiti would be removed from an alliance, who's main purpose is peace in the Americas, for trying to preserve peace.
To: Leftist Mexico
From: The Lakota Sioux

We are glad to see you are having major success against the treacherous empire. Our soldiers have reported many positive things from working with your officers. You are not half bad for white men. We hope that after the war our nations can develop closer economic social ties.
To Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany
From Chancellor Madson of Virginia

Your incursion into this conflict, one that is solely concerning the Dutch protecting rightful property that is theirs, is deplorable. Germany has no interests in the Ottoman Empire, Germany has no diplomatic ties with the Ottoman Empire of Egypt, and Germany has no right to dictate what the Dutch do with their own territory. We would like to see this "international law," which you declare the Dutch to have broken. The fact is, this international law does not exist, and is merely an attempt by the Kaiser to instill his will upon other, sovereign, entities.

Any hindrance of Virginian trade or military supplies to her forces in either the Netherlands or Egypt will be met with a declaration of war. There is no established "international law" that gives Germany the right to dictate her own policies for the open seas, or for merchants of other nations. Germany has no right to declare her policies an "international law."

The Netherlands broke an agreement with Egypt, stating that the Suez region would be handed over to Egypt in 1908. The Dutch broke this agreement and fortified the border with Egypt, planning for them to invade. Once the Egyptians and Ottomans declared war, the Dutch were all ready to invade and annex Egypt. You see, when it comes to breaking agreements, the Dutch have been fairly active recently. We don't like that, since a good deal of these acts were against Germany herself. Also, the Ottomans, which are now being attacked by you, the Dutch, and Dutch funded rebels fought alongside New England and Germany during the last Great War, helping our side win. On top of that, Egypt is not Dutch territory, but merely Dutch occupied territory, and is not theirs to deal with as they see fit.
To Leftist Mexico
From Deseret

We are not at war at the moment, even though our troops suffered skirmishes among the old Deseret-Mexican border... but I am willing to forget all that should the Leftist Government return what Deseret got legally (Signed by both Imperial Mexico and Deseret. Imperial Mexico is still recognized as the Government of Mexico). The Rocky Mountain region. (OTL Utah, Colorado and Nevada) We negotiated this land successfully from Imperial Mexico so in effect, you are occupying our lands. Not Mexican lands.

If you refuse, then Deseret will have no choice but to immediately move troops in to protect our lands and people. Also please note that the Mexican people are free to move out courtesy of the Deseret Government who will provide all the transportation and housing costs. As well as food and medical care should they require it.

Again remember, if you refuse, we will then be formally at war with each other and after that point, there will be no telling whether we take California or not. If you accept, we will accept peace and stay out of the war.

To World
From Deseret

We can provide proof as necessary if you so desire it. But I ask that you recognize our claim to the Rocky Mountain region in Mexico and force the Leftist Faction to vacate immediately. As Imperial Mexico is still recognized as the Government of Mexico making our deal legal.
To: Leftist Mexico, The World
From: Sweden

We also believe that it would be wise on your part (Leftist Mexico) to recognize the territories sold to other nations during this war. Continued fighting in those territories will bring unwanted anguish to the people living there, and so Sweden recognizes the territories sold to other countries by any Mexican faction as now belonging to said nations.
From: Texan Republic
To: Leftist Mexico

Our claim to West Texas still stands. Our payment made in full to the current leader of Mexico will stand. We will finance the movement of Mexicans back to Mexico if wanted. If not then we will be unable to vacate the territory until the uprising in our territory is defeated.

We also support the claims of Deseret and Sweden's proposals regarding the freedom for Alaska as well as Hawaii from the grip of Mexico.
From: Texan Republic, The Gulf Alliance
To: Seminole Republic

It has been agreed that we shall extend membership to the Alliance to your new found Republic.

From: Texan Republic
To: Georgia

We will work with you in stimulating the economy however as for the alliance we must discuss this with the rest of the alliance.
OOC: As no news was confirmed of this in the update you have no claims. Also Churchill stop selling Mexico to the highest bidder dammit not only will it hurt you in the short term but in the long run it'll weaken Mexico for whichever side is victorious. EQ did this deal go through since it wasn't mentioned in the update and can the Mexican Emperor be declared insane and assassinated because selling off most of a nation is quite unrealistic?

IC: To: Deseret, The World
From: Leftist Mexico

Over the previous year no news was received of this transfer and now these lands are under the control of our government. As this region is populated by Mexicans this sale will not go through. If the Deseret government will go to war because of this then so be it however it will not be us who are at fault.

We do not recognize the Imperial government so any deals made with them are null as far as we are concerned.

To: The Mexican Emperor, The Mexican people
From: Leftist Mexico

You claim to be the Emperor of Mexico yet reports continually flow in of more Mexican land being sold off to the highest bidder. This behaviour will only serve to cause more suffering for the Mexican people. Their lands will be taken from them without compensation.

