A number (
) of still unresolved issues, often famous problems, seem very tied to the base used, 10 numbers (0-9) and iterations. Examples include the four colour theorem, and (afaik proven a brief time ago) the last theorem of Fermat. Yet i am wondering if there isn't yet sufficient work generalising the use of base so as to present adequate insight on why our own 0-9 system produces these patterns when logically followed through.
As a (very amateur) math-enthusiast, i am often let down by not finding the info i personally deem as important in examining such issues. An example is with the plane used to present all numbers (including imaginary ones). I have read about the basic reason imaginary numbers were presented (to account for some solutions where there is the square root of a negative integer), but i couldn't find any treatises on how irrational (and by extension, complex) numbers fit into out mental sense of numbers, which usually is about ideas of proportion, comparison, position, progression, likeness and difference, distinctness and lack of it.
Maybe some of the uni educated mathematicians in the forum could help provide readings where hopefully such issues are contemplated? By the way, i mean mathematically contemplated, not philosophically (i can do that by myself, thanks, let's not make having a philo degree more than asymptotically approach zero in value :/ ).

As a (very amateur) math-enthusiast, i am often let down by not finding the info i personally deem as important in examining such issues. An example is with the plane used to present all numbers (including imaginary ones). I have read about the basic reason imaginary numbers were presented (to account for some solutions where there is the square root of a negative integer), but i couldn't find any treatises on how irrational (and by extension, complex) numbers fit into out mental sense of numbers, which usually is about ideas of proportion, comparison, position, progression, likeness and difference, distinctness and lack of it.
Maybe some of the uni educated mathematicians in the forum could help provide readings where hopefully such issues are contemplated? By the way, i mean mathematically contemplated, not philosophically (i can do that by myself, thanks, let's not make having a philo degree more than asymptotically approach zero in value :/ ).