AA04: Victoria’s Aggressive Adventures

I've got it then. I will patch before playing. My set will most likely be build ups of defense and possibly more troops for the next player.
^^ Most of the units we need are ships to defend our seafood, siege, some spies and city defences.
Edit: Oh crap!!! I forgot to patch before playing ... if this is a problem, let me know and I'll patch and try to replay exactly like this.

Took a look around and whipped a lighthouse in Xian. Do we still need cash to upgrade? I thought we already finished with upgrades, so I upped research to 50%.

We pop copper near London.

Joao came with a damand and was turned down.

Paper in, I set research to Optics to get some sights on the other island.

Met Shaka.

And the very next turn he capitulated to Joao. Hmmm, maybe I should've given in to him before.

Optics in, Education next.

The scientist will pop a little over half the beakers for Education if we want to go that route.


  • AA04 AD-1285.CivBeyondSwordSave
    319.6 KB · Views: 61
Doesn't matter re patch, as long as all has no objection to patching, it doesn't really matter who played with patch first.

We are ready to declare IMHO, let's get it started :hammer:

What happen to our spies? I thought two were in the builds in the previous turnset, and they should station in cities to start a revolt.

Beijing should really be running priest ... we want the hindu shrine.

-- GreyFox
-- Mystyfly
-- beserks01
>> negyvenketto == UP
-- open, please join!

-- pigswill == trying to fly, no time for Civ
-- pholkhero == RIP
Got it. It's tough. Perices has a big stack in Vienne, (near Mycenae, bigger than our), can reinforce it before our stack arrives. Seems we can't capture it. On the north we can capture Argos, if it doesn't get new defenders. Are we sure we wan't to attack now?
We still have 1 spy, went on a recon mission NE.
Sorry, forgot to mention the spies. All our spies were caught after a couple of turns in Pericles's border, they don't last long in his territory at all.
Will play this evening. I tend to join our stacks, we might gain something (ie keep a city after capturing) if we concentrate to 1 target a time. Cross fingers.

The weaker stack (or the one facing tougher defenders) still can only bombar and pillage so it's not that useless. I would use always at least 2 stack.
Thank you! I''ve achieved acquainted and now I'm seeking competence.

And what better way to learn than to precede the esteemed GreyFox in an SG? I'm certain the review of my sets will be thorough, honest and painful. :)
Could be better ...
Please forgive me not including screenshots in text, I just got a virus preventing log in to Photobucket (and search Google) :mad:

Pic1: our South stack
Pic2: North stack
Pic3: Pericles' stack for counterattack
Pic4: Trireme quest

Unfortunately, I missed to make screenshot razing Mycenae.
(We got a GG, merged in Nothingham.) There was no chance to keep it, I could see Pericles' stack arriving and indeed, our forces were cleaned next turn.

But I kept Argos (pic5). Watch out the remaining counterattack stack at South (pic6). At least he doesn't have siege in it.

There is a Greek Cat & Xbowman near Xian, arrived in a Galley, not a real threat.

Joao researching Nationalism and lack of Education so we have an advantage (hopefully) in liberalism race. GS bulbed edu, started Philosophy.

(BUG still reports 3.13, but it's already 3.17)
Spoiler :
Logging by BUG Mod 2.30 [Build 742] (BtS 3.13)
Turn 277/750 (1285 AD) [30-Jun-2008 17:13:34]

After End Turn:
London grows to size 12
Nottingham grows to size 10
A Hamlet was built near Hastings
A Village was built near Guangzhou
Camulodunum grows to size 8
A Town was built near Camulodunum

Other Player Actions:

Turn 278/750 (1290 AD) [30-Jun-2008 17:15:20]
AA04(England) declares war on Pericles(Greece)
AA04(England) declares war on Brennus(Celtia)

After End Turn:
London finishes: Trebuchet
Verlamion grows to size 9
Shanghai grows to size 8
Beijing grows to size 11

Other Player Actions:
Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards Shaka(Zululand), from 'Pleased' to 'Friendly'
Attitude Change: Pericles(Greece) towards AA04(England), from 'Pleased' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Pericles(Greece) towards Brennus(Celtia), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'
Attitude Change: Shaka(Zululand) towards Pericles(Greece), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Civics Change: Brennus(Celtia) from 'Caste System' to 'Slavery'