At the rate things are going all of Mexico will soon be sold off to any and all who are willing to pay. The time has come to rise up for the better of Mexico and the better of yourselves.

To: Sweden
From: Leftist Mexico

Very well in the interests of peace we will accept this however we will now view the Swedish government as opportunistic imperialists and will be wary of your actions in the future.
To the Gulf Alliance
From Deseret

We will assist Georgia in their economy troubles, but as to accept them into the Gulf Alliance, we would rather wait to see what they can offer first, after all if they cannot get their economy up again, it could bring us all down. I say we wait until we are certain their economy is strong before we consider their entrance into the Gulf Alliance.

To Texas, Sweden
From Deseret

We thank you in your support to our claims.

To Leftist Mexico, World
From Deseret

We also support Texas' claim as well.
To: Leftist Mexico
From: Sweden

This is good to hear. We are sorry that you think of us as only opportunistic imperialists, but let it be known that with Alaska and Hawaii under no threat of warfare now, it'll make Red Cross operations that much easier in the area, being able to start up operations in a non-dangerous, close by place to be able to send much needed humanitarian aid to all peoples involved in this tragic war. We will also pledge to continue our support of the Red Cross this year, hopefully helping to prevent less innocent lives from being killed.
IC: To: Deseret, The World
From: Leftist Mexico

Over the previous year no news was received of this transfer and now these lands are under the control of our government. As this region is populated by Mexicans this sale will not go through. If the Deseret government will go to war because of this then so be it however it will not be us who are at fault.

We do not recognize the Imperial government so any deals made with them are null as far as we are concerned.

As to why you received no news could be attributed to your rapid march through our northern territories and killing anyone who got in your way. We barely had no chance to move our troops in to occupy our new lands, hence why we had that border dispute earlier.

Also, it is not whether you recognize the Imperial Government, which you obviously won't since you want to be the Government of Mexico, but the world at whole, I believe most of the world still recognize Imperial Mexico as the Government of Mexico and you as an upstart rebellion. Now I cannot speak for them, but that is the general conscientious I am getting. Also keep in mind, that this transfer was made last year, not this year.

It is true that the lands remain under your government now, but remember that the lands you occupy have been illegally captured and occupied as they were under the Government of Deseret when you invaded.

If you refuse to even look at the proof we have or have a neutral body look into it, then we have no choice but to take back our lands with force.
To: Leftist Mexico
From: Sweden

If what Deseret and Texas claim is true, that they bought the lands, then it should be their lands, and the war should not be brought to them. Sweden does not like to meddle, but we see this as flat out wrong, dragging other nations into a war they do not want to be involved in. We would advise you to reconsider your actions.
The Netherlands broke an agreement with Egypt, stating that the Suez region would be handed over to Egypt in 1908. The Dutch broke this agreement and fortified the border with Egypt, planning for them to invade. Once the Egyptians and Ottomans declared war, the Dutch were all ready to invade and annex Egypt. You see, when it comes to breaking agreements, the Dutch have been fairly active recently. We don't like that, since a good deal of these acts were against Germany herself. Also, the Ottomans, which are now being attacked by you, the Dutch, and Dutch funded rebels fought alongside New England and Germany during the last Great War, helping our side win. On top of that, Egypt is not Dutch territory, but merely Dutch occupied territory, and is not theirs to deal with as they see fit.

None of these acts involved Germany. The Suez is Dutch territory, they can do as they see fit. If they decided to back out of a deal with Egypt, not Germany, then it is none of Germany's business.

This is just a German ploy to assert her will upon other, sovereign nations. Virginia stands by her ally who was attacked by barbarian Muslims, even if this means conflict with Germany.
To: Sweden, Deseret, Texas
From: Leftist Mexico

It is not Leftist Mexico who is expanding this war but the unjust and opportunistic governments of Deseret and Texas. We have yet to see any proof that Deseret and the Imperial government had any agreement. Not only did no land ever go to Deseret but their claims of border skirmishes appear to be lies. Our generals have mentioned that there has been no conflict along our shared border and in fact several of our soldiers have listened to Mormon sermons in the region.

We have received proof of a Texan purchase of their lands however before the ink even had a chance to dry the regions in question rebelled against both Texan and Imperial rule. As such it is clear the people of this region do not desire to be ruled by Texas. If it will ease the situation the Leftist government will be willing to compensate the Texan once the civil war is complete the full amount they paid to the Emperor for these lands however we will not surrender good hard working Catholic Mexican workers and farmers to blackmail from Houston.

And finally just to further clarify our stance Leftist Mexico is not the one calling for war. It is both Deseret and Texas calling for war. We are certain that both governments understood that the territories in question could rebel any time yet they still took risks with this.

Hypothetically if Sweden were to break down in civil war and one faction sold Finland to Russia we not believe the other faction would accept this and rightly so. The same would go for any other nation of this world.
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