• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

ABNESII - .•°*”˜Cradle of Life˜”*°•.

TO: Gupta:
From: The Skiv:

Your cause is futile. I have the advantage of home territory.
To: Gupta
From: Skiv

Your cause is futile. I have the advantage of home territory and the huge Mobandikan army. Get out or die!

EDIT: Oh, thats why the computer said it was an identical post. Sorry for the double post.
To: Ainu
From: Jomon

Get out.

To Jomon
From the Ainu

Get out of what? This is the homeland of my people why should we leave our homeland? You are the invaders you should leave our islands and go back to the land of the west were you belong.
To: The Gupta:
From: The Skiv

You have until Wednesday, February 20th to come up with a treaty. Otherwise, your nation shall withdraw from this war by force!
To: Alese
From: Rengoir

The only tribute you will receive from Rengoir will be your death. We suggest you take back your tribute requests.

To: Nan
From: Rengoir

We decline your offer. We don't see why we need to get involved in the problems that you created.

To: Renjing
From: Rengoir

We have no problems with your nation existing and promise that we will not look at occupying your lands. We also would like to begin trading with your nation in order to help you prosper.

To: Banga
From: Rengoir

The Alese threaten both of our nations with their tribute demands and threats. If they do anything to harm either of our nations I propose we initiate a joint strike against them to crush them swiftly.
To Jomon
From the Ainu

Get out of what? This is the homeland of my people why should we leave our homeland? You are the invaders you should leave our islands and go back to the land of the west were you belong.

To: Jomon
From: Ainu

The gods(?) created us on this holy island and gave it to us in a covenant. We demand that you leave or we will kick you out. Either way, you will be gone. :evil:
To: Alese
From: Banga

If you desire tribute, you had better look elsewhere. We will not be an easy nation to attack, even if we do not frequently make war upon others. We advise that Alese stick within its own borders or, even better, raid and pillage to the north where they would be able to expand in a warlike fashion without being crushed like the barbarians they are.

To: Banga
From: Rengoir

The Alese threaten both of our nations with their tribute demands and threats. If they do anything to harm either of our nations I propose we initiate a joint strike against them to crush them swiftly.

To: Rengnoir
From: Banga

The army of Bagna will not stir from inside the borders of the nation of Banga; they are needed their to ensure the peace and carry out the construction and maintenance of our extensive irrigation systems. While we will not pay tribute, we will attack the Alese only if they move within our borders, and then only to repel them, not to gain land.

It is not our way to move aggressively against another people. If we desire the land of the Alese or the stoppage of their raiding and trade prevention we will buy it from them like the proper and civilized people we are.
To Jomon
From the Ainu

Fie on your gods. You are foreign invaders the Ainu people were here when you crossed the wide oceans on your pathetic rafts seeking a new home for your people after you had been driven out of the west by a stronger and more war like people.
To Jomon
From the Ainu

Fie on your gods. You are foreign invaders the Ainu people were here when you crossed the wide oceans on your pathetic rafts seeking a new home for your people after you had been driven out of the west by a stronger and more war like people.

To: Ainu
From: Jomon

Our armies will crush you like ants. Good day.
From Warlord Aiken of the Alese

King Sebadah, you have grown pale an weak with you "civilized" way of life. Where you find love in young boys, I, a real man desire the love of a woman, and the rush of war, the pounding of blood. My people take great joy in terrorising your weak merchants, and take what we want. We want nothing of your "wares", be gone from my lands.
Time shall prove Panchala to be correct. Destruction breeds destruction, in time you fall, and be left unable to feel the love of a woman or the rush of war.

May you see wisdom in the future.
Please don't leave. I don't think we have really finished advances yet so no one understands them.
Fair enough, you never really got that involved anyway tbh did you.

The advances are really quite simple. Your nation is a mud slinging bunch of barbarians unless you advance. Spend your EP on the advances, and so you nation will advance.

Anyone else confused by this?
Ubura is not getting involved in any wars until directly attacked or threatened. Good Day.
Fair enough, you never really got that involved anyway tbh did you.

The advances are really quite simple. Your nation is a mud slinging bunch of barbarians unless you advance. Spend your EP on the advances, and so you nation will advance.

Anyone else confused by this?

Abby from the thread it looked like you still haven't formally declared what the advances are and how much they cost.
True, it is still in a fluid evolution. I'll concrete the basic ones that people could be researching tomorro, and open futher along the tree to discussion.
To: Empire of Nan & Lordship of Ban

From: Chief Earthmover of the Katamari

-The Katamari wish for the Nan to end their aggressions against our people, but we cannot accept the terms of declaring war on our friends the Ban.

-We are grateful for the intervention of the Ban to slow the Nan invasion of our lands and we wish to repay this debt, but we are not in a position to offer military support.

-Above all the Katamari wish to continue the development of our Society and our study of the Sciences, and we desire peace among our neighbors. Our wise men are in the midst of a project that will be beneficial to many, and we propose the following agreement so that we may continue our work in peace:

Nan, Ban and Katamari will agree to a peace treaty and nonaggression pact, effective for three turns (ending after update 10). Nan will keep the disputed territory to Katamari’s northeast (yellow border), and Kat will no longer expand to the east of the Mekong river. Ban and Nan may decide their own border. In exchange for Nan's ending aggressions against the Ban and Kats, Katamari will send wise men during the second turn to Nan to teach you the secrets of Metallurgy. We have made great progress in these methods, and peace will ensure that we complete our work. If any nation should break this agreement, the other two shall rightfully retaliate with any means necessary. Following [update 10], none of the three nations shall have any further obligation to the others.

So, what say the leaders of Nan and Ban?
To: Ban, Banga, and Maori

From: Chief Earthmover of the Noble Katamari

The Katamari have been fortunate to meet your people through our naval expeditions, and we hope to exist in friendship. My people are young as a nation, but we value hard work and progress. I do not know if the Ban, Banga and Maori have met one another before, but we would gladly introduce you in exchange for introductions to other friends of your countries.
To: Empire of Nan & Lordship of Ban

From: Chief Earthmover of the Katamari

-The Katamari wish for the Nan to end their aggressions against our people, but we cannot accept the terms of declaring war on our friends the Ban.

-We are grateful for the intervention of the Ban to slow the Nan invasion of our lands and we wish to repay this debt, but we are not in a position to offer military support.

-Above all the Katamari wish to continue the development of our Society and our study of the Sciences, and we desire peace among our neighbors. Our wise men are in the midst of a project that will be beneficial to many, and we propose the following agreement so that we may continue our work in peace:

Nan, Ban and Katamari will agree to a peace treaty and nonaggression pact, effective for three turns (ending after update 10). Nan will keep the disputed territory to Katamari’s northeast (yellow border), and Kat will no longer expand to the east of the Mekong river. Ban and Nan may decide their own border. In exchange for Nan's ending aggressions against the Ban and Kats, Katamari will send wise men during the second turn to Nan to teach you the secrets of Metallurgy. We have made great progress in these methods, and peace will ensure that we complete our work. If any nation should break this agreement, the other two shall rightfully retaliate with any means necessary. Following [update 10], none of the three nations shall have any further obligation to the others.

So, what say the leaders of Nan and Ban?

Is peace with Ban so necessary? Need you be concerned with them?
The Nan people believe the Ban will be safer once inside Nan borders.
The treaty is very acceptable, save for the peace with Ban. We would like your promise of no intervention between the fighting of our peoples, in exchange, we will gladly accept your proposal of land and metallurgy, and perhaps an alliance of some sort would be in order.
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