Turn 279/750 (1295 AD) [30-Jun-2008 17:19:36]
London begins: Crossbowman (3 turns)

After End Turn:
Whip anger has decreased in Xian
York grows to size 7

Other Player Actions:
Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards Pericles(Greece), from 'Cautious' to 'Pleased'
Attitude Change: Shaka(Zululand) towards AA04(England), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'
Attitude Change: Shaka(Zululand) towards Joao II(Portugal), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Turn 280/750 (1300 AD) [30-Jun-2008 17:22:46]
Catapult promoted: Drill I
Catapult promoted: Shock
While attacking, Catapult escapes from Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 30.5%)
While attacking in Greek territory near Vienne, Catapult loses to Greek Longbowman (2.94/6) (Prob Victory: 30.5%)
Drorenwan Fodan (Catapult) promoted: Drill I
While attacking, Drorenwan Fodan (Catapult) escapes from Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 5.7%)
While attacking in Greek territory near Vienne, Drorenwan Fodan (Catapult) loses to Greek Maceman (2.40/8) (Prob Victory: 5.7%)
Rhieldric Jeriremma (Crossbowman) promoted: Drill I
Rhieldric Jeriremma (Crossbowman) promoted: Drill II
Olawan Troemar (Crossbowman) promoted: Drill I
Olawan Troemar (Crossbowman) promoted: Drill II
War Elephant promoted: Combat I
War Elephant promoted: Combat II
War Elephant promoted: Combat I
War Elephant promoted: Combat II
Ybilawyth Ederrann (Maceman) promoted: Combat I
Ybilawyth Ederrann (Maceman) promoted: Shock
Pikeman promoted: Combat II
Pikeman promoted: Combat I
Cigogord Welinnor (Crossbowman) promoted: Drill I
Cigogord Welinnor (Crossbowman) promoted: Drill II
Rhirewin Oloder (Crossbowman) promoted: Drill I
Rhirewin Oloder (Crossbowman) promoted: Drill II
Yiramos Ibireand (Horse Archer) promoted: Combat I
Yiramos Ibireand (Horse Archer) promoted: Combat II
War Elephant promoted: Combat I
War Elephant promoted: Combat II
Maceman promoted: Shock

After End Turn:
A Village was built near Verlamion
Guangzhou grows to size 6
Beijing finishes: Spy

Other Player Actions:
While defending in Greek territory at Mycenae, War Elephant (4.40/8) defeats Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 94.1%)
Attitude Change: Joao II(Portugal) towards Pericles(Greece), from 'Pleased' to 'Cautious'
Attitude Change: Shaka(Zululand) towards AA04(England), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Turn 281/750 (1305 AD) [30-Jun-2008 17:33:21]
Beijing begins: Trebuchet (12 turns)
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider I
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider II
While attacking, Trebuchet escapes from Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 76.8%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Mycenae, Trebuchet loses to Greek Longbowman (2.22/6) (Prob Victory: 76.8%)
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider I
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider II
While attacking, Trebuchet decimates Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 80.6%)
Erigomar Hiradon (Trebuchet) promoted: City Raider I
While attacking, Erigomar Hiradon (Trebuchet) decimates Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 80.1%)
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider I
While attacking, Trebuchet decimates Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 92.9%)
While attacking, Maceman decimates Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 99.0%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Mycenae, Maceman (6.80/8) defeats Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 99.0%)
While attacking, Maceman decimates Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 98.9%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Mycenae, Maceman (8.00/8) defeats Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 98.9%)
While attacking, 8. Swordsman of London, Division 1 (Maceman) decimates Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Mycenae, 8. Swordsman of London, Division 1 (Maceman) (6.72/8) defeats Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking, Maceman decimates Greek Swordsman (Prob Victory: 99.5%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Mycenae, Maceman (6.80/8) defeats Greek Swordsman (Prob Victory: 99.5%)
Oliver Cromwell (Great General) born in Canterbury
While attacking, Ybilawyth Ederrann (Maceman) decimates Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 99.8%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Mycenae, Ybilawyth Ederrann (Maceman) (6.64/8) defeats Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 99.8%)
While attacking, War Elephant decimates Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Mycenae, War Elephant (8.00/8) defeats Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking, War Elephant decimates Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 99.9%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Mycenae, War Elephant (5.52/8) defeats Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 99.9%)
Buddhism has spread: Mycenae
Captured Mycenae (Pericles)
Razed Mycenae
Buddhism has been removed: Mycenae
Mycenae lost
While attacking, Trireme decimates Greek Galley (Prob Victory: 88.1%)
While attacking in Celtic territory near Bibracte, Trireme (1.68/2) defeats Greek Galley (Prob Victory: 88.1%)
Pikeman promoted: Combat I
While attacking, Pikeman decimates Greek War Elephant (Prob Victory: 91.4%)
While attacking in English territory near Argos, Pikeman (1.20/6) defeats Greek War Elephant (Prob Victory: 91.4%)
Crossbowman promoted: Drill I
Horse Archer promoted: Combat I
Horse Archer promoted: Combat II

After End Turn:
Whip anger has decreased in Camulodunum
London finishes: Crossbowman
Canterbury grows to size 10
Camulodunum grows to size 9
Beijing grows to size 12
Xian grows to size 3

Other Player Actions:
While defending in the wild near Argos, War Elephant (4.64/8) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 95.1%)
While defending in the wild near Argos, Rhieldric Jeriremma (Crossbowman) (3.96/6) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 79.0%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Olawan Troemar (Crossbowman) loses to Greek Maceman (0.40/8) (Prob Victory: 45.7%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Rhieldric Jeriremma (Crossbowman) loses to Greek Maceman (6.56/8) (Prob Victory: 20.6%)
While defending in the wild near Argos, Maceman (7.28/8) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 83.2%)
While defending in the wild near Argos, Maceman (7.28/8) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 83.2%)
While defending in the wild near Argos, Maceman (6.08/8) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 83.2%)
While defending in the wild near Argos, Horse Archer (2.34/6) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 51.0%)
While defending in the wild near Argos, Maceman (2.24/8) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 50.0%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Ybilawyth Ederrann (Maceman) loses to Greek Maceman (0.80/8) (Prob Victory: 27.8%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, War Elephant loses to Greek Maceman (4.88/8) (Prob Victory: 14.1%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Trebuchet loses to Greek Phalanx (4.15/5) (Prob Victory: 20.3%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Maceman loses to Greek Longbowman (0.96/6) (Prob Victory: 18.6%)
While defending in the wild near Argos, 8. Swordsman of London, Division 1 (Maceman) (0.48/8) defeats Greek Phalanx (Prob Victory: 31.6%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Maceman loses to Greek Swordsman (0.24/6) (Prob Victory: 42.8%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Pikeman loses to Greek Swordsman (6.00/6) (Prob Victory: 4.1%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Horse Archer loses to Greek Maceman (1.44/8) (Prob Victory: 6.5%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Heinz Guderian (Spearman) loses to Greek Longbowman (4.14/6) (Prob Victory: 3.5%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Maceman loses to Greek Spearman (3.00/4) (Prob Victory: 10.2%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Trebuchet loses to Greek Spearman (4.00/4) (Prob Victory: 0.1%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, 8. Swordsman of London, Division 1 (Maceman) loses to Greek Spearman (4.00/4) (Prob Victory: 0.0%)
While defending in the wild near Vienne, Erigomar Hiradon (Trebuchet) loses to Celtic Longbowman (6.00/6) (Prob Victory: 0.0%)
Attitude Change: Shaka(Zululand) towards AA04(England), from 'Cautious' to 'Annoyed'

Turn 282/750 (1310 AD) [30-Jun-2008 17:44:19]
London begins: Crossbowman (3 turns)

Logging by BUG Mod 2.30 [Build 742] (BtS 3.13)
Turn 282/750 (1310 AD) [30-Jun-2008 23:27:14]
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider I
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider II
While attacking, Trebuchet escapes from Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 62.4%)
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider I
Trebuchet promoted: City Raider II
While attacking, Trebuchet decimates Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 79.9%)
While attacking, Maceman decimates Greek Crossbowman (Prob Victory: 93.9%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Argos, Maceman (2.88/8) defeats Greek Crossbowman (Prob Victory: 93.9%)
While attacking, War Elephant decimates Greek Crossbowman (Prob Victory: 85.1%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Argos, War Elephant (6.64/8) defeats Greek Crossbowman (Prob Victory: 85.1%)
While attacking, Maceman decimates Greek Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 95.5%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Argos, Maceman (4.16/8) defeats Greek Horse Archer (Prob Victory: 95.5%)
While attacking, Maceman decimates Greek Phalanx (Prob Victory: 99.2%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Argos, Maceman (6.88/8) defeats Greek Phalanx (Prob Victory: 99.2%)
While attacking, 6. Axeman of London, Division 1 (Maceman) decimates Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Argos, 6. Axeman of London, Division 1 (Maceman) (6.72/8) defeats Greek Longbowman (Prob Victory: 100.0%)
While attacking, 10. Axeman of Hastings, Division 1 (Maceman) decimates Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 99.9%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Argos, 10. Axeman of Hastings, Division 1 (Maceman) (6.56/8) defeats Greek Maceman (Prob Victory: 99.9%)
Buddhism has spread: Argos
Captured Argos (Pericles)
Argos begins: Barracks (76 turns)
While attacking, Yiramos Ibireand (Horse Archer) decimates Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 99.4%)
While attacking in Greek territory at Argos, Yiramos Ibireand (Horse Archer) (4.44/6) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 99.4%)
Trireme promoted: Combat I
While attacking, War Elephant decimates Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 77.6%)
While attacking in the wild near Vienne, War Elephant (3.12/8) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 77.6%)
Pikeman promoted: Combat II
Laledric Griawyn (Maceman) promoted: Combat I
Cug Agraeth Eleri (Maceman) promoted: Woodsman I
Cip Malenad Afaleth (Maceman) promoted: Woodsman I
London begins: Catapult (3 turns)

After End Turn:
The whip was applied in Shanghai
London grows to size 13
Shanghai grows to size 7
Shanghai finishes: Maceman

Other Player Actions:
While defending in Greek territory at Argos, Yiramos Ibireand (Horse Archer) (3.48/6) defeats Greek Catapult (Prob Victory: 81.9%)
A Camp was destroyed near Xian
A Camp near Xian was destroyed by Greek Crossbowman
While defending in Greek territory at Argos, Yiramos Ibireand (Horse Archer) loses to Greek Swordsman (6.00/6) (Prob Victory: 4.2%)
While defending in the wild near Gaul, War Elephant loses to Greek Spearman (4.00/4) (Prob Victory: 0.1%)
While defending in English territory near Canterbury, Trireme (0.80/2) defeats Barbarian Galley (Prob Victory: 95.6%)
Attitude Change: Shaka(Zululand) towards Pericles(Greece), from 'Annoyed' to 'Cautious'

Turn 283/750 (1315 AD) [30-Jun-2008 23:44:42]
Shanghai begins: Catapult (13 turns)
Trireme promoted: Combat I
Tech learned: Education
Research begun: Philosophy (6 Turns)



  • AA04 AD-1315.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Good turns, it was tough, but well played.

We need to whip a few defenders, esp the troublesome crossbow. Some phants might be good.

The Greeks seems to have only that stack left, the rest of his cities (those visible anyway have only few defenders). we just have to ride through his current stack and we should be fine.

Look out in our the northern defense as well. The crossbow and cat is at Xian, and a galley with 3 escorts is approaching.

The quest is stupid ... we are already at Renaissance, aren't we?

-- GreyFox
-- Mystyfly
-- beserks01
-- negyvenketto
>> Frankcor == UP!
Look out in our the northern defense as well. The crossbow and cat is at Xian, and a galley with 3 escorts is approaching.
I guess they are leaving as it was bring that 2 units to Xian.

The quest is stupid ... we are already at Renaissance, aren't we?
Yes, since Edu is finished (this turn). We should get a message next turn about the failure.
Welcome on board, Frankcor [party]

Nice to see the war progressing. I'll have a look at the save and comment later.
Frank just got back and he's late already :p
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